Friday, February 12, 2016

Snow Day again

Once again, we had a snow day called before any snow arrived. My alarm had already sounded and I had begun the waking up process when the news announced it, my iPhone blew up with texts and the house phone rang. I looked out the window to see how bad it was since we had a jump rope event and Valentine's Day activities at the boy's school that I wanted to be involved with. Nothing. Come on. I love a good snow day as much as the rest of the group, but I actually want snow to come with it. The boy came in about 30 minutes later and said, "Okay just tell me. Two hour delay or close?". He knows the drill. To be fair, the snow did start and came on with a vengeance. When the streets start to get covered around here, citywide panic sets in. It was probably a good thing that school was called. It hit around drop off time for the elementary schools.

The kids played out for a while and we played our usual games of cards and made our snow day chili. We are all now lounging in various pajamas watching shows and playing cards. We are par-TAY animals.

Now I'm ready to go to bed and pray I can sleep tonight.

Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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