Tonight was the children's Christmas program at church. Because December is always so very busy, our church has tried to end all major programming during the week by the end of November. That way we can enjoy and worship in December and truly prepare ourselves during the Advent season for the birth of Jesus. The choirs all did a great job and were as cute as can be. The boy's group put on a musical western called "The Loaned Manger". It was so very cute and the kids did a wonderful job. This program always gets me and I have lots of feels and maybe even a few tears. Just so sweet and they are so enthusiastic about their faith. I love it.
It has been a long and busy day. Say a prayer for the Walker family. More has come out in the news about the murder of their daughter. Just so devastated for the family.
Night all.
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Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
We went to bed last night full of worry for our beautiful neighbors and mountains in the surrounding counties. Wildfires have been raging for weeks and weeks wih devastating results. Last night it reached a fever pitch: videos of flames licking at the doors of houses and businesses; people grabbing everything they could to get in their cars before they could no longer safely leave; horrifying pictures of glowing landscapes and red skies. A few desperately needed showers came for a little bit and calmed some of the flames, but things are still burning and the devastating aftermath is there for everyone to see. Please pray for these people who have lost their homes, their livelihoods. Just so terrible. Pray for these people.
We are currently icing G's other knee...not the one that got whacked, but the other one. She pointed out to me a week or more ago that it felt kind of spongy and it did. Kind of gross. Well, it has obviously gotten a whole lot of fluid on it and we are trying to get it to go down. So we are calling her Sponge Knee Square Pants. Gotta have some humor in this post.
Night all.
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We are currently icing G's other knee...not the one that got whacked, but the other one. She pointed out to me a week or more ago that it felt kind of spongy and it did. Kind of gross. Well, it has obviously gotten a whole lot of fluid on it and we are trying to get it to go down. So we are calling her Sponge Knee Square Pants. Gotta have some humor in this post.
Night all.
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Monday, November 28, 2016
Not much to say
It has been a Monday for sure and I am ready for bed. I cleaned our room and made turkey barley soup...well, it turned into turkey barely goop from sitting in the crock pot too long. It was good still, just kind of resembled mush. The boy had a pack meeting at scouts today and got a new pin for his hat. We went to the scout shop and got his new uniform. It's the one that looks like a Boy Scout uniform. So stinking cute. He's growing up awfully fast.
I've got to go listen to a Christmas decorating idea from one of the kids. Guess I need to get on the decorating here soon. Just trying to get my mind right for Advent. My attitude is not one to welcome Baby Jesus in a few weeks.
Night all.
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I've got to go listen to a Christmas decorating idea from one of the kids. Guess I need to get on the decorating here soon. Just trying to get my mind right for Advent. My attitude is not one to welcome Baby Jesus in a few weeks.
Night all.
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Sunday, November 27, 2016
Fitting tribute
This weekend has been one for funerals. I left after work today and headed out of town and home to attend the funeral of one of our closest family friends. When we moved from Missouri to Tennessee, our next door neighbors welcomed us to the neighborhood with open arms. Their children were two and four years younger than I was and made fun playmates...and they had a swing set! Soon enough, we spent every Christmas Eve with them...we picnicked and block partied and Fun Fested and everything elsed. Even when we moved down one block, all of these things still continued even though the moms cried at the though of a one block move. Pretty sweet, I think. As all the kids grew up and married and our parents remained in town, visiting as they walked the neighborhood and bring hot meals to each other through sickness and surgeries and deaths. Then a little of a decade ago, our neighbors informed my parents that the husband had been diagnosed with the beginnings of dementia. They handled everything with grace and made sure that he maintained his dignity. His children were devoted and came in from out of town on a regular basis to visit and take care of him and their mom. Even just two weeks ago, they had a 78th birthday party for him. My parents called to give me a report and tell me about seeing their children. I keep up with their daughter on Instagram and we see each other every so often as we live in the same town. He passed away last week, a blessing really. So today, I went to his funeral. What a lovely tribute to a man who lived life to the fullest, loved trains, Tennessee football, his Friend and family and God. I sat with high school friends who I hadn't seen in 25 years, even saw my third grade teacher. Afterward, I was able to go home and visit with my parents for a while. A nice afternoon.
