Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Who is funny to you?

I come from a family of funny people....funny, sarcastic people. My poor husband certainly had a baptism by fire when he was first introduced to our clan. He has learned, through years of practice, that in order to survive life with me and my people, you gotta give as good as you get. I remember my parents letting us listen to their many Bill Cosby albums when we were little. Listening to him talk like an overly concussed football player trying to sell razors sent us over the edge every time. Listening to Tommy and Dicky Smothers sing and argue....and sing. Stan Freberg's skits, Bob Newhart and his button down mind, Jonathan Winters and my personal favorite, Bob and Ray. All these people contributed to my warped mind and sense of humor. My brother can make me laugh harder than just about any adult I know. He is so quick. My mind reels at how he can come up with responses so fast. And he is the funniest person in my kids' world as well.

My children are a great source of humor for me. I'd like to think we helped contribute to that. Sarah's prayer when she was 4, "Dear Lord, Thank you for the chicken tenders that Kroger made and Mommy bought," and the fact that she called her prized whoopee cushion from Mr. Gatti's a "weeping pillow" because she couldn't remember the name. Gracie's constant Mr. T impersonations that are dead on and her physical comedy rivals that of Chevy Chase...Molly Shannon. And Fin, who has diarrhea of the mouth basically all the time. He told his cousin today that his soccer games would be harder than most kids because he would be "playing against other people". Uh, okay. And, as boy bathroom humor goes, he told me his hands were so cold, "I don't want go potty and touch my penis. My hands are so cold they might freeze it and it'll break off.". Hahahahaha!!! Anyway, whatever gives you a good gut laugh, embrace it. I truly believe people who laugh often live longer. And if that is true, my family will have me living until I am 300!

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