It is Picky Chick time in Tennessee and I have dropped my items off and have already worked two and a half shifts. There is a real sense of relief when I drop those items off and get them out of the house and out of danger of dogs and children and just regular house stuff. The place was abuzz this morning with people dropping off all kinds of treasures. I am not a golfer, but I saw the cutest golf clubs, his and hers. Cutest things. Lots of exciting toys and kitchens and books. Nice looking clothes with lots more to come. Very exciting. If you live in our area and are a little person in need of some great deals, come on over. They will be open to the public on Thursday.
The boy had scouts, the oldest had her first practice with her new coach(that was interesting) and the hub had several meetings. We are all tired. The kids will be able to sleep in tomorrow: they are out for Election Day. Exercise your rights, friends!
Night all.
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Monday, February 29, 2016
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Long day, long night
It has been a long day today...Sunday's usually are. Work was fairly uneventful, although we did have a member have a health emergency during the service. That is always so very scary. Then I went to a funeral for a dear sweet lady from church who passed away suddenly. It was a nice service, but I'm so very sad. A lady had a health emergency at the end of that service. We kind of felt like we needed to bubble wrap everyone over a certain age, keep them nice and cool and make sure they took their meds appropriately.
Now I am relaxing and watching the Oscars. This is my super bowl and I enjoy it. As I say every year, this is the hub's most despised day. He is happily laying in bed relaxing and watching a soccer game I'm sure. As soon as he conks out, I can go slip into bed and change the channel. This may be the year I can't make it all the way through. We'll see.
Night all.
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Now I am relaxing and watching the Oscars. This is my super bowl and I enjoy it. As I say every year, this is the hub's most despised day. He is happily laying in bed relaxing and watching a soccer game I'm sure. As soon as he conks out, I can go slip into bed and change the channel. This may be the year I can't make it all the way through. We'll see.
Night all.
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Saturday, February 27, 2016
Long day, tired mom
We've had a long day. Soccer practice with a mini Wrold Cup tourney. Then to drop in on a party honoring/memorializing a friend's brother who passed away a few years ago. Then to one of the rougher counties in our state to watch S and her friends in a band concert. The boys who went, who are like S's big brothers, were quite the gentlemen and looked after S and her friend after they were being harassed by some rude boys from another school. Whoever said chivalry is dead has it wrong. These boys have been in church with our girl since they were all wee and I am so impressed at their kindness. She always wanted a big brother...she's got a couple in the mix. The bands sounded wonderful and we rewarded S for her hard work and the youngers for their patience with a trip to Pal's. Nothing better in the tummy than a Sauceburger and Frenchie Fries. Good stuff. We had to wake the boy to come in...he barely made it upstairs...but I could say the same for myself.
I'm ready for bed. Sitting here typing and watching The Omen. Perfect bedtime movie. Not really.
Night all.
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I'm ready for bed. Sitting here typing and watching The Omen. Perfect bedtime movie. Not really.
Night all.
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Friday, February 26, 2016
Comfort in a familiar face...
I'm not one for selfies, but I really wish I had taken one today. My oldest friend, S(who my S is named after), came through town on her way back to Atlanta today. We ate lunch at Litton's, a well known restaurant to locals(for my two readers who don't live here), and suffered the annoyed looks of the staff as we stayed and talked at our table for almost three hours. If there had been a major crowd, we would have left, but there wasn't so we didn't. She had been in the area to help her parents out while her dad had eye surgery. We talked about aging stubborn parents, the Oscars, the children and about 75,000 other things. Since my mom has been injured and it has just not been possible to go home without the risk of wearing her out and causing more pain if she tried to overdo it, I have been missing home and faces from home quite a bit. Seeing the same face that I have know since we were awkward almost teenagers was a welcome "homey" occurrence today. I am so very grateful for all of my dear, sweet friends...I don't deserve them. Today, I am grateful for my friend of almost 32 years. That's a long time. And I'm so glad. I needed a dose of home.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Thursday, February 25, 2016
Ad-VAN-ture for the day
I am not big on fashion as anyone who knows me could tell you. When I was in middle and high school, I was a little better. We had my favorite store, The Limited, and I fancied myself quite a safari look fashionista in my teen years. Between that store and my beloved old school Banana Republic, before they completely went away from the outdoor-safari-good leather purses and boots and general awesomeness, I looked alright. These days, as I have said in the past, I stay in a gray t-shirt, jeans and either Chucks, Van's or Chacos. I have to say I am very picky about my footwear. When I had girls, everyone talked about how fun it would be to dress them up in frilly little things, but that was never my strong suit. I am not frilly girl, so I don't make good frilly choices. I did alright. I was much more comfortable when the boy came along. Carpenter jeans and flannel shirts or t-shirts with talking food on them...or cultural references that may be over his head, but get a good laugh from the parents. What I am most excited about is his shoes.
