With the business of track and soccer season, I have let the laundry pile up more than I really should admit. I'm quite embarrassed about it really. So, today has been a day of catch up on the laundry front. As I have mentioned before, our basement has great qualities when it comes to napping and I have fought hard to resist its tempting environment. The dark, coolness has been a stumbling block, but I have prevailed and am almost done with the laundry. Being a cave dweller has suited me today...and I have clean skivvies. Sorry, TMI.
On a serious note, say a prayer for a friend of mine. She is dealing with a lot right now with her children. I saw her today and she was one broken lady. I'm worried about her and her children. Not safety wise, just morale wise. She was so sad.
The dryer just sang its little song, so I need to go get to folding.
Night all.
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Thursday, March 31, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
What a good bath can do
So after the horrible hot dog vomit extravaganza of Monday evening, the house has smelled like a big old pile of vomit. I Lysoled everything, diffused every kind of essential oil we could stand and still, once I turned it all off, the smell came right back. Finally, when Copper was feeling a little bit better, she came over to have me pet her and love on her. Holy mother of everything that is holy...she was vile. Yesterday was so full, there was no time for a bath. I certainly didn't want to over bathe her since she has a lab's coat and they don't need tons of baths. So this morning once I got all my packages mailed and work done at church, I changed my clothes and readied the car to take her to the dog wash. Thankfully I thought enough to cover the seat. Whew. As soon as I got her to the wash and started it up, she started to protest. Once the water warmed up, she kind of surrendered to her fate. Under her chin and her brisket(as my dad calls her neck/chest area) was soaked in dried vomit since she had thrown up so many times. I soaked and scrubbed that area for a long time, scratching it good and hard. Suddenly, having a bath wasn't so horrible. She actually relaxed. Of course when the drying part started, she still tried to attack the blower. I don't blame her. After it was all done, she was like a new dog. I forget sometimes that, even though she is a dog, she wants to be clean and feel good too. When I get the stomach crud, I can't get clean soon enough. A shower feels so good and makes me feel like I am back from the brink of vomit death. It is a physical fitness test to give that dog a bath, but oh was I glad I did. She's a new woman.
And we can all stop gagging when we pet her.
Night all.
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And we can all stop gagging when we pet her.
Night all.
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Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Track meet trance
We had yet another track meet this afternoon. G worked hard and beat her farthest throws by a good amount. Throwing 64' as a sixth grader is pretty darn good and it certainly helps with her goal keeping as well. The meets take so long, but it is fun to watch for a good while. Some of her friends look so graceful and beautiful when they run. It is something to behold.
I wish I had more to say, but I am so tired and ready for bed. I will try and do better tomorrow. The dog is feeling better, I think. That is a good thing.
Night all.
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I wish I had more to say, but I am so tired and ready for bed. I will try and do better tomorrow. The dog is feeling better, I think. That is a good thing.
Night all.
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Monday, March 28, 2016
Dogs eating dogs
I admit, we are too cheap to buy a new baby gate to block the door from our kitchen into our breakfast room. We have had a nice gate for a long time, but episodes of children(and adults)trying to jump over it and the dog hopping on top of it have taken their toll. One piece is leaning up against the opening. The fear of it falling and making a big noise is enough to scare the dog straight. But if we catch a foot on it, at best the gate will fall down. Worst? We trip and fall and dump our plates or bowls. Tonight, one of the children was going over the gate and 3/4 of her hot dog fell off the plate. Copper, seeing a treat of her dreams, jumped on that Oscar Mayer wiener like white on rice. I honestly don't think she even chewed it. Seeing as how she has never had a hot dog before, I felt worried about her stomach's structural integrity in terms of keeping the hot dog down, so I gave her a good grumping and then sent her outside. Forty-five minutes later and 25 bouts of vomit, she is laying in her crate, mad at the world. I'd say she's learned a lesson, but I know better. It was gnarly, I'll say. I was right in the middle of finishing my baked beans...that kind of finished them for me. Let's pray for an uneventful night.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Sunday, March 27, 2016
Easter Exhaustion
We have hit the evening of Easter and I am exhausted. Not a bad exhausted, just exhausted. We were up early to eat breakfast together and look at the baskets that the bunny left. I don't often get to wake them up and be with them in the mornings on Sunday since I have to be at church so early, so even with groggy children, it was a treat. Easter is always full of activity on my hallway at work and today was no exception. We had lost of little guests dressed in their Easter finery: girls with fancy dresses and hats and boys with assorted super slick ties both neck and bow. We felt honored that some of our little ones were making their first ever stay, out of the arms of relatives, and they chose us. We had very few tears and we're glad that their grown ups were able to attend worship and be relaxed. After releasing butterflies and placing flowers in the flower cross after late service, I went home to be with the family. We were going to lunch with my brother and his family, but he succumbed to the stomach crud that has been wreaking havoc throughout the city. We missed them, but hope he feels better and no one else gets it. We need him to be healthy when he comes over to be challenged to a four square smackdown with the new glow in the dark ball the kids got today. It's getting serious over here, friends.
