Thursday, March 3, 2016

Tearing tags....

Among other things today, I worked my last shift, I think, of this Spring's Ppicky Chick sale. Since I do not enjoy dealing with other's credit cards or cash, I get the customer's items and tear the bar codes off so they can be scanned by the money people. You have to count the tags and make sure they match the number of items. Not brain surgery, but sometimes stressful when the line is super long and someone comes to your station with 134 items to pull tags and get the count right on. I cannot count and stay accurate when someone is counting out loud next to me. Last year, my table mate counted out loud quite loudly. I know the customers thought I was mentally crazy, because I kept counting things over and over again. This year I lucked out. My friend, A was at the table with me. Quiet counter. Love her for sure! Every time I ripped off a tag, I felt like singing Macklemore's song "Thrift Shop" today with some amended lines. "I'm going rip some tags, only got 20 people in my line..." Then I would say something about "He wears your grandson's coat. He looks incredible. It cost me just two bucks, while on eBay $30 more." Sorry. That was bad. There was a good clip of business, so that is always good to see.

Hope everyone has a good night. "The Family" is premiering tonight and it looks quite interesting. I must check it out.

Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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