Another Sunday has come and gone and we explored new territory. Living in the house with limited full sun and a whole lotta shade, we have had to learn to garden in containers and raised beds. I have often been fascinated by potatoes and how they are grown. When the hub and I were first married, we lived next to a mother-son duo out in the country. The son was confined to a wheelchair due to the effects of polio, but he never let that hold him back. He planted half an acre of their backyard with just potatoes. He would get out and dig those potatoes up himself. Every once in a while when he was mowing, he'd run over a potato or two and bring it to show us. Today the hub and I constructed our own potato barrel in the backyard. We have four different types of potatoes planted and ready to start doing their thing. I really hope it works out, so we can share with our friends and have plenty to use. I pray it wasn't a learning exercise that teaches us a lesson we don't want to know...just give us the taters.

Night all.
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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