Although we didn't have much sun, our hearts were bright today. The miracle of Easter morning and what it means warms us all year long. "I serve a risen savior, He's in the world today....."
Night all.
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Although we didn't have much sun, our hearts were bright today. The miracle of Easter morning and what it means warms us all year long. "I serve a risen savior, He's in the world today....."
Night all.
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Saturday, March 26, 2016
Easter Eve discussions
It has been a very active day for the children here at the ranch. I have actively spectated four soccer games. The hub drove the oldest a few counties over to a game and then watched G's two this afternoon. We escaped without grave injury, but had a few injuries. S was plowed over by a dirty player, bruising her hip. She powered through like a champ. G took a power shot to the gut and then missed a header and the ball bounced up and hit her in the snoot. She took it like a champ too. Between the three children, there were two losses, two ties and a win. Not bad. Afterwards, since I did not think ahead and plan a dinner, we went to Firehouse to get subs. S's friend works there, so we like to give him some business. As I was walking to our table, I saw a couple with an infant car seat holding the tiniest little baby with what appeared to be a cleft lip. She was so tiny and beautiful and I complimented the couple on their good looking family. Their faces lit up and they explained they had just been released from Children's Hospital and we're headed home to Kentucky. Their home hospital sounded less than accommodating and they expressed their anger that they had not been educated at all about how to properly feed an infant with a cleft lip, therefore she was dehydrated and exhausted from working so hard. The father was upset that their pediatrician at home had talked down to them and made his wife cry, but then beamed when he spoke of his daughter's beauty. Honestly, I think the poor people just wanted someone to talk to them and show them a little kindness. They had a hard edge to them that drew attention from the other diners, but ever the hardest appearance cracks easily when staring into the face of their smiling baby. He brought the carrier over to us as they left..."Did you see her? Isn't she beautiful?". The hub and the kids all made over her and her father grinned from ear to ear. "The doctor said that when he does surgery on her, you won't even see a scar," her mother said. The father talked to us all the way out the door. We resumed our meal, all realizing that we need to be better about listening to others who need to be heard.
Update for all of those who don't live here and read yesterday's prayer request for the missing children. They were found this morning. So many stories are floating around, but it sounds as though it had been a planned runaway. I know there must be some hard conversations going on in those homes this evening. As the miracle of Easter arrives tomorrow, I hope that a miracle will take place in those families and that healing can begin to take place. As another friend and I said, if God forbid we were ever in the same terrifying situation, we would hug them upon being reunited and then the smack down would begin. Please pray for discernment for these families. They have a lot of work ahead of them both.
I am currently waiting in line to get the last shower. I managed to avoid major sunburn today EXCEPT on my Chaco'ed feet. I have probably 12 layers of sunscreen to get off of my extremities. In the words of Peter Venkman in Ghostbusters, "I feel so funky."
Night all. Sunday's comin'.
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Update for all of those who don't live here and read yesterday's prayer request for the missing children. They were found this morning. So many stories are floating around, but it sounds as though it had been a planned runaway. I know there must be some hard conversations going on in those homes this evening. As the miracle of Easter arrives tomorrow, I hope that a miracle will take place in those families and that healing can begin to take place. As another friend and I said, if God forbid we were ever in the same terrifying situation, we would hug them upon being reunited and then the smack down would begin. Please pray for discernment for these families. They have a lot of work ahead of them both.
I am currently waiting in line to get the last shower. I managed to avoid major sunburn today EXCEPT on my Chaco'ed feet. I have probably 12 layers of sunscreen to get off of my extremities. In the words of Peter Venkman in Ghostbusters, "I feel so funky."
Night all. Sunday's comin'.
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Friday, March 25, 2016
Good Friday
It is Good Friday and we just got out of our service of shadows. It is always moving and hard to hear at the same time. After we finished service, G received a text from her friend. Her brother and his girlfriend have been missing since 9:30 this morning. They were walking around to go see an abandoned house and haven't been seen since. Phones are off and everything. As a mother, it is terrifying to think of children going missing. I know the police have their reasons, but the amount of things that could be done in the first 24 hours that they won't search...I don't know. I don't get it. Please pray for their safe return. Their quick and safe return. I'm going to go hug my children a little tighter. They are completely freaked out and worried for their friends. Such a terrifying time.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Thursday, March 24, 2016
Maundy Thursday adjustment
I went into the Maundy Thursday service this evening with a terrible attitude. Terrible. I had my feelings hurt, a horrible headache and a laundry list full of things to do. Not a good way to be when you are walking into a church service during Holy Week. Well, actually, maybe it was the best way to be so I could get an attitude adjustment. And I did. Since my number one way to hear a message is through music, I got the message loud and clear through the youth choir's song "How Deep is the Father's Love for Us". It hit me where I needed it.
Night all.

