I am writing my NYE post now since I may fall asleep if I wait much longer. We are headed to some friends' house for a get together, but I am a late night lightweight anymore. They may have to wake me up to ring in 2017. I've been fairly productive in the kitchen today and even got a little time in snuggling with my boy...which rarely happens anymore. He's so zippy, sometimes it is hard to keep him still. We have been watching the Twilight Zone marathon on SyFy. It is one of our favorite New Year's traditions. Play games, watch the episodes and be together.
I pray 2017 brings with it newly restored health for me and for many. I am ready to get healthy and not feel blah most of the time. Here's hoping for a great new year for all!
Night all.
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Saturday, December 31, 2016
Friday, December 30, 2016
It's getting real
We took the oldest to the county clerk's office early this morning to see how the wheels of government work. Well, that and we went to turn in papers and finish the process for applying for a passport. The security guard there had to be the kindest and most genuine government employee I have ever met in one of those offices. He made sure we were welcomed, had the proper papers filled out the proper way so we wouldn't waste our time waiting only to be told we needed to come back with different papers. Just a bright light in a place nowhere wanted to be. The paperwork is officially file and reality has hit all of us that she will be leaving the country in a few months. I'm trying to not be completely freaked out about that. You know, roller coasters are really fun and thrilling until you grow up and watch your child go on one for the first time. I mean, they are still fun, but the weight of parental responsibility weighs heavy on my mind when I think of what I am allowing them to do. Just like with this mission trip, it all sounds like a super great adventure until you realize that you are sending your baby on a trip to another country and you will not be with her. It is pretty intimidating. But I know she will be okay. Just the worrisome mom in me.
Going to go tend to an ill child now. Tummy trouble.
Night all.
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Going to go tend to an ill child now. Tummy trouble.
Night all.
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Thursday, December 29, 2016
Well, ugh
My Hokies have not shown up for their bowl game. I honestly don't think they are in the same state as the bowl game...at least not in their minds. My husband is pacing the floor and even elected to do some of his least favorite jobs in order to avoid watching. We may not have a happy house for a bit.
Oh well. Go Hokies anyway.
Night all.
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Oh well. Go Hokies anyway.
Night all.
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Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Do I Have To?
I hate to say it, but I think I will start the process of taking down the Christmas tree and decorations tomorrow. This part of the holiday is my least favorite task. It will be kind of extra sad since we will have several empty bags from, as I am terming it, "Timber Times Two 2016" where several of the ornaments were broken. We still have the memories, but boy was the snowman family made out of painted fingers super duper cute. Sigh.
Now I see that Debbie Reynolds has passed one day after her daughter. So sad for that family. Quite a blow for them and for all of those whose lives have been filled with joy and laughter from their gifts of entertainment. I'm going to bed.
Night all.
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Now I see that Debbie Reynolds has passed one day after her daughter. So sad for that family. Quite a blow for them and for all of those whose lives have been filled with joy and laughter from their gifts of entertainment. I'm going to bed.
Night all.
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Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Short Post #4567
I didn't sleep much at all last night, so I am not tracking as quickly as usual. We had a nice day with the WI family. The kids got worn out at the local trampoline park and I got worn out watching them. Ha. We ate at Five Guys for dinner and played Trivial Pursuit and had ice cream. Not too shabby.
We lost an icon today: Carrie Fisher. I'm telling you, friends, half my childhood heroes have dies this year. Jeepers. 2016 has not been kind to lots of people.
Please pray for my uncle and aunt. They left today to go. To another town to meet with a new doctor and start his new chemo. They come back home tomorrow since the chemo drugs didn't come in. This is not a mistake they physically, mentally or financially needed at this time. Uncle for my uncle.
Night all.
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We lost an icon today: Carrie Fisher. I'm telling you, friends, half my childhood heroes have dies this year. Jeepers. 2016 has not been kind to lots of people.
Please pray for my uncle and aunt. They left today to go. To another town to meet with a new doctor and start his new chemo. They come back home tomorrow since the chemo drugs didn't come in. This is not a mistake they physically, mentally or financially needed at this time. Uncle for my uncle.
Night all.
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Monday, December 26, 2016
Day after Christmas fun
The Wisconsin family has arrived and with it lots of cousin fun. My children love to play games of any type and so does their cousin, K, so it makes for an excellent time. Lots of laughing and kind hearted smack talk, although my two girls can get pretty rough on each other from time to time. There were beautiful music performances and joke telling and theatrical recreations of scenes from Harry Potter. We were busy over here, friends. Because our house is old and not laid out nicely to have guests, they have gone to stay in a hotel room for the night. While our house has room, it isn't like houses built today with bonus rooms and that business. And we don't feel right setting up a guest room in the cold basement. With all the craziness that comes with our five, they probably welcome the break! :0).
WHo knows what tomorrow holds for the cousins, but I am sure it will be something full of learning and laughter for sure!
