Tomorrow is the first tournament of the Fall season. The first games start an hour away and at the bright shinig time of 8:30. Arrgghh. The two youngest have three games, all at the same time, which will be a logistical nightmare. Oh well. Cannot complain when we pay money for these circumstances. I have currently filled Rubbermaid containers full of baby tomatoes, sliced cukes, already sectioned cuties and grapes(one in the fridge and one in the freezer). I have learned the hard way that one cannot exist nutritionally or financially on concession stand food at these tournaments. They consist of Gatorade/Powerade and candy. So you know what that gets you? Cavities, electrolytes and constipation. Not the trio of happiness I'm looking for when I sit in the sun all day. We also have some teammates who don't usually have much to eat, if anything, and all the parents want to make sure their tummies and constitutions are strong for a long day. So I am here in the kitchen, armed with lots of music on the ipad, prepping with nutrition in mind.
On another note, my iphone took its final breaths and has decided to fluke out and die or simply show the white Apple symbol on an all black screen for two days now. The Apple Store is happy to replace it at no cost after seeing its last gasp. Only one problem: they have no equal replacement phones in stock and may not have one until Monday. So my personal and work phone, camera, calendar, watch and flashlight are kaput. Maybe I'll finally see what life is all about not attached to the blasted thing. Shame on me for being so attached to it.
Night all.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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