SIDENOTE: As I type this, I realize I sound like the most shallow and selfish person on the "internets". Though I have devoted a whole post to this, I honestly spend about a microsecond of each week thinking about this.
Back to shoes. We have battled with the shoelaces that never stay tied and never stay clean and I have really had about all I can take of it. The way he runs and flops around, I am just waiting for him to get tangled up in said laces and end up landing on his face. Today I went on a search for new romper so for the boy that might solve the neverending shoelace problem. I did and I did it in a way that will not shame him with Velcro that might embarrass him. He got the shoes of his dreams, he said. Checkerboard Vans...skater shoes. And they suit him so well. Match his quirky personality and everything. Only took me 5 stores to find the right ones.
Time for bed. Going to be a long and busy weekend.
Night all.
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SIDENOTE: As I type this, I realize I sound like the most shallow and selfish person on the "internets". Though I have devoted a whole post to this, I honestly spend about a microsecond of each week thinking about this.
Back to shoes. We have battled with the shoelaces that never stay tied and never stay clean and I have really had about all I can take of it. The way he runs and flops around, I am just waiting for him to get tangled up in said laces and end up landing on his face. Today I went on a search for new romper so for the boy that might solve the neverending shoelace problem. I did and I did it in a way that will not shame him with Velcro that might embarrass him. He got the shoes of his dreams, he said. Checkerboard Vans...skater shoes. And they suit him so well. Match his quirky personality and everything. Only took me 5 stores to find the right ones.
Time for bed. Going to be a long and busy weekend.
Night all.
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Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Tapping out
I have been entering items into consignment sale programs all day. My eyes are crossed, friends, but most of the stuff is entered thank goodness. I just have to get the tags printed from Office Depot so I don't get on the naughty list like last time. Who knows what happened...I think my tags are just jinxed. Anyhoo, I am relieved and ready for bed. Hope you all have a good rest of your Wednesday!

I'll leave you with the lovely bow God put on our sky this morning. Just beautiful!
Night all.
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I'll leave you with the lovely bow God put on our sky this morning. Just beautiful!
Night all.
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Tuesday, February 23, 2016
I'm way behind...
Picky Chick is having her consignment sale in less than a week and I have yet to enter one item. Not one. I have 99% of my items on hangers, but nothing in the computer. Not good friends. I rely on these funds to pay for camps and summer fun and I need to get my rear end in gear. With all this rain that never ceases, I cannot get motivated to do much of anything but sleep or sit and stare at a wall. What a little sunshine could do for a gal right now.... The dog is even tired of it I think. I let her go out and play, knowing she would get muddy and I'd have to clean her. She stood at the back door with a look like, "This wet stuff isn't fun anymore. Can I just come in?". I get you sister.
The boy is working on his h's and k's in cursive, so maybe I'll procrastinate a little more by helping him. I do have good penmanship. My one contribution to the homework world. Anything to put off data entry. I'm a sad, sad woman.
Night all.
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The boy is working on his h's and k's in cursive, so maybe I'll procrastinate a little more by helping him. I do have good penmanship. My one contribution to the homework world. Anything to put off data entry. I'm a sad, sad woman.
Night all.
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Monday, February 22, 2016
Bullseye of crazy
I found myself in the middle of Target this evening with two crazy girls. S had to get a black dress for a weekend band concert and G had to get some school supplies and I just said a little prayer and hoped that all could be found in one red bullseyed place. Really, I should have known better going without reinforcements. I was tired and my patience reserves were low. At one point, I pulled out my tape measure to measure something on one of them, trying to be discreet in the middle of the store. "Uh, Mom? I know the size I need." Idiot mom who pulls a tape measure out to try and guesstimate an undergarment size. I said, "Well that would have been nice to know before I started measuring you in the middle of Target! Did you think I was doing this for my health?!?". Someone said behind us, "Can I help you ladies? It's getting a bit loud over here." I froze, about to be completely mortified. Luckily it was a friend of ours who also works at Target. Apparently we provided entertainment while she was working. Glad we could do it. I was about to pull my hair out for sure. But we were successful on all fronts. And I am ready for bed.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Sunday, February 21, 2016
Head backs are all the same...or are they?
