Our sweet 14 year old lab gave us another scare today. We realize that every day with her now is a gift, but that doesn't make the end any easier. Cosby takes to her food with great gusto, barely breathing while she Hoovers it down. Today we went down to find her listless near a bowl of untouched food. This set off great alarms for me that I tried to keep quiet around the children. I called the hub, who left work to take her to the vet. S knew what was going on and tried her best to not cry, but the tears came anyway. All of us cried through the grocery store, trying our best to stop. B and I sat down with the kids and had a long, weepy discussion about Cosby and all she meant to us. We kept checking in at the vet until finally we went in at 5:30. I cried the whole way there, not knowing what was to come. The report was not as grim as we had thought. She was coming home with new arthritis meds, heartworm pills and flea medication. Her bloodwork was pretty normal for a dog her age...the vet was pleasantly surprised.
Squeals of delight came as the prize pooch walked though the door. It felt so good to know we had her back home for another spell, but I still dread the day when we will be bringing her home to lay her to rest. Morbid, I know, but it is coming sooner rather than later. Until that time, we will soak up as many wet doggy kisses as we can stand, knowing that our lives are better because she has loved us as her own pups. There's nothing like having a dog's love and loyalty and I am sad for those who have to miss out on that. Just nothing like it...
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Made me cry, too. Nothing as pure in this life as the love of one's dog.