Yesterday was quite a day. S had two performances of her choir program on songs of Tennessee. It always gets me misty to see my children in a production, no matter how big or small. To see my daughter dance the Tennessee Waltz, get dumped by her choir boyfriend and dance by herself on the stage got the tears started. To finish it up with "Coat of Many Colors" being sung so sweetly by a girl who lives that song everyday, was a holy event. No melodrama here...just absolute fact. I feel that God places moments in our lives to put all things into perspective. That was one of those times.
After the emotional choir program, I went for a lovely evening with friends to see Breaking Dawn Part 1. Am I a "Twihard"? No. I enjoyed the books for the fact that they were a simple, easy read. No thought was needed, just pure entertainment value. With three children, I don't have time to read anything that requires great thought. If it doesn't get my attention in the first chapter, more than likely it is going back on the shelf. But with this being the 4th movie, my friends and I have a ritual for these movies. We got to eat, then go to Starbucks to get a caffeine fix(to make the midnight showing) and then go wait for the movie to start. This is where we take pictures of each other, competitively people watch and participate in contests to win Team Edward/Jacob posters. Yes it is juvenile, but we have the best time. We laugh at the corny acting and awkward moments. It is a precious time out with girlfriends that is enjoyable. What is never enjoyable, is the Vampire hangover we have the next day. Because it is a midnight showing, we usually don't get home until 3 or 3:30 in the morning. When the kids have to get up at 6am to get ready for school, compounded by the hubby being out of town, it has been a rough day.
Today I have looked desperately for an adoption gift for my now official cousin. Logan Kayin is now a forever member of our family and there is a major shindig to celebrate this event tomorrow. I hate to buy just to buy. I want to find something meaningful and sweet. Yeah, not a hot heaping bowl of success in that department today.
This has been a busy week, but I have learned some valuable things:
1. We may get frustrated, but I think Brian and I have done a pretty good job with our kids and haven't messed them up too much.
2. I am not the person you want picking out hairbows.
3. As much as I enjoy a girls' night out, I find time with my family extremely satisfying and much like breathing...I can't be without it very long.
4. I have found that family treats family worse than they treat friends. I'll never get that concept.
5. Holding a baby never gets old, always lowers my blood pressure and breaks my heart just a little bit.
6. Sometimes people with a good story and show are pretty hollow inside.
7. Little kids, not matter how strong and resilient they seem, crave the simple acts of pure love, attention and a good, intentional hug.
8. I am Team Charlie first and Team Edward a close second.
9. Accidentally poking you child in the eye makes you feel like a steaming heap that you pick up in a stable floor.
10. There is nothing more cleansing than a good hard cry or a long, exhausting laugh.
Food for thought...thanks Don Dare.
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