Our day started off in a normal typical fashion. I went to work out and got my rear end kicked...which I deserved. After a little trip to the grocery store and a hot shower to take some of the pain of squats away, we readied ourselves for our much anticipated guests. Instead of trying to explain the different family connections and what person married what other person, I will just say that my two nephews came to visit today. C is here in school at UT and Abraham, who you may remember from some of our past holidays, is living and working in Iowa. He flew in a few days ago to make a trip to Atlanta. Since he is from Nigeria, he had to go to Atlanta to reapply for Visa stuff and all that complicated business to keep him in the country. I ask that you say a prayer that he can stay in the country. He is working so hard and doing so well, but so are many others in his same situation. The slots to be able to get the necessary paperwork and approval give him about a 25% chance to stay in the US. We sure hope he can be in that 25%. Anyway, we had a wonderful day with them, playing basketball and soccer and having lunch and gelatos together. They all had a wonderful time and were so grateful for their attention and kindness. What a great day!

On another note, G leaves tomorrow with scads of other recently graduated 5th graders to go on the AAA Safety Patrol trip to Washington DC. It makes my mom tummy a bit sick to think of her going, but she is going to have a great time. They are in a little isolated bubble and get to have such exciting opportunities. Just say a prayer for her and her safety comrades.
One last thing. A friend contacted me tonight. Her friend's 4 year old daughter has been diagnosed with leukemia. Please pray for her, her family and her doctors. Medicine has come such a long way, but I am sure that is of little comfort for parents processing such devastating news. Thanks to all you prayer warriors out there.
I am going to bed. 3:30 is going to come awfully early, but it is necessary to get a girl to the bus on time. Night all.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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