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Night all.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Blessed shorn relief
I have been past due for a hair cut for quite a while now. I'm usually an every 8 weeks kind of girl, but it has been a good ten or more. I know that sounds silly, but when you have short hair, things get gnarly quickly. Werewolves run away from me when they see me approaching. Thank goodness C got me in today and got to work. I think I may have seen smoke coming off those scissors she was clipping so much. Craziness. I meant to take a picture of all the hair on the floor, but I forgot. It looked like a separate wig down there under the chair. Yeesh. But let me tell you, I feel SO much better. The woman is a miracle worker.
I know you all are extremely engrossed in the story of my haircut(cough cough), but I need to go get some thing to settle a child's over bubbly stomach.
Night all.
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I know you all are extremely engrossed in the story of my haircut(cough cough), but I need to go get some thing to settle a child's over bubbly stomach.
Night all.
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Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Funny ear worm for a third grader
Tuesday has come and gone and I am living for Wednesday. Going to get this shock of hair of mine chopped off just in time for Easter. It has to be done. If I ever decide to grow my hair out, I'll have to constantly have a hat on. The growing it out look is not good on me...at all. So my sainted friend, C, will do her best to forage with machete scissors through this mess.
Tonight after dinner and soccer practice, the boy was laying in the floor working on one of his new Lego sets. He noticed that the instruction manual's steps were misnumbered. "I'll figure it out." So he continued working until he hit a roadblock. I could hear him sputtering in the other room and humming in the midst of his frustration. All of a sudden I heard him start to sing, "That's life(that's life). That's what all the people say..." My boy, in his frustration, was singing Frank Sinatra. How many third graders sing Sinatra in their frustration? I don't know, but I was and am one proud mom. What a funny guy he is.
Night all.
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Tonight after dinner and soccer practice, the boy was laying in the floor working on one of his new Lego sets. He noticed that the instruction manual's steps were misnumbered. "I'll figure it out." So he continued working until he hit a roadblock. I could hear him sputtering in the other room and humming in the midst of his frustration. All of a sudden I heard him start to sing, "That's life(that's life). That's what all the people say..." My boy, in his frustration, was singing Frank Sinatra. How many third graders sing Sinatra in their frustration? I don't know, but I was and am one proud mom. What a funny guy he is.
Night all.
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Monday, March 21, 2016
When I hit the big time...
I don't really know why I titled tonight's post the way I did. I guess I am really wanting a back massage and thought, "Well...if I hit the big time, I could have my own personal masseuse." Here the deal with all that: I have never had a professional massage, so I may be wasting money on something I don't even like. Kind of like a television quote when someone thought they were giving a good massage and were told that it felt like, "Demons were ripping at her flesh..." What does this have to do with anything significant in the world today or during Holy Week or anything? Absolutely nothing at all. I have been doing somewhat better with my sleeping until last night. I ended up going downstairs and watching movies on the couch so as not to disrupt the slumber of the upstairs dwellers. The result is that I have been a groggy fogged up mess today. Oh well. I got to watch the boy and his fellow scout learn about hand tools, though it was a bit harrowing when one dad was supervising the hand saw station and was not paying attention as a little guy almost cut into his thumb. That couldn't have been interesting. Thankfully the crisis was averted when I cleared my throat loudly and then did a big, "Uh, UM, HEY?!?". The dad came out of his fog just in time. Jeepers.
I ask that you please say a prayer for my mother. Tomorrow she goes for an epidural steroid injection in her neck. She has been waiting for this for three months and I pray that it is worth the wait and she can go off pain meds. It is time she gets some relief.
Night all.
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I ask that you please say a prayer for my mother. Tomorrow she goes for an epidural steroid injection in her neck. She has been waiting for this for three months and I pray that it is worth the wait and she can go off pain meds. It is time she gets some relief.
Night all.
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Sunday, March 20, 2016
Long day of Hosannas
It has been a lively Palm Sunday here in East Tennessee. The children were very excited about waving their Palm branches around and shouting their "Hosanna" shouts to everyone. We are now entering Holy Week and journeying on the path to the cross. While it is a heavy week in content, I find it very emotional and enjoy, of you can enjoy it, the ritual. The numbness on Maundy Thursday with what is about to happen and the stark reality of Good Friday and the stripping of the sanctuary of the paraments. Never ceases to strike me to the core.
After morning church, the children had some soccer games and then we went to church for the "emptying of the tomb" where we have collected cans for the Ftn City Ministry Center. A lot of hungry tummies will be filled thanks to the items collected during Lent. It is a wonderful thing.
I am totally frozen and exhausted and want to cuddle with my children before they go to bed. Night all.
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After morning church, the children had some soccer games and then we went to church for the "emptying of the tomb" where we have collected cans for the Ftn City Ministry Center. A lot of hungry tummies will be filled thanks to the items collected during Lent. It is a wonderful thing.
I am totally frozen and exhausted and want to cuddle with my children before they go to bed. Night all.
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Saturday, March 19, 2016
Happy Birthday, my boy
We celebrated a boy being nine today. Nine?!? Where has the time gone? He has been a joy from the moment he was placed in my arms...even before that. I am one blessed woman with three beautiful children.
After a soccer game for S, we went home, ate lunch and the hub kindly constructed a four square court for the kids. We played for hours and talked smack and had a great time.

