Let me start off by saying, I appreciate all 3 of you who read this little blog. I enjoy writing about my crazy family and strange people at restaurants. I love it when I actually get to make people laugh. I never intended this to be the "Bully Rant Blog". But, I am drowning in a sea of rage and don't know where to look for a life preserver. Have I made her too much of a goody goody? Have I emphasized manners and not saying the Lord's name in vain and keeping a clean mouth too much? Is it the kiss of death to be liked by adults at your educational institution? It kind of sucks when you realize that, in trying to teach your child to be a good kid, you've screwed them over when it comes to peer relationships. Am I saying I'm such a great parent? Heck no! My child is being purposely excluded by the females in her grade and whispered about in front of her face. I feel that I have a hand in making her a big bullseye. When I, or any other adult, come to her aid, things just get worse. She would never say anything for fear of hurting feelings, but I know from her body language and reaction, that the relief from the rescuing adult is merely temporary when she knows what is coming later. I ask her what she wants done and she says she can handle herself...and that she'll let me know when it gets too much. Should I trust her? Should I step in and risk making it worse? I just don't know. All I know is that I covet your prayers for clarity and strength during this time. And prayers for her to get her through this.

She's a tough girl and can get right back up after being taken out by a boy. She can handle these creeps. I just don't give her enough credit. She's small but mighty.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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