Saturday, October 12, 2013

My skin is Octoburned again

The countdown is on Two weeks left...I think. While I love soccer, this Fall season is going to be the death of us all. Again, as I stated last Saturday, I find it absolutely absurd that in mid-October I am getting burnt in June-like weather. Today I walked to my children's games with round sunglasses and a bucket hat. I looked like a 41 year old reject cast member from The Breakfast Club. If I had worn some Jellies on my feet, held a boom box and had my asymmetrical haircut from high school, it would have been '80's throwback day at the fields. Luckily my children were too busy actually playing soccer to be potentially embarrassed by me, thank goodness. Oh well, girls just wanna have fun.

The hub and the boy are extra tired tonight after their Father-Son camp out adventure. They had a great time, but are looking forward to their comfy beds tonight. Actually, the boy is already in his and I imagine that he was conked out after head met pillow.

I'm going to put some green stuff on this sunburn, get some ice water and go to bed. Tomorrow is a work day for me with all the little guys and gals at church, so I need to get in some z's. Hopefully sleep will happen tonight. If not, I'm sure Sixteen Candles or some other 80's jewel will be on ABC Family. Night...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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