Thursday, May 10, 2012

Gotta blood pressure cuff?

Busy day, so was everyone's. Had my son's last open house at preschool tonight. I don't want to talk about it. Makes me want to cry. We had a make up soccer game during our regular practice. This I want to talk about.

I am not going to take up a lot of time. This is a road we have gone down before. What I do wonder is, um, why would you coach a team of K-2nd graders if you want to pace like a caged jungle cat and scream like Bobby Knight? Does it make you feel like a big man to tell your players to elbow and jeer at the other team? Well, your behavior was noted. The way you spoke to your players was noted. The way you spoke to the youth ref was noted. When I see you, coach, in the mutual pace we see each other every week, I will take the high road and treat you respectfully. I will show my children how adults act appropriately. The I will go home and beat the feathers out of my pillow down in the basement.

I am now going to eat some ice cream and try to lower my blood pressure.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. YOU ROCK!

    Seriously, managing to maintain your cool & make the better model for all around is a lost art for most of the world population. You may not get the recognition you deserve in this life, but what a crown you are building for the next.

  2. You are kind to say that, but my heart and mind were no example last night. At least I didn't say anything directly to him. I wanted to, though. I really did.

  3. Even Jesus showed His temper, He whipped the money-grubbers out of the temple. You remind me of Peter in the midst of the storm. He may have started to doubt, but he was the only one with the courage to get out of the boat. I'm sure I would have had my arms locked around the mast & my eyes shut.