We had dinner out at Salsarita's tonight. While their food is tasty, it translates into instant heartburn for me and I anticipate a very indigestion filled sleep. The senior high youth at our church meet there every SUnday night to eat and fellowship and discuss life and church and whatnot. Rather than drop S off and go forage at the grocery for dinner makings only to have to go back and get her before ours was done, we ate there. While we were eating, a family came in who used to attend our church, but we hadn't seen in a while. I don't think they really recognized us, but I did them(The hub and the children did not). Their youngest, a son, looked to be at the most Kindergarten age. Our boy must have looked like someone he knew, because all of a sudden he ran behind my son, jumped out and yelled, "BOO!". F jumped and had the correct reaction towards this strange child. After he did his scare, he ran over and wrapped his arms around the hub and hugged him really tight. Surprised, B said, "Well hello there!". The mother of this child had an amused and puzzled look on her face. The little boy looked up at my husband, realized his mistake and ran to his mother. We all, mother of child included, started laughing. The little guy started crying, burying his head in his mom's chest. His mom commented that she wished she could have that on video for AFV. "I guess the back of his head looked like the back of his dad's head maybe." I can appreciate that. It happens a lot in my job. Mommy legs look a lot alike and little arms will grab at the first available set when they need security. Mommy legs and dad heads. We can only pray that we can be the legs and heads for those who need security and love.
It was funny.
Night all.
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It was funny.
Night all.
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Saturday, February 20, 2016
Blah day, blah girl
It never ceases to amaze me how powerful the sun is. I'm not really talking about its heat or its energy or any of that stuff. I'm talking more about the power of its ability to buoy the spirits. I love winter and cold weather and snow, as you have heard ad nauseum, but I love sunshine. A good, dreary rainy day has its place, but as John Denver said, "Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy..." Yesterday was glorious: sunshine, windbreaker temperatures and DRY. Today, when we had to be outside for soccer, was steel gray and windy and yuck. The outlook for the next few days doesn't sound much better. Oh well, we'll make our own sunshine. We'll figure it out.
I'm going to kiss my little sunshines goodnight. It is way past their bedtime.
Night all.
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I'm going to kiss my little sunshines goodnight. It is way past their bedtime.
Night all.
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Friday, February 19, 2016
Jumps and pops
How is everyone tonight? I'm in my pajamas and watching a. Movie with the kids. The hub has gone to a forum at the elementary school to hear from the candidates for school board and county commission. He has a few questions to ask about dyslexia and how the school board candidates might consider helping kids like our child thrive in the classroom. Our state has passed the Dyslexia is Real bill, but hasn't really done much with it. I'll stop before I pull out a soapbox. It makes my blood pressure feel like it is going to set a new record high. It has been a big day for the children. The boy had a jump rope event at school that I went to watch. I wish there had been more parents there. The boy is always entertaining and watching 3rd grade girls singing angsty teenage pop songs as though they have lived storied lives is quite hysterical. I also got a call from the oldest. Whilst running the pacer test in Wellness, she popped her knee out and popped it back in. Her tummy did enjoy the feeling or the sound. So after getting some ibuprofen and having her friend B(who has suffered through many a dislocation and knee surgery)look at her knee, she took her AP exam and went home. She is currently icing her knee and watching "Pixels" with her siblings. I know that it was universally panned, but I am laughing my head off right now. And on that note, I am going to laugh with my children.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Thursday, February 18, 2016
Pitiful boy
I got a call today from school. My boy loves school and his teacher. He is not one to exaggerate when he feels sick, so if he says he doesn't feel good...he really doesn't. He has been having some bad headaches lately and got a super whopper today. When I got to school, he could barely open his eyes or walk in a straight line. He has been parked in a chilled ball under piles of blankets on the couch. He has been drinking water like crazy and nibbling on boring old toast and some cuties. He has had a shower to wash the day out off his body, gotten into some pj's and is laying on our bed for a little before bed. I put some peppermint oil on his belly button to prevent queasiness from his bad head. He is really enjoying it right now. "Mom? I smell like a big stick of gum!". Hopefully it is soothing everything. Fingers crossed.
I'm going to head to bed soon in case we have an exciting night. Praying for no excitement.
Night all.
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I'm going to head to bed soon in case we have an exciting night. Praying for no excitement.
Night all.