I am currently holding my eyelids up with toothpicks. I'm exhausted. I'm going to hug my family and go to bed.
Night all.
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I am currently holding my eyelids up with toothpicks. I'm exhausted. I'm going to hug my family and go to bed.
Night all.
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Saturday, November 26, 2016
Outpouring of Love
We went to the services today for sweet Emma Walker. SO heartbreaking. It was hard for the boy to know how exactly to react and know what to do once he saw his teacher with her family at the front. We just told him to tel her he loved her and that he was so sorry. There's nothing that can take away their pain, that's for sure. There were so many people there for sure. Young and old. It made me think back to my senior year of high school when I lost one of my best friends in a car accident. The shock and grief and numbness and walking through the day in a haze. I think it made at least my children feel a bit of relief to see their teacher and be able to hug her and make sure she knew people were caring for her. Their son absolutely broke my heart. As a mom, it killed me and I think all the moms wanted to scoop him up and hug it all away. I really do pray that the outpouring of love will give them some strength and comfort during this horrible time. They have a long road to go with grief and the legal proceedings that will come as a result of what happened. Just please keep them in your prayers.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Friday, November 25, 2016
This week has been different!
Guest Post from DH:
My heart is still in shock over the death/murder of the CHS Cheerleader this week. I cannot fathom the shock of the parents and family. I can't even begin to formulate what I will say to the grieving family at the receiving of friends. I can't change the past, so I will look for words to offer hope and comfort.
It makes me proud to see the community come together.
-The memorial fund was started late Tuesday or early Wednesday and it has well over $20,000 in it.
-The candlelight vigil was well attended and served as a community time of mourning.
-The Semifinal football game is tonight. Cheerleaders and Spectators are wearing purple. This was her favorite color. I am impressed with the Marshall County fans who are being encouraged to wear purple as well.
For the cheerleader's family, there will be a long period of healing. The alleged shooter has been arrested and is awaiting arraignment and trial. And now, we as a community must establish a new normal.
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My heart is still in shock over the death/murder of the CHS Cheerleader this week. I cannot fathom the shock of the parents and family. I can't even begin to formulate what I will say to the grieving family at the receiving of friends. I can't change the past, so I will look for words to offer hope and comfort.
It makes me proud to see the community come together.
-The memorial fund was started late Tuesday or early Wednesday and it has well over $20,000 in it.
-The candlelight vigil was well attended and served as a community time of mourning.
-The Semifinal football game is tonight. Cheerleaders and Spectators are wearing purple. This was her favorite color. I am impressed with the Marshall County fans who are being encouraged to wear purple as well.
For the cheerleader's family, there will be a long period of healing. The alleged shooter has been arrested and is awaiting arraignment and trial. And now, we as a community must establish a new normal.
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Thursday, November 24, 2016
Turkey Lurkey
Today was Thanksgiving and it was a lovely, but bittersweet, day. I couldn't help but mourn for the Walker family and the families of those affected by the Chattanooga bus crash. SO many heavy things on my heart.
We had cousins over to play while the adults were bustling around in the kitchen. The kids had all made their culinary delights the night before, so we were making the staples. I have never fretted over anything so much in my life as the gravy I was asked to make. I consider myself to be a pretty decent cook, but gravy is one of those things where success has alluded me. The hub was good at minding the pot and stirring it out of scorching while I added milk and flour slurry ever so often to thicken it up. It turned out alright. We have plenty left over which means there will be plenty a "moist maker" to be consumed. If you are not familiar with that, google it or the Friends episode. The kids are now looking through the ads and making their Christams lists which they aren't super stoked about. They aren't really feeling like they need much this CHristmas and are feeling very thankful for what they have. Makes a mom proud.
I am going to go make my list and put my feet up and maybe even indulge in a beverage of some sort. Maybe.