Afterwards, we took the boy to his birthday restaurant of choice, the Tomato Head, and he feasted on his favorite pizza:

He opened presents, played with his cousins and ate ice cream cake:

Tummy full of cake, he then played with his scariest toy yet...the one that attacked me while I was sitting on the couch:

...the drone. That thing is crazy insane, but extra fun. Once he gets out of the crazy driver paste, it will be super fun.
We've had a good day and I am tired.
Night all.
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After a soccer game for S, we went home, ate lunch and the hub kindly constructed a four square court for the kids. We played for hours and talked smack and had a great time.

Afterwards, we took the boy to his birthday restaurant of choice, the Tomato Head, and he feasted on his favorite pizza:

He opened presents, played with his cousins and ate ice cream cake:

Tummy full of cake, he then played with his scariest toy yet...the one that attacked me while I was sitting on the couch:

...the drone. That thing is crazy insane, but extra fun. Once he gets out of the crazy driver paste, it will be super fun.
We've had a good day and I am tired.
Night all.
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Friday, March 18, 2016
Here comes the smackdown
On the eve of my son's 9th birthday, we are currently having a Two Square smackdown on the patio. The girls play it in youth and Phys Ed class, so they are tough competitors. But I'm holding my own. I haven't injured anyone yet. My oldest did threaten the slam the ball into my face if I put spin on it again. She is very competitive and likes to talk smack...wonder where she got that from? I may have scratched a few of my knuckles and questioned my third child who was the line judge. I can see that we are going to have to paint a more accurate one on the basketball court in the woods...maybe add some lighting...some more comfortable seating...maybe some bug zappers...a Gatorade machine. Nothing major.
Tomorrow my boy turns 9. I don't want to talk about it really. Time slow down...please.
Night all.
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Tomorrow my boy turns 9. I don't want to talk about it really. Time slow down...please.
Night all.
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Thursday, March 17, 2016
Building a birthday
I think I have gone to Kroger 4 times in the last two days. Some day I will remember to write a list and check it twice. Thank goodness the hub does the majority of the home improvements. They always say you make at least two return trips to the hardware store for extra items. I'd probably have to make twice that many. Anyway, I decided to make him an ice cream cake and I found a yummy peanut butter buttercream to frost it...quickly. G helped with that this evening. It is going to be one evil rich cake, with brownie layers and multi-flavored ice cream layer. I hope he likes it. Oh well if he doesn't(but he will).
I am currently watching "Raising Arizona" and trying to straighten up our room. After doing a closet clean out, our floor has become the staging and sorting area for the clothing's next destinations. I guess the bright side is that if I trip on an errant hanger, I'll have a soft landing.
I hope you all have a good evening.
Night all.
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I am currently watching "Raising Arizona" and trying to straighten up our room. After doing a closet clean out, our floor has become the staging and sorting area for the clothing's next destinations. I guess the bright side is that if I trip on an errant hanger, I'll have a soft landing.
I hope you all have a good evening.
Night all.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Spring break Wednesday
We are really party animals over here on our Spring Break. We all had homemade sourdough toast for breakfast, took the dog for a bath at the dog wash and cleaned the toilets. Then the oldest left, the middle was already gone and the youngest got the Royal Spring Break screw and had to stay with me. He was beyond thrilled...I think we all know that's a load of crud. In order to placate him, I made an offer for a Freezo run for lunch. He perked up a little, but got a little better when we stopped by and picked up Uncle M to go with us. We feasted on Freezo food and the boys had peanut butter shakes. If the afternoon hadn't turned around enough, we took a trip to several different store including his first pawn shop. That's how we roll, friends: Atomic Pawn to look at all the treasures contained within. The boy really wanted some pawn shop video games, but I talked him down with some Mentos we had purchased at our previous stop, Home Depot. After we dropped Uncle M off, we went home to fly strange helicopter rubber band contraptions that we found at the discount tool store. They were almost too difficult to maneuver, so we gave up and filled the bird feeders...every almost 9 year led boy's dream. Afterwards, we threw the frisbee and let him go to Kroger to pick out his dessert for the evening. Then, a wonderful thing happened to save my fail after we left his uncle. His best friend's mom texted me back and said we needed to get the two together. He is currently enjoying a Nerf war and sleepover. Happy boy, I'm sure.
I'm going to bed.
Night all.
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I'm going to bed.
Night all.
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Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Back at the ranch
I am currently sitting on the bed watching a show with the hub. We are attempting to order some birthday gifts for the boy, but are striking out kind of. He has not been very forthcoming with any ideas, so we are kind of searching in a mode of desperation. We have gotten him one thing that I am VERY excited about: a monthly box subscription for the Spangler Science Club. Each month, he will receive a box containing all of the components needed(with maybe the exception of water)to do multiple science experiments. Steve Spangler has been on "Ellen" and other shows and the children have all watched his science experiment videos at school. I may be more excited about it than he will be when he gets it.
I sure do miss my parents, but we had a great time and I am glad to see my sweet husband. I'm a grateful somebody.
Night all.
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I sure do miss my parents, but we had a great time and I am glad to see my sweet husband. I'm a grateful somebody.
Night all.
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Monday, March 14, 2016
It has been a mostly lovely sunny day today and we have enjoyed time with my parents. The kids went swimming at the aquatic center and I went shopping with my mom for Easter clothes for the kids and helped her cook a little bit. Just a nice, leisurely day. A friend of mine is in Costa Rica with her husband and sent pictures of the monkeys that are frolicking around wherever they go. She said she held it together better than she thought she would. I would like to think I would embrace the fun and enjoy every second. But if a monkey got close enough to take food off my plate, I think they would be welcome to all the rest there. That might be a little much.
We went to the original of my favorite restaurant today and had a yummy lunch. As much as I would like to have a Pal's in our fair city, it is really a great thing that we don't. I don't need any help in the weight department. A little treat there now and then is great.
Have a great evening...night all.

