So when the hub and I decided to buy bunk beds yea many years ago, we realized very quickly that, while great for saving space in a small room, they were an instrument of parental torture when it came to changing the sheets. We have tried fifty different methods of changing them, but the only truly effective way is to actually remove the mattress put as much back on and then pray it doesn't slip off when you try to haul it back up top. We've shoved a kid up there to try and make it themselves. Not a great plan. Tonight I tried to pull the mattress off by myself as the hub was at a church meeting. The sheets had to be washed since they were full of sand that the boy was truly unable to scrub out of his head. This proved to be a scene worthy of Buster Keaton or the 3 Stooges. As I twisted the mattress around, the connected wooden slats started shifting as well and falling to the bed below like a bunch of the flat green roof slats in Lincoln Logs. This provided a smaller and smaller support for the rest of the mattress to lay on...which also caused me to panic. "GET IN HERE SOMEBODY!!!!" The kids ran in, assessed the situation and had a little chuckle with their mother holding the matress precariously balanced on what was the equivalent of a 1x4...maybe. You know know me and math. My oldest was very brave and got on the lower bed and replaced each fallen slat, knowing that the mattress could fall on her body anytime. It took one 43 year old, a 13 year old and a 10 year old to make a bed. The boy looked on with thanks and admiration. I need to go lay down now. Good grief.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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