Night all.
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We had cousins over to play while the adults were bustling around in the kitchen. The kids had all made their culinary delights the night before, so we were making the staples. I have never fretted over anything so much in my life as the gravy I was asked to make. I consider myself to be a pretty decent cook, but gravy is one of those things where success has alluded me. The hub was good at minding the pot and stirring it out of scorching while I added milk and flour slurry ever so often to thicken it up. It turned out alright. We have plenty left over which means there will be plenty a "moist maker" to be consumed. If you are not familiar with that, google it or the Friends episode. The kids are now looking through the ads and making their Christams lists which they aren't super stoked about. They aren't really feeling like they need much this CHristmas and are feeling very thankful for what they have. Makes a mom proud.
I am going to go make my list and put my feet up and maybe even indulge in a beverage of some sort. Maybe.
Night all.
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Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Still Numb
I had a fitful night of sleep. My mind just couldn't let go of the thoughts of a young woman leaving this world too soon. It breaks my heart for the family, for the friends, for the community. So many rumors flying and speculation and untruths. It is of no help to these poor people. I'm just praying they find some peace. S and her friends are currently at a candlelight vigil at school. When I passed by, it was getting quite packed. What a wonderful testament to a life gone too soon. Pray, if you will please, for the family of Emma Walker.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Monday, November 21, 2016
My Heart Hurts
Hug your babies, big and small. Hug them tight this evening and every chance you get. This morning started off with devastating news the the boy's teacher's daughter passed away in the night. She was a junior in high school...had the whole world in her grasp. We have, as parents, moved through the day in a fog. While we weren't necessarily super close with her, we watched her grow up from a little sweet girl in the first grade to a gorgeous young woman. I watched her cheer on the football team just this past Friday. G and the boy have both had her mother as a teacher. She often came to hang out in the classroom and play with the kids when G was a third grader. S saw her every day in the hallway in school and at every game as the cheerleaders did their job in front of the band. As a parent, I am heartbroken and want to hold my children close and squeeze them as tight as they will allow.
Also, a bus load of children in our state, just down the road, were involved in an accident and at least 5 were killed. The bus was carrying grades K-5, 35 of them. Fiv babies are gone. It, paired with the above news, is almost too much to bear. I just pray that the peace that passes all understanding washes over the families during this horrible time. I ask for your prayers for all involved in the sadness of this day.
Hug your babies...big and small.
Night all.
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Also, a bus load of children in our state, just down the road, were involved in an accident and at least 5 were killed. The bus was carrying grades K-5, 35 of them. Fiv babies are gone. It, paired with the above news, is almost too much to bear. I just pray that the peace that passes all understanding washes over the families during this horrible time. I ask for your prayers for all involved in the sadness of this day.
Hug your babies...big and small.
Night all.
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Sunday, November 20, 2016
It's 8pm
It has been a long, LONG day and I have never been so glad to see 8pm. We had lots going on at church today and we never stopped. My feet are not pleased with me, but I think I more than blew out my usual Sunday step record. The kids were awfully cute at church today and they never fail to make me laugh. I am grateful for the opportunity to spend time with them each Sunday. As we move into the Thanksgiving craziness and then on into Advent, I hope I can keep my focus on making sure they understand the meaning and wonder of this season.
Now, I am preparing for the new TWD episode. My happy place(maybe)for the night.
Night all.
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Now, I am preparing for the new TWD episode. My happy place(maybe)for the night.
Night all.
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Saturday, November 19, 2016
What's that wet stuff?
We finally got some much needed rain, even though it wasn't enough for many areas. It was a great sound to hear it pattering on the roof in the night. Our neighbors a county over are suffering badly with wildfires. So much damage and it isn't showing signs of stopping yet. The dampness didn't last long. I think the ground sucked it up like is was truly dying of thirst.
The kids are all back home from their various activities of last night and the boy has already conked out. His mom is not far behind him. I've got to pick out my clothes for tomorrow and then I have a date with my Snoopy pillowcase covered pillow. I can't wait.
