First off let me get this out of the way. Not trying to go blue on the blog, just stating the facts. Ate some raw cookie dough today and it has wrecked my stomach this evening. This may be a short post tonight. Sorry for the TMI, but that's life. And, yes. It was very good, so it was almost worth it. Adding to my tummy upset is the fact that I am watching Deadliest Catch and a guy just had a mortar firecracker thing blow up in his hand. Tendons cut in two and major fractures being set. Blurgh. Chew on that as you enjoy your crab legs.
I took the children to the Y to have a dip in the pool this afternoon. It never ceases to amaze me what people choose to do whilst in public, soaking wet and in tight, stretchy material. From the public displays of affecion that force me to have yet another conversation about bodies and touching and, oh you understand, to parents spanking their children right into their fluorescent colored swimmies and full body flotation suits. I did get asked to do a job while watching the kids swim: I held the lifeguard's rings while she touched up paint on some wooden Cornhole things. The other guard was too busy grumping at S about having a bandaid on her leg to watch the 5th grader who had my son in an underwater head lock. It isn't always this way, but of course our first trip had to be a doozy. I decided to be the extra cool mom and take the kids to Sonic afterwards for a happy hour treat. "Slushies all around," I yelled. The glee factor was high in the Sequoia, until... Well apparently this particular Sonic did not desire to really make money this afternoon, because all they had to offer was iced tea. I'm no dummy. My sweet, innocent children looked up at me with those cupie doll eyes and said, "We'll have tea. That's fine." You could see the firelight of excitement and opportunity on their little faces. Like Oliver holing up his bowl for another helping. Yeah right. My momma didn't raise a dingbat daughter. As soon as the caffeine in that tea activates, so will my kids. Boiling spaghetti and peeling a 6 year old off the ceiling is not my idea of a sane afternoon. So I spun tires out of Sonic and they got sugar free fudgesicles, probably slightly freezer burnt, at home instead of slushies. Sorry kids. I'll pay for the therapy.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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