When the hub and I were in college, we had a very good friend who was studying Animal Science...concentrating in swine I think. He was quite the ladies' man, a cute Hawaiian farm boy, who always freely gave hugs to everyone. His favorite time to give hugs, especially to the squeamish girly girls, was when he had just left his duties with the pigs and was covered with their very pungent bouquet. He was so darn loveable, you wanted to punch him, hug him and get the stench off all at the same time. I also have farmers in my family and spent some summers with my great aunt and uncle outside of Chicago on their pig farm. I am not too good to get "stanky". Today the boy and I cleaned out all the garden beds and surrounding pea gravel, spread 13 bags of soil and covered all the beds with landscaping cloth to prevent the nasty weeds. Yes, it was a Sunday and a day of rest. We went to church and then had our restful, relaxing time with the beautful earth God created for us. It was nice...but. I have worked with various and sundry forms of organic material. I have smelled some rank stuff. Today's topsoil smelled like a hug from our pig farmer friend. After carrying several of those bags, I started to smell like him myself. Our trip home from the store with the bags was very humorous. All the windows were down and we had our heads partially out the windows to try and catcha whiff of fresh air. It was brutal. I took the equivalent of about 17 showers if you measure how much soap I used to scrub that stench off of myself. I think it is in my nose and my pores. I can't get it out. If you pass me tomorrow or give me a hug, hold your breath. I just can't tell if the stank is all gone. Half a bar of Dial would indicate a "yes", but who knows. Either way, we are ready to receive some veggie plants now:

Don't be jealous. You are getting the elegant HVAC view. That's an expensive view.
Night all.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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