Night all.
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The kids are all back home from their various activities of last night and the boy has already conked out. His mom is not far behind him. I've got to pick out my clothes for tomorrow and then I have a date with my Snoopy pillowcase covered pillow. I can't wait.
Night all.
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Friday, November 18, 2016
They win!!!
The high school football team won another playoff game and it was great. I am proud of all of them and so proud of the band and the encouragement they give to the players. I am tired and have very little to say. I''m done.
Night all.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
I'm Horrible
Today has been a fairly low key day, thankfully. I needed one after the first half of the week. I did get part of the makings for Thanksgiving dinner including the "turkey lurkey" as my grandmother used to call it. The sweet young man bagging my groceries and I were discussing all the exercise benefits that might come from hauling a 23lb frozen turkey around. CrossFit might be able to come up with a whole Thanksgiving themed workout. Just saying.
We had an unexpected night at home with futsal practice being cancelled, so we enjoyed a laugh-filled dinner together. Then jokes began. And then jokes were being created on the spot. And then the boy trumped everybody with a Yo Mama joke. It was not dirty, thank goodness, but it was funny. Amid I hated to laugh as hard as I did, but coming from that spectacled little guy, I couldn't help myself.
I am now completely current with The Walking Dead, so my Thanksgiving meal prep will have to be accompanied by a new series or documentary. I've heard "13th" is one that everyone must see. I may check it out.
Night all.
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We had an unexpected night at home with futsal practice being cancelled, so we enjoyed a laugh-filled dinner together. Then jokes began. And then jokes were being created on the spot. And then the boy trumped everybody with a Yo Mama joke. It was not dirty, thank goodness, but it was funny. Amid I hated to laugh as hard as I did, but coming from that spectacled little guy, I couldn't help myself.
I am now completely current with The Walking Dead, so my Thanksgiving meal prep will have to be accompanied by a new series or documentary. I've heard "13th" is one that everyone must see. I may check it out.
Night all.
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Wednesday, November 16, 2016
I did not sleep well last night, so I've been off today. I worked hard cleaning out closets and pitching and tossing crap. I did get rid of many things, which was good. I ran all day long...which was good and bad. By the time I got in the car for school pick up, I wiped out. Luckily, I set my alarm and woke up before I gummed up the carline. I was so loopy that I am sad to say I don't remember, completely, how I got from one school pickup to the other. I will pay for that very soon, because I will not be able to go to sleep tonight. Oh well. I'll catch up on The Walking Dead.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016
He's almost home
The hub has been on a business trip and returns home in just 30 minutes or so. We are all excited to have him home. We've been very fortunate that he hasn't had to travel much at all in the last several years. My parents came to help me with transportation and child wrangling. We had several doc appointments and standing meetings that I needed help child shuffling. My father, as always, managed to tell us hilarious stories about the people in his hometown. Tonight's involved a strange couple who attended every dance thrown in the community and their love for dancing was only eclipsed by the pet monkey they kept in their home. The story went downhill from there, but in the best kind of way. I need to record these things, I really do.
It has been a pretty run of the mill day otherwise. The boy made pumpkin pizelles tonight. They were very tasty. He's quite the budding chef.

Night all.
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It has been a pretty run of the mill day otherwise. The boy made pumpkin pizelles tonight. They were very tasty. He's quite the budding chef.

Night all.
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Monday, November 14, 2016
Take me to him...or her
I am currently sitting at the weekly Cub Scout meeting, waiting for the usual insanity. The boys are currently participating in the water bottle challenge. Are you familiar with that? The challenge to flip the water bottle and have it land upright on its bottle bottom. And they keep flipping and flipping and flipping until they make it stand up. Let me just say that I would love to meet the him or her who came up with this activity....and thank them in a very special way. Maybe with a sock full of cold butter or batteries. The sound of water bottles slamming all over can drive people quickly crazy. Thank you bottle flipping terrorist.
Going to go watch 5 boys create their own obstacle course. It should get interesting.
Night all.
