We are heading into a crazy weekend what with band tournaments and soccer tournaments and Fall fests and all that business. I love to watch them play, I really do. I am ready for life to settle down a bit once some of these activities die down for the winter. But before they settle down, we have battle on the pitch this weekend. G's team has the potential to win their division and their opponents are gunning for them. The one team they played over Fall break is really gunning for them and I fear that someone will get injured. Just pray for their safety and good sportsmanship all around. It will be good soccer to watch...I just wish she could have more of a cheering section. i think people would be impressed to see the athlete she has become. Oh well. Too much going on here in Knoxvegas. Oh well.
I'm going to watch some trash TV and relax. Enter your evening with this sweet picture:

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