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We went to the original of my favorite restaurant today and had a yummy lunch. As much as I would like to have a Pal's in our fair city, it is really a great thing that we don't. I don't need any help in the weight department. A little treat there now and then is great.
Have a great evening...night all.

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It has been a mostly lovely sunny day today and we have enjoyed time with my parents. The kids went swimming at the aquatic center and I went shopping with my mom for Easter clothes for the kids and helped her cook a little bit. Just a nice, leisurely day. A friend of mine is in Costa Rica with her husband and sent pictures of the monkeys that are frolicking around wherever they go. She said she held it together better than she thought she would. I would like to think I would embrace the fun and enjoy every second. But if a monkey got close enough to take food off my plate, I think they would be welcome to all the rest there. That might be a little much.
We went to the original of my favorite restaurant today and had a yummy lunch. As much as I would like to have a Pal's in our fair city, it is really a great thing that we don't. I don't need any help in the weight department. A little treat there now and then is great.
Have a great evening...night all.

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We went to the original of my favorite restaurant today and had a yummy lunch. As much as I would like to have a Pal's in our fair city, it is really a great thing that we don't. I don't need any help in the weight department. A little treat there now and then is great.
Have a great evening...night all.

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Sunday, March 13, 2016
I am home...
The hub stayed home to do some work and get some things done, so the kids and I have gone to be with my parents for a few days. We haven't seen them since Thanksgiving and it has been terribly hard to be away from them. My mom's neck injury has prevented her from being too active and we feared further injury if she tried to overdo it for the grandchildren. She has an epidural steroid injection next week and we pray that it gives her some much needed relief. It has been going on for too long. It is so painful to see her suffer. But for right now, we are going to soak up every minute we get with my parents. We are in Heaven right now and I don't want to miss a bit.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Saturday, March 12, 2016
Derby Day
Today was Pinewood Derby Day, friends, and it was, well, meh. The boy and his dad had worked quite hard on his car. The hub assisted with the tools that might result in loss of digits or limbs and let the scout do the rest. The "Green Lantern" did well until an unfortunate transport back to the starting line resulted in a damaged wonky wheel. Unfortunately once you have surrendered your car, you cannot tweak anything. He was a great sport about it, especially when someone showed up late and they reran all of the races he was involved with, knocking him down a place. Not cool, Cubmaster. Not cool. Thankfully, he had little time to lament his misfortune before he had to go play in back to back soccer games. They had a win and a loss...and we had an exhausted boy. The girls and I missed the second game for a wedding. It was a beautiful wedding of one of the young ladies who work on our Early Childhood Ministries staff. It was a sweet ceremony and they were so cute. One of my favorite things, besides the bride and groom, was watching the sweet boyfriend's face of one of the bridesmaids as she walked down the aisle. He beamed as he watched her...it was precious. I can't wait until we watch them walk down that aisle together one day.
I am currently capping off a long and busy day by watching "Jaws". I started it watching "Poltergeist". Spielberg should be proud.
Night all.

