Monday, June 9, 2014

Trapped in the TV room

Our Monday started off with lots of hammer and electric drills or impact screwdrivers a little bit before 7am. Why not? We want our house back and this took a good step towards making that happen. I had a healthy to do list today and was up and at 'em, ready to whittle that thing down. Then the drywall finishers arrived. They were new and nice enough, but I couldn't leave them there. The dog would have driven them insane. Then the bug guy came to spray the entire yard for mosquitoes. So the girls, the dog and I were trapped in the family room. We couldn't go outside for fear of poisoning ourselves or the dog. We couldn't roam the house for fear of stepping in drywall mud puddles and asphyxiating on sheetrock dust. Everytime I opened the family room door to answer one of the workmans' questions, the dog managed to slink out to go visit. One of the men balanced himself on two of the ladder's legs whils holding a thing of mud and his mud knife. Insert just a=bout any Curious George book here. They finally left at four and I took the girls out for a treat and some sunlight. Throughout the day, we constantly said two things: (1) Won't this be nice when it is done? and (2) Wonder what F is doing at camp right now.

Tomorrow we are workman free while the mud dries. We will go get the boy at camp and ready a girl to leave Thursday. It's an exciting place, this house.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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