Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I got nothin'

It has been a long day, but then it has been a long day for everyone. My heart is heavy for many reasons. A young man, who used to attend S's school and whose sister still does, took his life a few days ago. As a mom, it hurts my heart to think of his family and what pain they must be going through at this time. Makes me want to do hourly mental health checks on my children to make sure they are okay. Also, my dear friend's nphew was involved in a horrific accident that resulted in both of his legs being severed. He and his wife have two girls and twins on the way. It just seems like things could not be worse for them as a family. But his strength and determination pulled him to safety and into the helpful arms of his coworkers. I pray the family is surrounded and embraced and uplifted by his community. Just another dose of perspective that I need to keep me on the straight and narrow.

Hug your loved ones a little tighter tonight and make sure they know how loved they are. Don't ever leave any questions in their minds. Night all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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