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I am currently capping off a long and busy day by watching "Jaws". I started it watching "Poltergeist". Spielberg should be proud.
Night all.

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Friday, March 11, 2016
Spring Break...finally
Spring Break couldn't come at a better time. The kids are stressed out and so are we. Nothing major is going on...just life. Tomorrow will be quite exciting. The boy will be racing his newly constructed car in his Pack's Pinewood Derby. The hub and I have spent the bulk of the afternoon moving the expensive racing track here and there at church to get things ready. He has done the bulk of it and I have helped navigate around with my church key. He is so excited to race his green car. Then he will have two soccer games and the girls and I will be going to a wedding. One of the amazing childcare workers at church is getting married tomorrow and I can't wait to see it.
I wish I had crazy posts to share like I did a few years ago. I feel as though this blog is losing its umph. It may have to go through a transitional phase or I may have to find some prompts that may make for more exciting posts. I got nothin' at this point. I just don't want to be whiny anymore or bore people to death. We'll see what I can come up with.
Tomorrow is going to be a big day, so I'm a gonna shower and go to bed.
Night all.
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I wish I had crazy posts to share like I did a few years ago. I feel as though this blog is losing its umph. It may have to go through a transitional phase or I may have to find some prompts that may make for more exciting posts. I got nothin' at this point. I just don't want to be whiny anymore or bore people to death. We'll see what I can come up with.
Tomorrow is going to be a big day, so I'm a gonna shower and go to bed.
Night all.
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Thursday, March 10, 2016
My Discus Girl
So G had her first track meet today and it was quite interesting. For never having competed in something like that, I was impressed. She is the only 6th grader on her team who throws shot put and discus. She ranked about in the middle of the shot putters, with which I was very impressed. She was not pleased with her performance. She's is too hard on herself. After that, she went on to throw the discus. First let me say that the girls from a particular county school were BEASTS on that discus. Respect all around, friends. Good grief. They announce the top six throwers of the event and my G was sixth...out of like 12. And she was the only 6th grader in the top six. This mom is awful proud of her discus girl. I am so proud!
After the meet, we went as a family to the Agape Outreach Homes vs WBIR basketball game. Agape Outreach Homes serve mental with mental illness and teach them life skills so they can hopefully live on their own at some point. This basketball game is a huge fundraiser for them as well as a huge self esteem booster for the residents. It was a wonderful evening, cheering for the guys and jeering at the TV station team. Those guys were so proud of themselves.
A great day overall. I'm a blessed mom.
Night all.
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After the meet, we went as a family to the Agape Outreach Homes vs WBIR basketball game. Agape Outreach Homes serve mental with mental illness and teach them life skills so they can hopefully live on their own at some point. This basketball game is a huge fundraiser for them as well as a huge self esteem booster for the residents. It was a wonderful evening, cheering for the guys and jeering at the TV station team. Those guys were so proud of themselves.
A great day overall. I'm a blessed mom.
Night all.
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Wednesday, March 9, 2016
About done
Illness has hit the ranch tonight as the hub has been hit with a possible sinus infection...and on the eve of a horribly busy day. The first track meet of the season comes tomorrow, the boy has his singing group practice and we have to attend a basketball game tomorrow night. All of these things are happening at almost the same time or within just a few minutes of each other. These are the days I wish we had a nanny. At least we could possibly make it manageable. Oh well.
Tha hub has drugged himself up and will hopefully will be feeling better tomorrow. I fear a trip to the doctor is in his future for tomorrow. Poor guy. Say a prayer for him. Say one also for my G. She throws discus and shot put for her first meet tomorrow. I am so excited! She's a beast!
Night all.
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Tha hub has drugged himself up and will hopefully will be feeling better tomorrow. I fear a trip to the doctor is in his future for tomorrow. Poor guy. Say a prayer for him. Say one also for my G. She throws discus and shot put for her first meet tomorrow. I am so excited! She's a beast!
Night all.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2016
I was sitting in my office this morning, when there was a knock at my door. My visitor started telling me everything I need to get rid of and/or put away in my office. I panicked until a smile came across his face and he started to laugh. But it made me think about how my office presented to the rest of the church. I don't want people to pass by and comment that one of the children's staffers has a hoarding problem. I'm not at that point, but I have a bit of clutter going on that could be addressed. I don't want to have the office that, if an errant spark materialized out of thin air, that the room would charred before a fire extinguisher could even be found.
These are the weird things that happen in my day. I'm a pretty lucky girl.
Gonna go take some allergy meds and conk out.
Night all.
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These are the weird things that happen in my day. I'm a pretty lucky girl.
