Today was an interesting day. It started off in kind of a wet and dreary way. The kids went to school and I ran errands. Then, after perusing the Lego nation at Target, I went home to clean and sort mounds of laundry. While I enjoy the break that T/Th's without kids provides, I find them to be extremely lonely. So, while sorting the laundry, I find odd programs to have on for background noise. I can't even tell you what I watched...the remote was buried under the laundry and I worked to find it by putting laundry away. After getting that done, I went to get the boy from school. We went to see his allergist, Dr. Ellenburg. We were delighted to find out that Fin is now down to yearly visits with him....hopefully never to have to progress to shots ever. Fin was delighted to show the doc and NP how his skeleton shirt glowed in the dark and could dance. It's the little things, you know? After arriving home, the kids prepared for soccer. The Brain was very disappointed to not have the stalker neighbor girl experience today. He was prepared to go to war if the acorn throwing started again. Well, we are safe for another day. I prepared for my once a year outing of the grown up kind. My "sister" and I went to eat and to a haunted tour of Blount Manson, well really the area around the mansion and downtown. It was nice to have adult conversation and grown up food and beverage and good laughs and a rainy, interesting walk downtown. We have decided to start writing material for and preparing for the haunted tour of our own neighborhood next year. Highlighting the house burnt down by an insane person, the place where the attack dog lives, the street where there is excess litter. Interesting and chilling info like that! It was a fun evening and I learned some things:
(1) scallops taste so much better whenI don't prepare them myself
(2) Ghost stories are all in the delivery
(3) I need to be better about purging items in them fridge. Apparently Sarah said her yogurt tasted weird tonight. When Brian looked at the foil tab top, it read "Aug 17". Don't judge me...they dug it out from the bowels of the fridge. Okay, bad choice of words.
(4) any sequel to "The Dancing Outlaw" has got to be entertainment gold....and full of drugs and profanity.
(5) My husband is a smart aleck for teasing me about my compromised bladder integrity(due to three children)when headed out on a haunted tour. I didn't have one accident out of fear, or for any other reason.
(6) As hard as it is, I love being a stay at home mom and really miss my kids when I am daway from them.
(7) My husband is a saint for putting up with me and I so appreciate him letting me have a break.
Tomorrow is a day full of excitement, so time to ZZzZZzZzZZzzzzzz........
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