A phrae that comes up somewhat often in our house when the gnashing of teeth happens due to homework is "I already passed _____"...you filled in the blank. I heard the hub say the other night, "You can get annoyed with my help, but I already passed math!". So tonight, as I was helping with an animal report and I received flack for my editing, I said, "I passed third grade science. Arggh!". But during my helping, I did get a few new wrinkles in my brain. Did you know that the Poison Dart Frog was named for the fact that the natives dipped the darts for their blow guns in their venom when they went to go hunting? That they are colored with fancy colors that tell predators "Back off...I'm toxic!". That there is only one animal, a particular snake, that is safe from the frog's venom. I may have passed secondary school, but I can still learn some exciting facts with the best of 'em. But I can also still get annoyed from time to time.
Night all.

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