Gonna go take some allergy meds and conk out.
Night all.
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Monday, March 7, 2016
Getting our scout on
I am currently sitting in a classroom at church with six cub scouts. The hub needed to accompany the oldest to soccer practice tonight...new coach, questionable coaching. He needs to feel the guy out before he feels comfortable leaving her there. He can handle that better than I can. I will get mama bear on him. No one needs to see that. So here I sit with these six boys. Currently they are feasting on birthday doughnuts as one of them is celebrating his actual birthday today. They really didn't need an activation agent to make them get more active, but they got one. One boy has already fallen backwards in his chair at least four times. Another has been on the floor daring people to walk on top of him while he tries to not cry out in pain. My son has been given the "You do either of those things and we will have a problem" death look a couple of times. Uh oh, second helpings on doughnuts...my boy already has a tummy full of chicken spaghetti. Pray we don't have an encore performance of the tummy contents. Raspberry/Chocolate filled doughnuts and rotini with chicken and rage and a garlic knot will be a gnarly mess. They are currently debriefing on their homemade carnival of last week. One child requested a life sized Plinko board(Bob Barker would be proud)and a concession stand when the Plinko wore you out. First world problems.
My son has his head buried in his napkin, another is dissecting his doughnut and a third has turned his napkin into lace. The boy has fallen backward in his chair again and is getting chewed out by his mother. The doughnuts are activating.
Watch out, friends. It's about to get wild up in this scout meeting.
Night all.
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My son has his head buried in his napkin, another is dissecting his doughnut and a third has turned his napkin into lace. The boy has fallen backward in his chair again and is getting chewed out by his mother. The doughnuts are activating.
Watch out, friends. It's about to get wild up in this scout meeting.
Night all.
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Sunday, March 6, 2016
Poor little ear
It has been a busy day, super duper busy day, and I have just arrived home from a meeting at church. This day is the same ole same ole. Work, work, work, repeat. It is fine. I got to see two sweet little babies be baptized this morning and got to play and read and teach some two's and three's about God's love for them. And then I got watch them go tell their parents about it. Pretty excellent I must say.
Now that I am home, I have found a pitiful boy with a swollen ear. I don't know if it has been bitten by something while he was outside or what, but he feels his heartbeat in there and I'm trying to assess the ouch. I may be scavenging for some Benadryl and Motrin here soon. He's a pitiful somebody.
There is my life...exciting it is not, but that is okay. I love it just the way it is.
Night all.
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Now that I am home, I have found a pitiful boy with a swollen ear. I don't know if it has been bitten by something while he was outside or what, but he feels his heartbeat in there and I'm trying to assess the ouch. I may be scavenging for some Benadryl and Motrin here soon. He's a pitiful somebody.
There is my life...exciting it is not, but that is okay. I love it just the way it is.
Night all.
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Saturday, March 5, 2016
Nerfy-Chili Kinda Day
We have had a busy day, especially the boy. Tomorrow I imagine he is going to be the equivalent of a lump of goo. He had a soccer game and two Nerf birthday parties today. He has probably been in motion 90% of his waking hours...most of that running. He is currently at the sleepover portion of Nerf party number two, so I imagine that he may wipe out as soon as he gets still. In addition to all of that activity, we attended the Jazzy Chili Supper fundaraiser at the high school this evening. We ate, listened to some good live music by wonderful musicians and bid on silent auction items. My husband managed to win two auctions for haircuts with our favorite barber, Jerry. The boy will be set for cuts for a while. The girls got to interact with several of their friends and teachers. It was a great night and hopefully a very profitable one for the band program.
The hub and I are very tired, so I am going to take advantage of the wonderful soothing rain on our roof and go conk out. Have a great evening.
Night all.
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The hub and I are very tired, so I am going to take advantage of the wonderful soothing rain on our roof and go conk out. Have a great evening.
Night all.
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Friday, March 4, 2016
Sittin' with da "yutes"
Happy Friday to everyone reading this tonight. I am currently seated in one of the rooms at church for High School Night. They just inhaled copious amounts of pizza and are now a divided group. Some are watching the movie "Woodlawn" and the others are having a pow wow out in the hall. Lots of Snapchatting and flirting between awkward boys and girls. To be fair, that is not all they have done this evening. Lots of bubble ball and soccer and dodgeball. You could see that people who had beefs with each other were taking it out in the bubble balls and slamming the crap at each other. Being wrapped in a giant ball is certainly a great equalizer. I will say, I am glad to be in the "Woodlawn" room. There is nothing I enjoy more than a good true story sports underdog movie. Let's hope I don't cry and embarrass my child.
The boy was in Suessical today with his third grade compadres. It was awfully funny and cute. He had a little blurb he got to say. His friend D sang beautifully. His friend S's sister sang beautifully as well. I was glad the hub got to come as well.

