My much appreciated help has gone home to rest and recuperate from a cold and, well, being with us for three weeks, so today was the first day I have spent with S by myself in about a month. So our day consisted of running a few simple errands, taking a couple cat naps while she watched "Bet on my Baby" and watching the chickadees. Being in year number five or six with the chickadees, we have become a bird obsessed family. Watching the father come in and out of the house while the mom sits on her eggs and now watching both parents go out for food, chat with each other and us from different perches and feed their newly hatched's fascinating. We love to hear the sounds of the hungry little peepers as they excitedly greet their parents with their worms and suet. After school snack time consisted of peanuts for the kids and front row seats to "Nature Theatre":

The birdhouse is on the far left...a little patch of blue. So neat to watch. Eat your heart out Disney Channel.
After bird watching and playing outside and ending up in a good old fashioned throw sidewalk chalk at each other fight, the children decided they needed to cool off. So they got their baths, pajama'ed up and relaxed before dinner:

Gotta love some sibling bonding. The school year is quickly drawing to a close and the days are getting longer and longer. I welcome this break as a clean slate and a new start for our family. I look forward to it.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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