I went to a soccer meeting tonight. It was kind of bizarre to be at the meeting which was held during a practice when my children weren't there. I went in with a crooked attitude, because I really would have rather been at home with my family. Wah wah wah. Anyway, the head coach is a talker. God bless him, he is passionate about what he does and has a soft spot in his heart for those kids who are less fortunate and have soccer as their hope to get an education and better themselves. All that being said, we sat there facing the sun and listening to him philosophize for an hour and a half. Being the severe ADHD person that I am, it was torture. My fellow antsy parents and I texted each other the whole time and threatened to hurt the first person who aske a question and made the meeting last longer. By the end, we all looked like this:

We survived the meeting and I took the oldest out for some ice cream after she had a not so great day. The hub was rewarded wth a extra thick strawberry shake for his efforts to behave and be a good patient.
I ask your prayers for one of S's best buddies who has knee surgery tomorrow. She has been such a trooper and I hope this surgery will do the trick for sure! Also for our dear friend, E, who had hip replacement surgery today. Our daughter, G, is all to pieces worrying about her beloved friend. I pray both people have quick recovery times.
Have a good night, dear readers. Tomorrow is a new day and brings with it new possibilities. For us, it will bring school supply shopping. Yipes.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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