Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Thinking pink tonight...

It was a run of the mill day today. Laundry, straightening, a little snooze to try and catch up from the two hours of sleep I got last night. While doing laundry in the basement, I turned the radio on to my morning show with Marc and Kim. I had read on Twitter that they would have an announcement in the 8:00 hour and that it was something Kim would be dealing with for the next several months. In my gut, I had a feeling I knew what it was, but I hoped I would be wrong. As I listened, Kim announced that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer and would be undergoing a double mastectomy next Tuesday. I cried at the announcement, at the callers giving support, at Marc showing love and compassion for his friend and partner at work. We have been listening to their morning show for 10 years, I think, and they feel like part of our family. We've met them at various appearances around town, but don't know them personally. Her announcement has stayed with me all day. Breast cancer has touched my family and friends in too many ways. It is a horrible disease...just horrible. I am so very thankful for the medical community and their tireless efforts to find a cure.

Tonight I will add Kim to my prayer list and say extra prayers of thanks for the strong surviviors whose lives inspire me and prayers of remembrance for those who we lost too soon. Night all...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. My 1st cousin, Chris Ann, died 8 months after her 3rd son was born. She was 36. Her oldest boy is a Senior in high school, her youngest is 11. It is so unfair that Edward never knew his mom beyond pictures and stories.
    I watch a ton of college football, so great to see many teams wearing pink accessories this month to raise money and awareness.