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Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Insomnia sucks...for the 7,600th time
I cannot get to sleep and by the time I do, the alarm is getting ready to go off and start a new day. The hub has the ability to lay his head on the pillow and immediately fall asleep. It amazes me, especially because I have been able to do that like twice In my life that I can remember. I have tried melatonin supplements and lavender and cedar wood. I've gotten a white noise machine. Tonight, I am trying out a new pillow and a new sleep mask that I have sewn together today. I don't know if I'll be able to stand to wear the mask, but I'll try anything. I'm desperate. Last night, I did everything wrong, but when you are wide awake at 1:30am, you get punchy. I watched two movies. I surfed the web for natural remedies to help with sleep. Nothing. I think I finally conked sometime after three. Brutal today. Pray for sleep for me tonight. We have a busy weekend and no time to be loopy.
Night all.

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Night all.

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Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Location, location, location
I have the kind of headache that feels like I'm giving birth to an alien out of my sinuses, so this will not be a long post tonight.
The boy came downstairs a bit ago with a perplexing question for the hub. So he decided to weigh himself on the bathroom scale. "So first I weighed myself in the center of the bathroom and I weighed 75lbs. Then I moved the scale to right next to the cabinet and I weighed 77 lbs. Then I moved the scale in the corner and I weighed 82 lbs. What is going on?". The hub said, "I think that is an excellent question for your teacher tomorrow. You think?". He pondered that a while. Then the hub said, "What do you think causes the difference?". "I don't know...the gravitational pull is different in the center?". We had a discussion about "Margin of Error" and how digital scales often have to be zeroed out. We had a good chuckle picturing him moving the scale around the bathroom and trying to take an average of his varying weights. I love that boy...always trying to learn something new.
Think I'll go catch a snuggle with him before bedtime.
Night all.
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The boy came downstairs a bit ago with a perplexing question for the hub. So he decided to weigh himself on the bathroom scale. "So first I weighed myself in the center of the bathroom and I weighed 75lbs. Then I moved the scale to right next to the cabinet and I weighed 77 lbs. Then I moved the scale in the corner and I weighed 82 lbs. What is going on?". The hub said, "I think that is an excellent question for your teacher tomorrow. You think?". He pondered that a while. Then the hub said, "What do you think causes the difference?". "I don't know...the gravitational pull is different in the center?". We had a discussion about "Margin of Error" and how digital scales often have to be zeroed out. We had a good chuckle picturing him moving the scale around the bathroom and trying to take an average of his varying weights. I love that boy...always trying to learn something new.
Think I'll go catch a snuggle with him before bedtime.
Night all.
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Monday, February 15, 2016
Well, BOO!!
I understand that we live in the Tennessee Valley, a place where weather is wonky and school children are often left puzzled and disappointed. I also understand that I am in the minority here when it comes to my love of snow. This area is one that, when a storm is headed our way, we either get pummeled or completely passed over. Everyone kept saying that we were going to get hit...this was the one. As the day went on and the predictions and times for snow arrival had changed, the outlook was pretty clear that we were not going to get the massive snowfall(for our area)that had been predicted. My parents, an hour and a half up the interstate, got 6 inches. Too bad we couldn't teleport the kids and their friends up the interstate so they could play in the snow until they needed a hot chocolate and cookie break and then go back outside. Lather rinse repeat.
So even though the kids were off today for Presidents' Day, they had a yard full of slushy ice and rain and crud coming down that made for conditions that were unplayable. We ate pancakes, watched movies and hung clothes up for consignment sale. Thrills beyond belief. They will be glad to go back to school tomorrow I believe.
I am going to boil myself in the shower and get to bed. You could hang meat in this house.
Night all.
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So even though the kids were off today for Presidents' Day, they had a yard full of slushy ice and rain and crud coming down that made for conditions that were unplayable. We ate pancakes, watched movies and hung clothes up for consignment sale. Thrills beyond belief. They will be glad to go back to school tomorrow I believe.
I am going to boil myself in the shower and get to bed. You could hang meat in this house.
Night all.
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Sunday, February 14, 2016
I miss her....