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Going to go watch 5 boys create their own obstacle course. It should get interesting.
Night all.
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Sunday, November 13, 2016
Ramping up for Thanksgiving
Yes, I know that Thanksgiving is a week from this Thursday, but I feel the need to get started now. Let me get things made ahead and in the freezer. Let me clip coupons and go buy supplies now before they get sold out. Let me get the house cleaned for guests and the Christmas lists ready for Black Friday. How about this, Jenny, how about you get yourself ready and give thanks. It has been a pretty good year and one worthy of thanks. We know so many who are struggling with family issues and health problems and financial difficulties. We may have an occasionally angsty teenager/preteen or a week where every project and concert and performance is on the same weeknight, but we have love and togetherness. And for that we are truly thankful.
I'm now going to be very thankful for a shower and my warm bed.
Night all.
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I'm now going to be very thankful for a shower and my warm bed.
Night all.
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Saturday, November 12, 2016
Frozen soccer Saturday
We are home after a cold day of soccer. I just boiled myself in the shower, but I can't say that I feel that much warmer. Oh well. G did not get to play even though she wanted to more than anything. I was not going to take any chances with her knee until we get the report from her doctor on Monday. Her team did well and made it to the championship game. As usual, they ended up playing in the dark. They were down one goal and had 6 minutes left to play when the opposing coach decided it was too dark and made the ref call the game. I'll just leave it at that, because I have nothing nice to say. The girls all got medals, even G, which made them happy. They were certainly glad to be done and get inside to thaw out.
I think I am going to bed now. Yes, at 7:40pm, I'm going to bed. I'm done.
Night all.
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I think I am going to bed now. Yes, at 7:40pm, I'm going to bed. I'm done.
Night all.
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Friday, November 11, 2016
Veteran's Day
Today at the boy's school, we had the treat of watching a Veteran's Day program. The children sand "You're a Grand Old Flag" and "This Land Is Your Land", before which the music teacher said a wonderful bit about unity of the parties and remembering that Veteran's Day was about those who protected that land for all of us. It was lovely. I always get choked up at those events, seeing the veterans from the different branches of the military get recognized in front of the children. It is important for them to see these people and hear their stories. I am grateful for all of my relatives who served...even my great aunt was a Yeoman in the Navy. Girl power!
I'm going to go get changed into comfortable clothes. I get to help chaperone middle school night tonight at church which means I will be hiding in some dark corner of the building in hopes of scaring the crud out of someone. Good times.
Night all.
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I'm going to go get changed into comfortable clothes. I get to help chaperone middle school night tonight at church which means I will be hiding in some dark corner of the building in hopes of scaring the crud out of someone. Good times.
Night all.
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Thursday, November 10, 2016
MRI'ed up
G went tonight to get an MRI on her knee. Last night's discussion/explanation session on how said test works was nothing short of hysterical. The hub was imitating the sound it makes when it is initially turned on and I was making the sounds of the pictures being taken. She went, "And these sounds are all happening at the same time?". I guess we at least prepared her for the volume level. After getting her registered, we sat in the waiting room a short time before they called her back. We sat and watched the news while they worked with her. She emerged 30 minutes later with a big smile on her face. Apparently she got earphones pumped full of her favorite music and special warmed blankets. What a life! I guess we'll find out what is up with the gimpy knee on Monday when she see her doctor. Hopefully all will be well.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Well, there's that
I do not like to get into political conversations, so I will say little. I was not a fan of either candidate...mine was out of the final two. It was not the result I hoped to wake up to this morning. Saying that does not make me a Republican or a Democrat. I am an Independent. Sorry to whoever I may offend. I hate everything about politics and the inner workings of it. I keep my politics to myself the majority of the time. I don't like conflict and arguments. But I am concerned. I am scared. But I will teach my children to be strong and to fight for what they want their country to be. I just have to pray that...I just have to pray.
That's all we can do. I may tear up a bit as well.
Night all.
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That's all we can do. I may tear up a bit as well.
Night all.
