Tonight was the annual Chili Cook Off Hoedown at church to benefit Wesley Woods. Sunday school classes or circles or other district churches contribute their chili and compete for a trophy, based on the monetary donations put in their jar. There are also different desserts that are in competition as well. Each recipe is assigned a number and that number is written on little foam 1/2 cup samples. You walk around, get a sample, try it and then move on to the next type. Some people have cornbread to accompany theirs, oyster crackers, Fritos and sour cream. It turns into a fun evening, discussing which chili you like best, like least and which one you are unsure of what is actually in it. This year, after last year, was full of great expectations....but not for the reasons you might think. Last year was the year of #7. Let me tell you the quickish version of the story.
We were sitting at the table with our friend Ralph and his lovely family. He had a bit of a head start on the sampling, so the kids and I got started(Brian hadn't arrived yet). We tasted a few, enjoyed some tasty cornbread, but hadn't yet found our favorite. Ralph asked us if we had tried #7 yet. "I think it is my favorite so far. You really need to try it!". So, S and I went to the #7 table and got our samples to try. I notice Ralph seemed very interested in our opinions about this particular one. That should have been my first clue, but I was off my game. After my first spoonful and seeing the look on his face, I knew I had been set up. This particular sample possessed the taste of cumin, ground beef, tomato and, um, potting soil. The urge to spit it out was almost uncontrollable. Every new person who joined our table was immediately initiated into the tablehood by having #7 recommended to them. For a year now, every time the number seven has been spoken or shown in fingers, we have cracked up. So our expectations for this night have been great.
I am sad to say that there was no clear competitor for dethroning last year's organic and earthy champion. There was a close one, but no one who had the pepper to dethrone anyone. Now please don't think I am a jerk. People have worked very hard on their chili. I am no Iron Chef. I have the palate of three year old. Chili is not even one of my favorite things to eat, so who am I to cast judgement or aspersions on another. I am not. Ultimately, they made money for Wesley Woods, an absolute gem of a camp where my children go every summer. I do so enjoy the company of the people I sit with every year at the cook off. I really needed a laugh tonight and I got plenty. And, let's point out the obvious, I have not submitted a chili for sampling and judgement. Next year maybe I need to do it. Who's the chicken? Bahgawk!!!
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