Valentine's Day has always been a big deal in our family. Our family has several people who share their birthdays with major holidays. My Aunt E had her birthday on Christmas Day. We always made sure to have a birthday cake for her after our Christmas feast(and her alcohol soaked plum pudding-wow). My brother and grandmother both are Cupid babies, so Valentine's Day has always been a big deal in our family. We had a family party, my brother getting a cheesecake and Granny getting a Butterscotch Dessert. We all got little gifts and made an evening out of it. Not all kids would be so willing to share a birthday with their grandmother every year, but my brother did it without batting an eye. He would have party time with his friends going to movies or concerts or playing Diplomacy(with me as a spy) and then have his party with Granny with their traditional picture sitting side by side with their candled desserts. As I was walking down the hall at church today, talking to a friend about our Valentine's Day birthdays, I suddenly realized that today would have been her 100th birthday. I kind of couldn't believe it. She was 94 when she passed away and there isn't a day that passes, or a Valentine's Day, where I don't think about her. It makes today a bittersweet day for all of us. I love and celebrate my brother and mourn that my grandmother is no longer here to celebrate with enjoy her great grandchildren and all that they are doing. But I feel selfish in that, (one) because she is in a much better place and feeling no pain and (two)I always have felt that my brother feels the loss on this day infinitely more than I. I was glad to get to spend a little time with him and his family reminisce and get silly and remember.
I miss her so much, but am so grateful for the legacy she leaves. She was a heck of a lady.
Night all.
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I miss her so much, but am so grateful for the legacy she leaves. She was a heck of a lady.
Night all.
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Saturday, February 13, 2016
Hard core....but why?
The girls are away from us this evening at Winter Jam, a big Christian Rock concert extravaganza, so the boy was feeling kind of low. While we could have taken him there as well, I don't know that he would have really been into it as much as the girls. Because of this whole situation, we kind of felt like we needed to do something special for the boy. With the girls both in youth, he tends to get the shaft when it comes fun events. We try to do something that the sisters wouldn't mind missing. When we asked him what he wanted to do, he gave an answer that chilled our very souls: I want to go to Mr. Gatti's. Unlike when we grew up, there just aren't many video arcades around anymore. Let's all be honest with each other, the kids don't want to go to Gatti's for the pizza. They want to go for the crack laced tickets. Let's spend $10 so a child can get enough tickets to buy a handful of Warhead candies and a Whoopie Cushion that breaks after the first rump hits it. Before some group of our country gets all crazy, I'm not hating on the Gatti's. When I was a teenager, our youth group went there weekly before Bible study. We ate, played copious amounts of Punch Out and made a big mess. But now they have Gatti Land which is like a loud, sticky, half broken assault on the senses. Rabid children dart from game to game while their parents follow them as their personal ticket holders. Believe me you have to be the ticket holder, because if a small bunch of 4 hits the floor accidentally, scads of parents and children are on them like a pride of lions on a wildabeast(I'm sure there is some scientific inaccuracy in that statement, but just go with me). The boy had a goal of ticket numbers so he could obtain a second deck of oversized playing cards. His first deck has been quite fun and he wanted another so we could play giant Canasta. I like the way he thinks. He was on a skeeball roll and it was cheap to play, so we just let him keep swiping his Gatti's card. Next to us, a man had just hit the jackpot and had won 500 tickets. Good for him, you know? He had enough from the jackpot to splurge and get a pair of fuzzy stuffed nunchucks. Living large. So after he got the credit for those on his card, he went back to the machine and swiped. I don't know if you watch many sports, but I do. Whether it is a golfer setting himself up at the tee or a bowler standing like a statue to size up the pins, every athlete has a stance they take when they are in the mode of their particular sport. This man adopted a stance in front of the skeeball machine that said he was taking his task of throwing balls up a ramp and into a bullseye of holes way too seriously. I poked the hub who was already staring with great interest. The man was crouched with one leg out behind him, aiming every ball. The jackpot really must have been a great accomplishment because in three swipes, he had accumulated maybe 10 tickets total. Everyone eventually oools off after a hot streak at the skeeball machine, I guess.
The boy got his wish: a trip to Gatti's, a new deck of oversized cards and(as an added bonus)a black plastic dagger with silver embellishments. What more could a person want?
I am showered and free of eau du pizza. Thank goodness. Night all.
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The boy got his wish: a trip to Gatti's, a new deck of oversized cards and(as an added bonus)a black plastic dagger with silver embellishments. What more could a person want?
I am showered and free of eau du pizza. Thank goodness. Night all.
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Friday, February 12, 2016
Snow Day again
Once again, we had a snow day called before any snow arrived. My alarm had already sounded and I had begun the waking up process when the news announced it, my iPhone blew up with texts and the house phone rang. I looked out the window to see how bad it was since we had a jump rope event and Valentine's Day activities at the boy's school that I wanted to be involved with. Nothing. Come on. I love a good snow day as much as the rest of the group, but I actually want snow to come with it. The boy came in about 30 minutes later and said, "Okay just tell me. Two hour delay or close?". He knows the drill. To be fair, the snow did start and came on with a vengeance. When the streets start to get covered around here, citywide panic sets in. It was probably a good thing that school was called. It hit around drop off time for the elementary schools.
