We took sweet G to Goalkeeper camp today. We felt like strangers in a strange land having to negotiate our city's university campus of which we are almost completely ignorant. Finally arriving at the dorm where she is staying...did you hear me say DORM?...we got her bed made and quickly realized we had left a blanket at home and just had sheets for her. Then her roommate and suitemates arrived. All three were from Chattanooga, players and the same team and best buddies. I saw G's look of "Great. They'll leave me out because they are all friends." Then the mom got a little bit snooty when we explained that G played rec league and had only recently joined a club team. "Oh. REC league...hmmm." When we left, she had gone in the room to visit with her new friends and we left. Debbie Downer that I am fretted the whole way home, almost in tears about how it was going to be awful and what did I do to my baby and being a super pessimist. The hub, not wanting his kid to freeze at night and wanting to take advantage of the invitation to parents to watch their nightly scrimmages, went to watch practice and take her some blankets. He proudly reported that she was getting quite the workout, doing lots of drills, getting correction and getting compliments as well. Shame on me, oh mom of little faith. She is my amazing G and brings me to my knees every day with what she can accomplish. I love that kid.

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