Friday, June 7, 2013

Dog bath drama

So tis the time of the year when kids and dogs get cruddy and stinky. They go out in the morning and come back at dinner time grungy and ready to be hosed off. This afternoon Cosby dog's dirty level hit a new high which meant one thing: the front of everybody. Oh, how humiliating. Before the hose came out, the hub had to use the shedding tool on her to get the extra hair off. No point in washing hair that will fall in the floor. This is what it looked like:

She was not pleased. At all. But this was nothing compared to what was coming. The hose came on and the oatmeal shampoo came out. The look on her face was of complete disgust. The neighbor dog was barking in protest of the atrocities being committed in her presence. But she was getting clean AND we found a tick:

And then it got really interesting. Because Cosby has always been lively and exciteable, she has always worn a choke collar. Nothing cruel, but necessary. It was being held while she was getting hosed off and dried with towels. She stood and took it like a champ and then, all of a sudden, a strange, loud groan came out from what seemed like her bowels. And then she keeled over. Hub and I looked at each other with the look of "S%^&! She's dead." Then all of a sudden, she blinked her eyes and shook her head. She still was on the ground, but she was alive. Then we remembered that she had done this once before at the vet's office. She pulls too hard on her chain, cuts her air off and passes out. Talk about the family of freak occurrences.

I swear it is never dull around our house. Ever.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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