The kids played out for a while and we played our usual games of cards and made our snow day chili. We are all now lounging in various pajamas watching shows and playing cards. We are par-TAY animals.
Now I'm ready to go to bed and pray I can sleep tonight.
Night all.
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The kids played out for a while and we played our usual games of cards and made our snow day chili. We are all now lounging in various pajamas watching shows and playing cards. We are par-TAY animals.
Now I'm ready to go to bed and pray I can sleep tonight.
Night all.
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Thursday, February 11, 2016
Undercover Granny
I just turned on the television to have some background noise on while I sewed up a bear. Inside Edition was on and I can't really tell you how long it has been since I watched this program. Apparently they have a segment from time to time that is kind of a expose' of shifty business people who take advantage of poor, unsuspecting customers. 20/20 had John Stossel and Arnold Diaz. Our own WATE has Don Dare. Apparently they have "Undercover Granny"...a pretty brunette reporter woman who dons an old woman mask and cane and tries to catch the bad guys. She tried to talk to a crooked plumber tonight; it was a train wreck. Beware, my friends. Undercover Granny may be gunning for you if your business is not on the up and up. And she'll have a hidden van full of your victims waiting to tear you apart with viscious rhetoric.
Think on that, friends.
Night all.
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Think on that, friends.
Night all.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2016
I'm a heathen
Today is Ash Wednesday and I should be at church getting my ashes put on and thinking about the start of Lent and what I need to do during this time. Instead, I took the evening off to stay home. The two youngers are coughing and snorty right now and I kind of figured that home was the best place to be tonight. Wednesday's are usually very busy and a work day for me at church, so it does feel weird to not be there. Pray for us if you are at church. I'm helping with homework and making Valentine gifts for the children to give teachers.
I may crash at any minute, so night all. Have a wonderful evening.
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I may crash at any minute, so night all. Have a wonderful evening.
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Tuesday, February 9, 2016
No snow snow day
We had a snow day today...but had what I would call a "powdered sugaring" on the grass. It was very cold. At first I wasn't sure why we had the day off until I saw a Tweet from our superintendent of schools as he was out in the county checking the roads:

It amazes me how your location, in the same county, can make such a difference. I guess their roads were pretty yucky. Their snow is our gain. We indulged in Shrove Tuesday pancakes and played lots of Kings In the Corner. The oldest went to see her first really scary movie, "The Boy", and so now the hub and I may have to mess with her a little bit. I keep showing her the picture to get a reaction:

Creepy little boy doll. Eeek.
Night all.
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It amazes me how your location, in the same county, can make such a difference. I guess their roads were pretty yucky. Their snow is our gain. We indulged in Shrove Tuesday pancakes and played lots of Kings In the Corner. The oldest went to see her first really scary movie, "The Boy", and so now the hub and I may have to mess with her a little bit. I keep showing her the picture to get a reaction:

Creepy little boy doll. Eeek.
Night all.
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Monday, February 8, 2016
Back in the saddle, er, sewing machine
I have been given a shirt. A very special shirt. The shirt itself is nothing out of the ordinary, but the person who once wore it was. He was someone's brother...someone's son...someone's friend. So that makes this shirt extra special. It has been given to me to turn it into a bear. I feel a little bit of pressure, I must say. I want the recipient to love it and find it to be meaningful. Losing a sibling or child is something I have not experienced. No perspective I have is close to theirs. It may sound silly, but I have prayed over this shirt and the sewing machine and the poly-fil stuffing, asking for all of it together to be a blessing tied up in a green and black flannel shirt. Let's hope it will.
Night all.

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Night all.

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Sunday, February 7, 2016
Super Bowl L....not 50
I understand the need to modernize things in our times, I really do. But daggone it, Super Bowl, why take away the Roman numerals when numbering your bowls and replace them with regular numbers? I am not good at math. My children have passed me in their skills at solving arithmetic anything. Roman numerals are all I have left to lord over them in the field of any numbers. And lord over them I do. When we stay to the end of a movie and they do the date in Roman numerals, I can rattle it off while the kids just look at me like I've grown an extra arm. Oh, the power I held and now the NFL has removed it from my clenched and angry fists. Little children watching future Super Bowls will only see the numerals when the rewatch. old movies or look at old clock towers. Keep the numerals, football. Because this girl born in MCMLXXII needs a little edge over her kids. Do it for the mom.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Friday, February 5, 2016
Is there such a thing as "Baker's Back"?
