He had a great last day, complete with their own Field Day. I am so grateful to that place for the love and learning they have given all our children. He has been unusually quiet and "unhungry" this afternoon. I think the reality of leaving preschool finally hit him. Really pitiful to watch.
My sweet G had her field day today. I was unable to attend due to work scheduling and it broke my heart. Luckily, the hub was able to go for the morning and my 'rents came for the afternoon. G is one of the most competitive kids I know. She turns everything into a race and works hard to win. Her favorite event on this day is Tug of War. No contest. She is hard core...watch out. My friend D snapped the best picture. Hard core:

That is the best face ever. While I was so sad to miss, I was so glad to have people watching and taking care of her when I couldn't.
Missing field day and having my son graduate preschool were both tough for me today. I managed to not fall apart in front of anyone in public. Just had a meltdown in the car. That's acceptable....right?
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Every day, with all the world weighing down on you, that you make it out of bed, no matter what your condition is when you return to it, is an act of bravery worthy of the Medal of Honor.