Friday, December 16, 2011

Busy day and weird men

Today was another run and scramble day. I had a little shopping companion with me all morning, which makes things challen...interesting. Packages were mailed to the WI and SC Cook's. A couple books picked up at Barnes and Noble, with a trip to the children's section to play with the train set. The boy is very big into negotiating, or reframing, when it comes to something he wants. So, because of this reason, it took us about 10 minutes longer to get away from the train than I had planned. Thank goodness, we did escape and finish most of our errands, including one of two trips to Kroger. At school pick up time, we had a sleepy girl get in the car first. She gave the usual incident report: who pulled cards and to what color...what they did to pull a card...what was for lunch. She then started to drift off to nap land. Then the safety parol got in the car, smiling and carrying two Purple Awards from her 4H craft projects. This is my favorite:
I thought it was pretty excellent...thanks Google Images search result for "Button Tree". After everyone was buckled, I remembered that I had not picked up coffee and filters. With the weekend and Christmas quickly approaching, we were needing to stock up on the safe "liquid awake" to help us in the final gift wrapping and baking push. With the coffee and filters in hand, we headed for the dairy cooler to pick out some tasty creamer make our brewed beverage complete. But before we got there, we were met by a nice little old lady giving out samples of this:

It was funny just as it was that an 80 year old woman was selling deodorant targeted for young, single men. What happened next was even funnier. Mind you, I have three children with me, but that doesn't seem to matter to some people. After the lady asked if I had a man that I would like to take a free sample to, I said, "Sure! Free is always a good reason to try a new product.". So I take it and put it in my purse to let B check it out. As we all took about five steps away from the lady and closer to the Coffeemate, a man with his shopping cart looked at me and said, "The commercials say that Axe is supposed to be great to attract men. You want to try it on me?". Really? Bustin' a move in the dairy section to a frumpy, exhausted mom with her three kids. Wow. There are lots of things wrong in this situation. And, think about what he said...."great to attract men..". Um, a deodorant targeted towards men to use on themselves. Wait for it. Wait for it. The man looked at me as I looked back at him, waiting for him to process his comment. Then, BING, the lightbulb came on. "It is to attract men, I mean. Make men attract well, I mean, well, not that there is anything wrong with that.". Then he walked off shaking his head, turning an odd shade of purple. Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David would be proud that their legacy lives on. It did make me wonder if it would attract a man. I'll have to ask my friend about that. Anyhoo, some people do not have any clue or any Imodium for their verbal diarrhea. I drew, with my new paint program, my depiction of the events at Kroger. Hope you like it.
Is there something about me that attracts this stuff? I don't know, but it sure makes life interesting. Night all.

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