Sunday, November 27, 2016

Fitting tribute

This weekend has been one for funerals. I left after work today and headed out of town and home to attend the funeral of one of our closest family friends. When we moved from Missouri to Tennessee, our next door neighbors welcomed us to the neighborhood with open arms. Their children were two and four years younger than I was and made fun playmates...and they had a swing set! Soon enough, we spent every Christmas Eve with them...we picnicked and block partied and Fun Fested and everything elsed. Even when we moved down one block, all of these things still continued even though the moms cried at the though of a one block move. Pretty sweet, I think. As all the kids grew up and married and our parents remained in town, visiting as they walked the neighborhood and bring hot meals to each other through sickness and surgeries and deaths. Then a little of a decade ago, our neighbors informed my parents that the husband had been diagnosed with the beginnings of dementia. They handled everything with grace and made sure that he maintained his dignity. His children were devoted and came in from out of town on a regular basis to visit and take care of him and their mom. Even just two weeks ago, they had a 78th birthday party for him. My parents called to give me a report and tell me about seeing their children. I keep up with their daughter on Instagram and we see each other every so often as we live in the same town. He passed away last week, a blessing really. So today, I went to his funeral. What a lovely tribute to a man who lived life to the fullest, loved trains, Tennessee football, his Friend and family and God. I sat with high school friends who I hadn't seen in 25 years, even saw my third grade teacher. Afterward, I was able to go home and visit with my parents for a while. A nice afternoon.

I am currently holding my eyelids up with toothpicks. I'm exhausted. I'm going to hug my family and go to bed.

Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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