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Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Election Day
I don't know if you pray or not. I do. I took my oldest with me to vote today. She saw the whole process from reading my voter registration card to reading each amendment in its entirety before I cast my vote. She may or may not agree with who I voted for, but I was proud to have her there to see that I exercised my right to vote. So many women in this world do not have that privilege. We are so very fortunate. So I end this post with one request as we enter the evening before we wake up possibly knowing our new president elect.
Pray for our country. You can't pray too much.
Night if we can sleep.
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Pray for our country. You can't pray too much.
Night if we can sleep.
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Monday, November 7, 2016
Election Eve
Tomorrow we go to the polls and vote, well...those who didn't early vote. I really wish I had, but my oldest wanted to go with me. She is taking an AP Gov't class and this election has consumed her semester. So to the polls we will go tomorrow. And then I'm going to say some prayers. Lots of prayers. Whether she will agree with my voting choice is not my concern. I am most concerned that she sees me exercising the rights that I have as an American. I feel it is my duty as a parent to show her this every election cycle. Whatever the outcome, Wednesday will be an interesting morning on which to wake up for sure.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Sunday, November 6, 2016
In remembrance
Today we celebrated All Saints Sunday at church. It is always a tough one to sit through, but it needs to be done. As one of the members of the Tollers(adult bell choir), we assist in the service during the reading of the list of names of people who have passed away in the last year. We each are assigned a person or two and ring and individual bell out when their name is called. Their family members or assigned person then takes a white rose to put in a vase at the front of the sanctuary. This bouquet is then held up to the congregation and placed on the altar. It is quite a heavy service, but a powerful one. There were several people on that list who were very dear to me and seeing their still suffering families was heartbreaking. I am so grateful to have had the time with them that I did. Such a gift.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Saturday, November 5, 2016
Talk my husband down
Any of you who are parents know that when you see your child get hurt in any kind of active situation in a significant way, your adrenaline activates and you go into either panic/fear/rage/rescue mode. As is the case with us, G was playing in her last game of the day and the last 4 minutes of the second half. All of a sudden, after gaining possession of the ball in her hands and preparing to punt it, one of the girls from the opposing team ran into her full steam and sent her airborne only to land in a heap with a sickening thud. The hub lost his mind and yelled out to the ref for some justice, who immediately threatened to throw him out of the facility. He isn't one of our favorites. He did card the girl, but not the color I felt she deserved. G laid there for a while and then was carefully rolled over by her dad, our PT friend and the coach. She has injured her knee, but it is too angry right now to assess. I must say it is a sobering sight to see your child carried off the field by four people to try and comfort each limb. Grown ups say the dumbest things and it was imperative that we got out of there and away from the coaches and parents soon, because the protective papa bear couldn't hear the opposing parents talk about the innocent accident that had just occurred. The offender had already given another girl a bloody lip and another an elbow to the back earlier in the game. Once home, we started icing and the hub went for a drive. He ate his dinner by himself. He needed to work through the adrenaline rush. He is currently snoozing his way through a staged ER reality show on TLC with very bad acting. I'm going to bed and take advantage of the time change and the extra hour of sleep on a work day. It will be wonderful.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Friday, November 4, 2016
Another one in the books
First playoff game for the high school football team is in the books. We won, which is nice, but now the kids will have to go to Greeneville next week sometime. That is the Tennessee one not the South Carolina one. Hopefully it will be on a Friday, so the kids can sleep in the next day. Jeepers. As always, I have to battle for a seat and a shred of respect from the cheer and football moms. I am not trying to be ugly. I'm sure some of them are very nice, but they sure do not give any love or respect to the band moms. I take that back, one football mom I know has a son who is dating a band member. She has respect. Those kids in the band work as hard or harder and as many hours to be treated like trash at those games. I really needed to say something, but I chose not to traumatize my girls in front of their friends. So we left early and I watched a blurb of The Walking Dead for a while. I know, I need to get a life.
I'm going to do this right now.
Night all.
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I'm going to do this right now.
Night all.
