Thursday, February 9, 2012

Soup head day

Well, the sinus/allergy crud has hit me. I was supposed to sub and hold the little babies today, but scratchy throat prevented that from happening. So after picking up black tights for the girls for the father daughter dance, I went home to conk out. I received a call from G's teacher saying she had accidentally stabbed herself with a pencil and could I please bring some Neosporin to put on it. That girl is me made over in so many ways. I performed my nurse duties and was on my way...still a bit on the foggy side. Luckily, my favorite movie was on for me to snooze away the morning. Nothing says "snooze" like watching Jimmy Stewart watching his neighbors.

I did make two new bunnies. One has already been wrapped up and prepared for a birthday gift. The other is not my favorite, but:

The Dino spikes on his back didn't turn out well in the picture, so...sorry.

The funny story today involves a little conversation that G and the boy had in the back of the car this afternoon. It is Personal Safety time at preschool, and the boy has been hearing about stranger danger and good touches/bad touches and different body parts. It was also pajama day today. He said to G, "It was a great day...and we talked about strangers and what to do and gave baby dolls with parts baths!". G said, "Was that stuff the great part of your day? The stranger danger and all that stuff? That made your day great?!?!". He said, "No, sissy, we had cereal for snack.". G, "Oh thank goodness. I was thinking you were really off.". I don't know. I just thought that was funny. They are silly little people.

Time to go make a hot toddy. Not really looking forward to it, but if it helps...let's go. Sorry if I snore....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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