So. There's tennis elbow and runner's cough and jumper's knee and even skiier's thumb. What I want to know is this: is there such a thing as Baker's Back? Or Baker's Bottom? Jeepers. After mixing all this blasted dough up, rolling the balls of dough in sugar and smashing them, I thought last night was bad enough. Today's adventure of baking over 30 dozen cookies has me thinking that Baker's Back might need to be a thing. I love to work in the kitchen, especially the church's commercial kitchen, but those floors are unforgiving. Wah wah wah. Get in shape, Jenny, and quit whining about making little pink and purple cookies. After hearing all those nicknames, I decided there needed to be others created for other situations that didn't necessarily involve sports or, cough cough, baking(I hang my head in shame). Here we go:
1. Clorox/Lysol finger: While I am really trying to rid my home of as many chemicals, I fully admit that when a stomach virus comes through our house, I am spraying the Clorox Clean Up and Lysol anywhere I must like the blasted mosquito spraying truck in the dead of summer. Sometimes it gets to the point that I can't feel my finger...but if it saves me from having another person wake us up at 1:30am with a "I threw up!!!"...I'll take one for the team.
2. Teenager Eye: At those times, thankfully not that many in this house, when the horrible adults do something so ridiculous that a major eye roll is necessary...resulting in eye strain and a head ache. Warning: Could result in the "you keep doing it and they'll get stuck that way" or "do that again and see what happens" threats being spoken.
3. "Spoons" Palm: The injury resulting from smacking your opponent's hand so hard trying to grab a spoon when they get four of a kind. Also results from smacking the playing surface in a fit of rage from not grabbing a spoon in time.
4. Diorama 'Do: This is not so much an injury as it is an appearance marring condition. Well, unless you pull the actual hair out. This condition happens when an offspring brings a worksheet to you that outlines a school project(diorama, solar system out of papier-mâché, scale model of an African dam)which is due the next day. It often happens when looking at the clock to realize the craft supply store has closed for the evening and you run your hands through your hair 57 times trying to figure out how to make rare trees of the Amazon out of old celery in the veggie drawer and floral tape. The struggle is real, friends.
5. Lego Heel: The permanent indentation and excruciating pain that results from an incomplete Lego pickup that is only discovered during a middle of the night trip to the bathroom. No more explanation is needed. I have to believe there are support groups out there for this.
I may be baking some more cookies tomorrow, so I better go to bed now. Maybe I'll do a quick Lego sweep before I lay down.
Night all.
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1. Clorox/Lysol finger: While I am really trying to rid my home of as many chemicals, I fully admit that when a stomach virus comes through our house, I am spraying the Clorox Clean Up and Lysol anywhere I must like the blasted mosquito spraying truck in the dead of summer. Sometimes it gets to the point that I can't feel my finger...but if it saves me from having another person wake us up at 1:30am with a "I threw up!!!"...I'll take one for the team.
2. Teenager Eye: At those times, thankfully not that many in this house, when the horrible adults do something so ridiculous that a major eye roll is necessary...resulting in eye strain and a head ache. Warning: Could result in the "you keep doing it and they'll get stuck that way" or "do that again and see what happens" threats being spoken.
3. "Spoons" Palm: The injury resulting from smacking your opponent's hand so hard trying to grab a spoon when they get four of a kind. Also results from smacking the playing surface in a fit of rage from not grabbing a spoon in time.
4. Diorama 'Do: This is not so much an injury as it is an appearance marring condition. Well, unless you pull the actual hair out. This condition happens when an offspring brings a worksheet to you that outlines a school project(diorama, solar system out of papier-mâché, scale model of an African dam)which is due the next day. It often happens when looking at the clock to realize the craft supply store has closed for the evening and you run your hands through your hair 57 times trying to figure out how to make rare trees of the Amazon out of old celery in the veggie drawer and floral tape. The struggle is real, friends.
5. Lego Heel: The permanent indentation and excruciating pain that results from an incomplete Lego pickup that is only discovered during a middle of the night trip to the bathroom. No more explanation is needed. I have to believe there are support groups out there for this.
I may be baking some more cookies tomorrow, so I better go to bed now. Maybe I'll do a quick Lego sweep before I lay down.
