Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Here we go again...

I have not much in the way of energy at this point. Lots of running and footballing and feeding and consoling and worrying and soccering and laundering and soccering. The dog has lost the majority of the use of her back legs over night it seems. Trying to carry her out to use the bathroom while the hound from hell next door is going ape----(excuse my dashes)...it is just maddening. I will admit to throwing a few hickory nuts at her to make her shut up. My aim wasn't great holding onto Cosby, but she understood I was in a nuclear kind of mood and backed off. Pray for us in the coming days and weeks. I know everybody is getting sick of me talking about it, but she is our first child. We don't want suffering , but we don't want to jump the gun.

My friend Emily was kind enough to help keep me and the children distracted this evening at soccer camp. She brought a game for us to play: The Settlers of Catan. I thank her for the distraction. Now, like an idiot, I am watching NY Med. Love these medical documentary shows, but I bawl through every episode...especially tonight. Tomorrow's another day and the sun will come up tomorrow. Thanks for your understanding and patience. We'll know when her time comes...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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