Got to get back to being a chaperone. They are playing Bob Dylan. I must check that out.
Night all.
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The boy was in Suessical today with his third grade compadres. It was awfully funny and cute. He had a little blurb he got to say. His friend D sang beautifully. His friend S's sister sang beautifully as well. I was glad the hub got to come as well.

Got to get back to being a chaperone. They are playing Bob Dylan. I must check that out.
Night all.
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Thursday, March 3, 2016
Tearing tags....
Among other things today, I worked my last shift, I think, of this Spring's Ppicky Chick sale. Since I do not enjoy dealing with other's credit cards or cash, I get the customer's items and tear the bar codes off so they can be scanned by the money people. You have to count the tags and make sure they match the number of items. Not brain surgery, but sometimes stressful when the line is super long and someone comes to your station with 134 items to pull tags and get the count right on. I cannot count and stay accurate when someone is counting out loud next to me. Last year, my table mate counted out loud quite loudly. I know the customers thought I was mentally crazy, because I kept counting things over and over again. This year I lucked out. My friend, A was at the table with me. Quiet counter. Love her for sure! Every time I ripped off a tag, I felt like singing Macklemore's song "Thrift Shop" today with some amended lines. "I'm going rip some tags, only got 20 people in my line..." Then I would say something about "He wears your grandson's coat. He looks incredible. It cost me just two bucks, while on eBay $30 more." Sorry. That was bad. There was a good clip of business, so that is always good to see.
Hope everyone has a good night. "The Family" is premiering tonight and it looks quite interesting. I must check it out.
Night all.
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Hope everyone has a good night. "The Family" is premiering tonight and it looks quite interesting. I must check it out.
Night all.
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Wednesday, March 2, 2016
I'm kind of done
It has been a long day, but then it has been a long day for everybody. I worked the consignment sale, played taxi driver and employee and comforter and now I am ready to conk out. I was able to find some shoes for the boy and help some friends find baby items since they are expecting. That was kind of fun. I haven't checked my numbers yet. I hope I made some sales today. Mama needs to make some summer camp money.
My phone has just blown up with texts and I fear there may be a work question bouncing around. Gots to go, friends.
Night all.
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My phone has just blown up with texts and I fear there may be a work question bouncing around. Gots to go, friends.
Night all.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Primary panic
I exercised my rights and did my civic duty and voted today. I hate the primary process, because I consider myself an independent and don't like to be pigeonholed into a party. I understand the primary process...I just dislike it. We vote at the local middle school where G attend and it never fails to turn into homecoming day, because we see half of church and the neighborhood there. They are either voting or stumping or both. School was out today since so many of of them are voting places and school kids changing classes and a calm voting environment are not things that play well with each other. The children accompanied me to the voting booth, because I feel it is important for them to see the process, how the ballot looks and how easy it is to do. Afterwards, we sat at lunch and had a long discussion about how the primary process works and why we have to vote so many different times and all that jazz. I had to reach way back to Verna Ruth Abbott's Adv. Government class in high school to remember some of the details. We watched a lot of movies in there, attending a lot of small claims and low level criminal court sessions...and she sprinkled political party history and some electoral college in there as well. But mostly we watched movies...LOTS of movies. Gideon's Trumpet....Twelve Angry Men...shorts on snake handling churches in Southwest Virginia(to talk about religious freedom)...Mr. Smith Goes to Washington...I know there are at least 4 more. They were all quite good. Just a lot of them. I'm glad the children want to go with me to vote. They watch and I show them, but they do not touch. I'm all about having them in on the process, but not accidentally switching my vote to Dark Lord Ravensbeak of the Vampire Rights party and then locking that vote in for all eternity because they put too hard of a spin on the wheel under the curtain. Now we wait to watch and see who is projected to win our state. Or I will listen as I fall asleep. This political process is exhausting.
Night all.
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Night all.
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