Sometimes Copper gets spiteful and chews up the woodwork and I question whether or not she truly loves us or is sending us the "Get me the heck out of here!" message....but not really. She is chewing up the woodwork to get to us...she wants every waking moment she spends to be with us or on us or around us. As a human I forget that. I like time with people, but I also like time by myself. I need that time. She needs her people time...and I fail her every day when I forget that.
Today, my brother and sister in law had to say goodbye to their sweet dog Maggie. What a gentle natured girl she was. When we lost our Cosby a couple years ago, Maggie and her daughter Dakota were the first dogs our children could bear to be around in the days and weeks after her passing. Maggie walked up to our oldest, who was desperately struggling, and put her paw up on her leg just so very softly. They always said she was "blessing" you and it really felt like she did. Just made you unclench your fists and soften your heart a bit. When she did that to S, you could see the hurt start to leave and the healing begin. Dogs know; they sense.
So tonight, say a little prayer for M and D and Maggie's daughter Dakota. Their house has lost a furry heartbeat and is a bit quieter this evening. Heaven is a sweeter, gentler place now that she has entered it. Godspeed, sweet Maggie.

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Thank you for that Jenny. It got me all teary eyed again. Maggie was a sweet dog and apparently, she thought she was royalty in a past life. Who knows, maybe she was! We will all miss her!