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Thursday, November 3, 2016
Productive for once
I'll admit, the temptation to sleep all day was great as I heard the music start playing on my alarm clock this morning. It has been some years since I have watched much baseball, but I felt the need to watch yesterday. Growing up where I did, you were a Braves fan for the most part. We got WGN on our TV line up, so I did watch a fair amount of Cubs baseball. I liked the announcing and the "Take Me Out to the Ballgame". So I was happy for the Cubs, I must say, but I was dog tired this morning after watching all the celebrating and interviews. Caffeine was my friend this morning, but I over indulged. At that point I knew I needed to do something to burn it off. So I started to picking up and putting away crud. I walked into a child's room, tripped on something and came close to knocking my face off, so it was on. I made huge piles of crud in the middle of their floor so they would have a rather unpleasant return home from school. I cleaned the bathrooms, the kitchen, the other rooms. I mopped and dusted and put away Halloween decorations. I got caught up on all the laundry for about, um, maybe 6 seconds until someone had to change for soccer practice. It was nice while it lasted.
This evening was comprised of many acivities back to back that the hub and I need to split ourselves in half in order to accomplish it all. Someday we'll figure it out. Until that time, we'll just live our lives out of the car since we spend so much time in there. Ha.
We are watching the finale of "60 Days In". My oldest is writing a paper on corruption among corrections officers in prisons. She's enjoying her research. It is interesting, but I am propping my eyelids up...
Night all.
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This evening was comprised of many acivities back to back that the hub and I need to split ourselves in half in order to accomplish it all. Someday we'll figure it out. Until that time, we'll just live our lives out of the car since we spend so much time in there. Ha.
We are watching the finale of "60 Days In". My oldest is writing a paper on corruption among corrections officers in prisons. She's enjoying her research. It is interesting, but I am propping my eyelids up...
Night all.
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Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Tooth Fruity
The annual band fruit sales are coming to a close and I am glad. You can make some good money selling the stuff and it is a tasty product, but I HATE having to peddle anything. I stand firmly behind my statement that I could not sell eyesight to the blind. The money will be turned in tomorrow and I don't have to worry anymore...until the boxes come in and we have to deliver it. Oh well. People are excited for the fruit.
I got a tooth fixed today. My dentist is the best and I am so glad to have him work on me. I have found that as I have gotten older it takes longer and more stuff to numb me up. I got my first dose, sat up to go to the bathroom and then watched The Walking Dead until they started to work on the tooth that fell victim to the nacho chip. He got so far when all of a sudden, I jumped half out of the chair and about lost my mind. "Let's get that numbed a little more...are you okay? Don't hesitate to ask for more numbing." I told him it didn't hurt until it hurt. He said, "We call that a 'zinger'." Heck yes it is. But the tooth is fixed and I didn't have to get a crown. Thank goodness.
Night all.
I got a tooth fixed today. My dentist is the best and I am so glad to have him work on me. I have found that as I have gotten older it takes longer and more stuff to numb me up. I got my first dose, sat up to go to the bathroom and then watched The Walking Dead until they started to work on the tooth that fell victim to the nacho chip. He got so far when all of a sudden, I jumped half out of the chair and about lost my mind. "Let's get that numbed a little more...are you okay? Don't hesitate to ask for more numbing." I told him it didn't hurt until it hurt. He said, "We call that a 'zinger'." Heck yes it is. But the tooth is fixed and I didn't have to get a crown. Thank goodness.
Night all.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Tooth Fixing Eve
After the unfortunate nacho incident at the high school homecoming football game, I have had a temporary filling on my tooth that was not designed to last too long. So, I am hitting the dentist's office tomorrow in hopes of getting a more permanent fix so I won't go back to stereotypical hillbilly status with half a tooth looking classy. I am not usually a nervous Nelly at the dentist, but I am dreading getting numbed tomorrow. Let': all just pray for a filling rather than a crown. I really would like to keep both kidneys rather than selling one. Ugh.
Go Cubbies.
Night all.
Go Cubbies.
Night all.
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