Night all.
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Thursday, February 4, 2016
The dough is taking over
Our annual Father Daughter(significant mentoring male and girl)Valentine's Dance is coming up on Saturday. It has been around for quite a while and is one of the most anxiously anticipated events on our church calendar. They dress up, some in church finery and some in prom wear, maybe have a nice meal out and then hit the church gym for dancing and pictures. One of the other parts of the dance, obviously, is the refreshment portion. Dads, for the most part, are not quite as stringent on this night about the punch and cookie intake as moms probably would be. Because of this fact, a whole mess of cookies are required to fill the tummies. I just finished making sugar cookie dough. Tomorrow, I take 30 dozen and 1 cookies down to use the church industrial strength ovens to bake and bake and bake. Hopefully, this will minimize the time to bake red, purple, and green sugar cookies.
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Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Bad mom, great nap
There are so many things I could have been and needed to be doing today. So many. I woke up sometime in the night to hear a good hard rain a pourin' down on top of the roof. It sounded so nice and lulled me quickly back to sleep. When the alarm went off, I of course wanted to hit the snooze and go back to sleep. Didn't happen. We went through the usual morning rituals and I took the children to the rain. When I got back, guilt overtook me as I looked at the huge pile of laundry in the basement, so I tromped down there to hack away at it. I pressed the fluff feature on the dryer to try and freshen up the current dryer residents before I folded them. With the washer going, the dryer finished flipping the clothes and I sat down in a comfy chair(in the dark) with a lap full of warm socks and "Parking Wars" on the TV. I got three pairs matched up and then BOOM...I woke up an hour later. I needed to make cookies and write letters and clean the kitchen and finish the laundry. Boy did that nap feel good, I'm not gonna lie. But the nap guilt lasted all day.
Got to get ingredients ready for tomorrow' spookiest dough prep. Making 30 dozen cookies for the Father Daughter dance on Saturday. Eek.
Night all.
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Got to get ingredients ready for tomorrow' spookiest dough prep. Making 30 dozen cookies for the Father Daughter dance on Saturday. Eek.
Night all.
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Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Sad day...heavy hearts
Heavy hearts this evening in our house. My husband lost his aunt this afternoon. The surgery of last night was not enough to save her. I am so glad my father in law, her brother, was able to be there with her husband. I know he was of great comfort to his brother in law and provided a listening ear and discernment when deciphering what the doctors said. He was able to tell her goodbye in person. Pray for him, please. I know he must be absolutely exhausted both mentally and physically.
Thank you for your prayers for their family.
Night all.
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Thank you for your prayers for their family.
Night all.
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Monday, February 1, 2016
Not sure what to say today
It has sure been rainy here in the valley today. We all know about rainy days and Mondays and how they can be. I always want to sleep, but a dark and rainy Monday is almost like the weather is turning down your bed and helping you into your pj's. Kind of a creepy and relaxing visual all at the same time.
My oldest got her state sanctioned sex talk today in Wellness class today. Let me state for the record, she has already had her parent directed talk(about 5 years ago) and knows how all the business works. Luckily for the kids in our area, the "SexTalk Man" who does the lessons for all the health and wellness classes is funny, infomative and just an all around good guy. His lessons were well received and thought provoking. Apparently there were quite a few questions like "If relations happen with a pregnant woman, will the baby blow up like a balloon?"...he handled them with the proper attention and humor. I imagine he is rarely surprised by questions anymore. He is talking more tomorrow. I wish I could go hear him. He's a mess!
Please continue to pray for the hub's aunt. She is very ill and having a pretty huge surgery that may or may not be over at this time. She needs all the prayers she can get. His uncle and father are together and waiting for news.
Night all.
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My oldest got her state sanctioned sex talk today in Wellness class today. Let me state for the record, she has already had her parent directed talk(about 5 years ago) and knows how all the business works. Luckily for the kids in our area, the "SexTalk Man" who does the lessons for all the health and wellness classes is funny, infomative and just an all around good guy. His lessons were well received and thought provoking. Apparently there were quite a few questions like "If relations happen with a pregnant woman, will the baby blow up like a balloon?"...he handled them with the proper attention and humor. I imagine he is rarely surprised by questions anymore. He is talking more tomorrow. I wish I could go hear him. He's a mess!
Please continue to pray for the hub's aunt. She is very ill and having a pretty huge surgery that may or may not be over at this time. She needs all the prayers she can get. His uncle and father are together and waiting for news.
Night all.
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