Night all.
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WHo knows what tomorrow holds for the cousins, but I am sure it will be something full of learning and laughter for sure!
Night all.
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Sunday, December 25, 2016
Merry Christmas
It has been a busy but lovely day at our house. A nice time with family. I am grateful for all I have been blessed with and am humbled by the amount of love I have been given.
Our Wisconsin family arrives tomorrow and we are excited to get to spend time with them. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we will have some fun outdoors as well. This weather is a bit too balmy for my taste and for them, I am sure it is almost tropical.
I hope all of you have a blessed rest of your Christmas Day and enjoy spending time with loved ones.
Night all.
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Our Wisconsin family arrives tomorrow and we are excited to get to spend time with them. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we will have some fun outdoors as well. This weather is a bit too balmy for my taste and for them, I am sure it is almost tropical.
I hope all of you have a blessed rest of your Christmas Day and enjoy spending time with loved ones.
Night all.
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Saturday, December 24, 2016
We're almost there
Tonight is Christmas Eve and we are all excited. The children are a more outward excited, while we are an excited on the inside kind of people. This time of the year is challenging for the grown ups and today has been no different. The kids and I started off the day by delivering plates of cookies to local businesses with some friends. It is our Christmas Eve tradition. Some people were confused as to why we were there and others wanted to video us while we sang. It was a nice way to start the day. We ended the day with our candlelight communion family service at church. We then went to see Christmas lights on houses, ate our traditional Christmas meatloaf dinner and sat as a family and read the Christmas story and "How the Great Guest Came". I managed once again to cry through the last third of that. The kids wouldn't know what to do if I didn't.
The hub and I are going to put gifts out in just a minute. I can't stay awake much longer.
Night all.
The hub and I are going to put gifts out in just a minute. I can't stay awake much longer.
Night all.
Friday, December 23, 2016
The things you see in line...
I had to wait in lines today. At this time of year, you either allow the lines to drive you crazy or embrace all the possibilities of what you might witness. My two lines were the Honey Baked Ham line and the line to see Santa. The SPRC at work(you Methodists know what that is...just the committee that deals with all the staffing stuff and, well, basically all the uncomfortable and hard things at church), they gave us each a gift card to Honey Baked Ham. People really get serious about the pig they get for CHristmas dinner. I wanted the one that fed enough people but wasn't huge and had a bone to make soup later. Some people looked at three and four hams before they found an acceptable one. Some people paid excessive amounts of money just for side dishes. I'm too cheap to buy green bean casserole and.mashed potatoes from a third party. It seems wrong when I have the ingredients at home. AND the amount they charge, well, I could make probably 5 casseroles twice the size. I'm too cheap. I got a six pounder, that was the smallest they had, and went on my merry way. S and I have been making dough and baking cookies all day. She has been the best baking assistant I could ask for. We will take the cookies and do our traditional Christmas Eve cookie delivery to businesses in our community who have to be open on the day before Christmas. It is lots of fun.
This evening we went for our annual trip to see the jolly old elf. Thankfully we got there right after he returned from feeding his reindeer. The line still was as slow as molasses. We saw lots of awfully cute little babies dolled up and ready to be terrified by a big bearded stranger in red. There were a few child-parent wrestling matches while on Santa's actual lap. It made for good viewing. One family in front of us lost their teenage daughter for a while. I think she hid in Hot Topic out of protest for being made to sit on his lap as a 16 year old. That come to Jesus meeting happened right in front of us upon her return. Finally mine went up for their time with Santa. The girls have gotten to the age that they really are skeeved out by having to sit on a strange man's lap, so they sat on the arms of his chair. I don't blame them. I had a creepy Santa incident with a group of friends when we came home after our first semester of college. I'll just say it haunts me still. Anyhoo, they all sat and they all used their manners and asked about the North Pole and all that jazz. We are now at home and have that experience out of the way.
I may go to bed soon. Tomorrow is going to be a long and busy day...for everybody.
Night all.
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This evening we went for our annual trip to see the jolly old elf. Thankfully we got there right after he returned from feeding his reindeer. The line still was as slow as molasses. We saw lots of awfully cute little babies dolled up and ready to be terrified by a big bearded stranger in red. There were a few child-parent wrestling matches while on Santa's actual lap. It made for good viewing. One family in front of us lost their teenage daughter for a while. I think she hid in Hot Topic out of protest for being made to sit on his lap as a 16 year old. That come to Jesus meeting happened right in front of us upon her return. Finally mine went up for their time with Santa. The girls have gotten to the age that they really are skeeved out by having to sit on a strange man's lap, so they sat on the arms of his chair. I don't blame them. I had a creepy Santa incident with a group of friends when we came home after our first semester of college. I'll just say it haunts me still. Anyhoo, they all sat and they all used their manners and asked about the North Pole and all that jazz. We are now at home and have that experience out of the way.
