Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hey, you got dirt on your forehead...

So, um, after a night of little sleep due to the fact that my big, huge grown up body cannot handle a grown up dose of Benadryl. As Cosmo Kramer calls it, Benadryl gives me the "Jimmy Legs" and I thrash around like some sort of weirdo. On top of that, we have a gutter/downspout issue going on right outside the window on my side of the bed. If the sound was a steady drip, drip, drip, it would be one thing. Instead, it sounds like a birds is inside the wall trying to peck at bugs randomly. I got up at one point and pounded on the wall, hoping that the rain creature in the wall would shut up. The hub turned over and looked at me as though I was insane. Partially true. Benadryl psychosis. I ended up across the room on the floor with extra pillows over my head. Then began the nightmares that our dog kept finding mice all over our breakfast room. Yuck. So my morning started in a grumpy way. I needed to get my mind right....quickly. My first order of business was to purchase Valentiney stuff for the children and a birthday gift for my brother the Valentine baby. I then went home and attempted to take a nap. At the same time, my phone decided to blow up with calls and text messages for the next hour. Finally I gave up, calmed my hair down and left to go to church. I sat down in our chapel and contemplated Lent and what my sacrifice or addition would be. This year has been harder than most. I give up the some thing every year, so I feel a change is in order. After the message I got the ashes on my forehead and went on my way. You forget quickly that you have the ashes on your head...and then you go out in public. I don't care if people stare. It just takes me a minute to remember and understand why my friend in the produce section of the grocery store points at my head and motions for me to wipe it off. I need those ashes...that dirty forehead...because it reminds me of the 40 day journey I am beginning. I look forward to it.

But tonight, I'm snuggling with the boy and reading "Castle" by David McCaulay. I will halve my Benadryl dose and pray that my Jimmy Legs are calm. Otherwise tomorrow, cross the street when you see me. I will not be a delight to be around. Positive thoughts, friends.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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