It is the start of a busy week. My primary job is one of a stay at home mom, but I also am on the church staff as an ECM assistant and also a sub for our preschool. These jobs are fun but log not too many hours. All of the money goes directly into the remodel account at the credit union. I also make and sell bears and different bunnies. Again, sparse. Twice a year I participate in the Picky Chick children's consignment sale. I have found that, if you take the time and do it right, you can turn a fairly nice profit. This week is one of those times. I successfully dropped off my wares, except for possibly taking some bunnies. We'll see if I can get enough done. Here is the latest friend:

As part of my volunteer shifts to get the largest percentage of earning I can, I am making three meals. Plus I have scouts and soccer and church and homework and pitiful dogs and church job and sleep sometime. So I found this extra funny and appropriate for me this week:

If you find me wandering around somewhere or in the fetal position, you'll know why. Have a great evening....
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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