Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I know, I know

I am a weirdo..we've established that. I don't know why I do the strange things I do. I don't understand why strange things bother me, but they do. There is one thing in particular that bothers me more than just about anything. That thing involves a certain sound. That sound is licking,or I should say the sounds of licking and general chewing. Why? Weeelllll....I don't know. Maybe it is because I had relatives with a pet who had severe skin allergies. These allergies caused that animal to lick her skin. Constantly. Like it was her profession. Glurg. Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl. My father and brother caught on quickly that this was a major pet peeve. So naturally they took advantage of that fact and used it for their amusement. The reverent silence of a moment would be broken by the sound of lips smacking together. Looking around, I would see them standing together with evil glints in their eyes, waiting to see me crack. And I would. I wish I wouldn't get so grossed out, but I do. Our poor dog knows to go hide when she has to groom herself. I have to make her stop when I am around. Either that or I leave the room. I know I KNOW!!! I am an awful person. I had a classmate who would sit across the table from me in middle school and, with an open mouth, enthusiastically eat her food and clean the food out of her braces while smacking and having the partially chewed food fall on the table. Gluurg. I have a fairly strong stomach, except for masticating and pet licking.

Why, you ask, do I think of this subject to chat about tonight? Well, I was watching the latest "Little People Big World" special this evening. They were showing Zach talking to his dad. In the background the cat was licking, with great gusto, right in the shot. I kept thinking, um can't they get the cat out of the shot? Just for a second? It just distracted me. I know, that is really pathetic.

Maybe I need to go to therapy about it. My poor husband can't eat grapes around me half the time. "I'm sorry I am a loud grape eater!", he has said more than once. I am a horrible wife and person. Forgive me for my horribly, picky ears. I'm working on them. I can eat with other people, so don't be paranoid. Just don't decide to groom yourself in front of me...gluuurg.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. oh, for the love of Cher! I thought I was the only one that saw that cat, well, lets call it what your Dad would say "Lickin' his Butt"..why not stop the camera and well, do what your Dad would do, "kick his can off the chair".

    And leave it to me to think "Hey, didn't they have a brown tabby cat? wheres the OTHER cat?" while Zack was planning his whole life"

    Know what else bugs me? People who yawn really loud.

  2. If we think about it, I bet we would all say we have something that just drives us out of our minds. My nephew, though he does have Asperger's, can't stand the sound of pencils scratching on paper, which of course makes school really tough.
    I discovered a few years ago that the sound of a dental drill in my mouth gives me any immediate, severe migraine, nausea, light flashes and all. Had to find a dentist that uses lasers. I'm now more sensitive to loud, high-pitched noises, terrified they might set my head off.
    We are all "weird", some just hide it better than others.
