I learned today that you can never assume something that looks like a garden hose is indeed a garden hose. Sitting on the front steps on Mrs. Cheryl's house this morning, I noticed a black tube on the ground. I had the iPad out, so I looked around to see what bed she was watering. Looking back down at the hose, I saw it start to move and then narrow. This is when I moved faster than anyone has ever seen me moved before. A decision had to be made: was this worthy of interrupting Cheryl during class? Yes. I got her attention through the storm door. She came to see for herself. After a rake was obtained, the creature disappeared. You would think that would be comforting but, uh, no. She went in to finish class and I was on snake duty...something I never thought I would do. It was sneaky for 5 minutes or so,but then got bold. Cheryl was back out with the rake, trying to relocate it. It wanted to relocate up her front tree. Several times. Finally, it went back into the shrub to hide again. I had to leave before the exciting conclusion, but I imagine Bernard black snake is probably needing a Xanax and a cocktail to soothe his frazzled nerves by now. Poor guy...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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