Thursday, January 1, 2015

Make way for the new...

When I was a youngster, I was obsessed with Annie. Ob-SESSED! My cousin Eric, who has the most wonderful voice, and I would sing and run through the house with the soundtrack blaring. I had the doll, the soundtrack, the book, probably some sheets or a pillowcase and maybe an adjustable ring with her curly mop on it. So when I saw that a new version was out, I was leery. And no, cynical people, it was not because of race or anything of the sort. I am of the old school thought of, why remake something that was perfectly good the first time it was made? So it was with great resistance that my oldest and I went to the theatre to watch the remake. Shame. On. Me. It was so very good. I cried probably 37 times...okay, legitimately 5. I was delighted at how funny it was. I did miss "You're never fully dressed without a smile...". Oh well. I must go text my cousin and take a walk down memory lane. Have a good one....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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