Monday, January 11, 2016

Are they made of gold?

In a couple of weeks, my girls are going on a weekend trip with the youth group to a youth conference. Things are different this year; they used to have separate weekends for both middle and high school. Now, all youth go together. God bless the adults who have to go(my husband is one of them). The lodging arrangements this year include a swimming pool, so the girls would have to go shopping for new suits. They have both sprouted and we wanted them to look appropriate. They tried on suits while I went to get the boy highlighters and glue sticks for school. They are both thrifty kids and I trusted their judgement when I took the suits up to checkout. Highlighters...beep. Glue sticks...beep. Clearance workout pants for gym...beep. I start looking at a magazine and listen to the beeps in the background. She gives me my total. What the what?!?! I did not remember putting cold bricks in the cart. Are those suits made of spun silver and unicorn hair? Good golly Ned. The poor hub about blew a gasket when he heard the price...and I cannot blame him at all.

Just a word. One of my very favorite artists and musicians passed away last night. David Bowie blew my mind with everything he did. I can remember sitting with my brother, watching a new channel called MTV and watching David Bowie's "Ashes to Ashes" video with our mouths gaping in wonder. The world's loss is great and the artistic light is much dimmer this evening. He will always be one of my very favorites. Godspeed, Mr. Bowie.

Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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