Sunday, September 25, 2011

Rub a dub dub...some kids and corn in a tub

Today we went for our traditional trip to the Oakes Farm for a lively romp through the corn maze. Every year it gets better and this year was no exception. They have what they call the "Back 40", with lots of entertainment to more than sufficiently wear your child out and leave them looking like Pig Pen from Peanuts with a little cloud of dust in their wake. As evidenced by the picture above, one of the favorite events was burying each other in a tub of corn. All five were in there, but I forgot to get their parents' permission, so I won't put their pictures up. We went with our dear friends who we have "corn mazed" with for many years. Pre-children, we would go as couples to a different maze when the craze was starting to be popular. This was the time when going at night was an option and not the cause for future therapy sessions. My friend and I played Harry Potter shouting "Lumos" all over to try and find our way around while our husbands just shook their heads. Haunted corn mazes are fun and creepy...until you have children. Then, the dynamic of going changes drastically. When Sarah came along, we didn't let her cramp our corn maze style. We just strapped her in the backpack and went on the night hunt. All was fine....UNTIL. We had failed to read the fine print that this was HAUNTED maze night. While still fun, my friend and I were not only pregnant but Sarah was there. We learned lots of things that night. One, teenagers getting minimum wage to scare people in a maze take their jobs very seriously. Two, pregnant women drinking warm beverages, having compromised bladders and getting scared every 5 to 10 minutes is not a great plan. Three, having a 2 year old strapped to your back in said maze and having enthusiastic teens in Gilly suits jumping out with knives is the stuff therapy and serial killers are made of. After the last 15 year old boy jumped in Sarah's face, Brain got more than a bit annoyed and we were given the fast track out of the maze.

We survived this year, though there was a fair amount of whining about going in the second part of the maze. Eagle scout husband of mine was determined to reach all checkpoints and have us out of there in record time...which he did. The kids each got a pumpkin sipper drink and some precious rocks to take I can suck them up in the vacuum later. My friend and I plan to go back together and do the haunted maze sans children. Just am not ready to have extra little people sleeping with us for the next month.

Simple, fun times are what we need in our busy lives. Simple, fun times are what we got....that and dried corn in the boy's underwear.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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