Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The hub's a pin cushion

Today the hub went to the surgery clinic to start the process of injections all over again. November 12 of lst year, he had major back surgery on his L4-L5 region. Unfortunately, we are back in the land of bad back pain and epidural steroid injections. Today was one of three he could possibly have. While he was IV'ed up and in LaLaLand dreaming of happy pain-free backs, I was in the waiting room laughing out loud at season 4 of The IT Crowd. I had to bite my tongue a few times or risk getting dirty looks for the guffaws coming from my belly. Afterwards, I took the hub to get lunch in his empty belly and then home for a nap to try and sleep off the rest of the sleepy juice. Praying this goes well and takes this time.

On another health note, my Uncle David had surgery today to remove a tumor/cyst/unwanted mass from the base of his neck. After a longer surgery and bigger incision than previously thought, he is out and being called the "Miracle Man" by his docs. They did not have to cut any nerves and the growth did not go into the bone. We are just waiting to find out the results of the biopsy. Our prayer is for no cancer.

Completely different note, my son informed me, as I was peeling potatoes to make soup, that potatoes can be male or female...depending on if they have make up on their eyes. It is a good thing the knife was not in my hand. I would have cut my hand off laughing so hard. Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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