The day started off with a surprising snow, initially alarming, but quickly melting off once the sun came up and got to work. Work was work...not much to mention there. I did have one of my little boys tell me that he planned to go "huntin' them birds" this afternoon. Good to have goals, buddy.
I have had my fill of football, but I always enjoy expressing my opinions on the different commercials. I took S to bells, choir and a youth bowl party. Prior to this, she and I went to our grocery of choice, Kroger, to get a 2-liter and a snack as her contribution to the party. The crowd and parking more than rivaled that of Christmas Eve or the day before Thanksgiving. I've never seen so many carts full of fried snacks in my life. We grabbed a Sprite and some hulless corn and beat it out of there. I could have done with nerve medication for fear of running over one of about 70 people rushing home to make their seven layer dip or wings for the big game. Having no plans, we used our remaining pizza crust dough to make pizzas and watch he spectacle. Once the lights turned out and the sportscasters were grasping at straws as to what to say next, I turned to watch aristocracy deal with death and prostitutes whilst flipping back to to see if any good commercials were redeeming the disappointing offerings of the first half. Meh. Not really. Episode five has concluded and the game is much closer, so you know what time it is? Alias reruns on demand. Night all....
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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