So for some reason, I have started watching this season of American Horror Story: Coven. When I was in middle school, high school and college, I loved scary movies. The scarier the better. I don't know what it is, but after I had children I lost the stomach for the really scary stuff. I would watch action things and the serial crime drama, but none of the real hard stuff. The other day, in the midst of folding a mountain of socks and underwear, I went on demand and started watching this program. It has become like a spectacle...I can't take m eyes off of it. I am now completely caught up with the season and will be watching tonight but not sleeeping afterward. Jessica Lange has never been one of my favorite actresses though I completely appreciate her talent. She is fabulous in this.
On a completely different note, I got my hair cut today and got ingredients to make a new kind of pumpkin muffin. That is as exciting as my life is. Maybe tomorrow will be different.
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OOooh, pumpkin muffins?? Can we get the recipe? Please!?!