Monday, May 20, 2013

Flummoxed beyond reason

Well friends and neighbors, I think you must be getting tired of my bellyaching about my sickly child. If you are, I totally understand if you decide to switch over to funny baby videos on youTube for the duration. I will try to be brief. S woke up in a state this morning after a rough evening. Her cellulitis areas on her legs looked like they were spreading or active. She felt itchiness behind her ears. I put Benadryl cream on all the guilty parties, fed her some breakfast, gave her some of her ridiculously strong antibiotics and left, hoping her Nana could get her back to sleep while I went to awards day number one. When I returned 1.5 hours later, my child was sweaty seeping with warm compresses on her legs. I removed them to find an alarming picture and also looked to find bumps on her skin she had reported to be itching. After waking and within an hour, she was itching terribly and was found to have a nice rash going on her trunk area. After just having spoken to the pediatrician's office, I called right back and they immediately got her in to see a dermatologist. This was great fun, because by the time we got to the office an hour later, the rash had spread to her arms, legs and face. We were called in to the exam room, asked 247 questions and were told that she may have a biopsy. This term proved too much for the kid to handle and she lost her, well, she lost it. The NP, Lindsay, came in to find her crying and immediately melted and started comforting her. Then she took a look at her ravaged little body. Trying to ask more investigative questions, she hit a point of frustration and called for the doctor...immediately. This never places confidence in the heart of a parent. The docotr came in, comforted her as well and immediately started combing over her with the RN and the NP. Her feelling was that this was not cellulitis, but instead a severe allergic reaction to something PLUS a secondary reaction to the primary reaction. Huh? They think that her body may be allergic to the preservative that was in the Vitamin K shots she got in the hospital. That or allergic to the Benadryl cream or neosporin cream or the antibiotic cream or the antibiotic...get what I'm saying? They were stumped. So, biopsy time came. My father and I held her down while they gave her a numbing shot right into the most painful area of her leg. Next, they took a good chunk of skin out and stitched her up, one-two-three. At that point, the look in her eyes was of a truly broken spirit. She just gave up and it broke my heart. A rush has been put on the biopsy and we will hopefully hear news tomorrow morning. We got in the car, drove quickly away and got her a milkshake. It started to have some healing power.

Pray for this broken spirit. Please pray for the hub and I. We are running out of brave faces at a time when we need a lot. She needs some good "feels". Soon.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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