I am not a celebrity "whore" at all. I don't stalk them or spend all of my money to get as close to them as I can at all times. That being said, I find it exciting, thrilling even, when I get a tiny acknowledgement from a celebrity....big or small. When I was in high school, two friends and I went to Hills department store to catch a glimpse of Charles Shaughnessy, who played Shane Donovan on Days of Our Lives. We stood in line with lots of others, got an autographed picture and a handshake. I even got a "Hello, Love!", which carried me on cloud 9 right out of the store. He later appeared on another one of my favorite shows, The Nanny, as Mr. Sheffield. Yes, ladies, that's right.
So, in the time of Twitter and Facebook, celebrities are much more accessible. Even though they may have millions of followers, you have a chance of being the one tweet or post that catches their eye that day. When it was S's birthday a few months ago, I was determined to get a celebrity to tweet her a birthday message. Why? I don't know. I had seen other people have success with it, so I decided to give it a try. Look who responded...and not with a retweet:
Yes, the Ace of Cakes himself. Let me tell you, his cred went way up with me after that. Nice. So before that happened, I had been tweeting to Alton Brown of Good Eats for a while. No response and much frustration. There was no need to have any really. With 40,000 followers what did I expect? Well, tonight was my night. He seems to like movies references and trivia, so I got him when I mentioned him in the same tweet with The Shining.
Did he speak to me directly? In my own deluded way, I think he did. He saw my tweet and responded. Why does this mean so much if celebrity whore I am not? Well, sometimes I feel like I am invisible and without much to say. It made me feel identified and validated. How sad is that? Not too sad, I don't think. Pick a famous person you really enjoy. Would it give you a bit of a thrill to have them respond to you? Yeah, I thought so. So, I'll revel in my little victory for this evening. Next celebrity on my list? Weird Al. I'll see what I can do.
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