I may go to bed soon. Tomorrow is going to be a long and busy day...for everybody.
Night all.
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Thursday, December 22, 2016
Mobbing for Good
Our county mayor, Tim Burchett, likes to mob people. But in a good way. When the Henley Street Bridge in the south part of our city was under renovation, the businesses on the other side of the bridge suffered since they were much harder to reach. Mayor Burchett order "cash mobs" to occur on certain days to assist the businesses. What is a cash mob? Basically everyone is encouraged to "mob" the business with their business to help boost their affected sales. Today, we had a cash mob in our own little part of town. The Fountain City Exxon has been a fixture in town for 60 years. Need some gas? A Coke? A plugged tire or a new alternator? You can get all of them there. What can't you get there? Hot dogs...lottery tickets. Their sign clearly states, "Not a casino". It is one of the few stations left around here that has a full service option and, when you have three kids sick in the car in the winter, sometimes it is the most heavenly and decadent option to have. Alvin Frye, a World War II and Korean war veteran, community servant and nonagenarian, has owned the station since it began. He knows everyone and everyone knows him. The past few months have been rough for him. He had a hip injury and developed an infection that sent him to convalesce in a nursing home. Because of all these circumstances combined, his station will be closing for good at the end of this month. Mayor Burchett, always a champion for our veterans and a devoted community servant, organized a cash mob at the Exxon to help Mr. Frye finish his time there on a high note. When I got there at 10 after 3, I had a wait ahead of me, which I was happy to see. I saw my uncle, three friends from church and another friend's uncle. There were members of the media and local dignitaries. I signed one of the big cards and inadequately expressed my appreciation for his service to the community. I grieve the fact that he has to close his business under these circumstances, but I am grateful to Mayor Burchett's leadership in organizing this fabulous tribute to a humble and honorable man. I wish him and his employees the best as they begin a new chapter of their lives. Let us all learn from the example he set to serve our community and be a good example for all.
Night all.
Night all.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Basement Frostbite
I have just emerged from wrapping presents in the basement and I am having trouble getting warm. My fingers were starting to have issues with scissor dexterity and tape pulling, so it was time to stop. I guess it is a good thing I'm not having to sew any gifts this year. I might have to buy a space heater. Brrrr.
Tomorrow is the last half day of school before the holiday begins. I have one child who will be going, so one more early rise for the week. He's excited to be with his friends and just do nothing. I get it...sounds really nice.
For now, I am going to boil myself in the shower and wrap myself up in flannel.
Night all.
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Tomorrow is the last half day of school before the holiday begins. I have one child who will be going, so one more early rise for the week. He's excited to be with his friends and just do nothing. I get it...sounds really nice.
For now, I am going to boil myself in the shower and wrap myself up in flannel.
Night all.
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Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Roller coaster
Riding the emotional roller coaster is never a fun time for many people. But, life is a constant roller coaster of emotions that we have to hold on and try not to fall out of the car. We are awaiting the results of my uncle's bone marrow biopsy to see if he will be accepted into a clinical trial. Whenever i started this blog, I did not think it would be a place where I would emotionally vomit every day for the six people who click on this link, but it has become that. I apologize. As a person who believes in God and His power, I will put this story and requests for prayers for his restored health on every platform I can possibly find. I love my uncle...I love all of my uncle's and I would give anything to make them better. So if you pray, pray for healing and comfort and peace and wisdom. If you don't pray, send up positivity into the universe.
I am currently engaged in the utmost of uplifting activities: watching Intervention and wrapping Christmas presents...all while sitting in the freezing basement. Living the dream.
Night all.
I am currently engaged in the utmost of uplifting activities: watching Intervention and wrapping Christmas presents...all while sitting in the freezing basement. Living the dream.
Night all.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Heavy Heart
We didn't get the best of news from my uncle's appointment today. His disease is a tricky and aggressive one, one he has fought with grace and humor and great bravery. The doctor today gave them some very honest and real news that was difficult to hear. They have three options of different kinds of medicines and difficulties with all of them. They'll be looking at his bone marrow numbers and other things to determine what to do if they can do it. Clinical trials are sometimes an option, but very cost prohibitive. I don't know what to ask people to pray for or to pray for myself. Selfishly, I want a cure so he can be in remission and live many more years. I truly want him to be happy and know how loved he is and enjoy life and his loved ones.
Pray, pray, pray.
Night all.
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Pray, pray, pray.
Night all.
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Sunday, December 18, 2016
Party Day
Today we had a birthday party for Baby Jesus with the children at church. They dressed up as people in the nativity story, made a Jesus in the manger craft and ate donut holes on sticks after they sang "Happy Birthday" to Baby Jesus. A good time was had by all. It was loud and a bit crazy, but I imagine that special night so long ago was the same way.
My uncle has his appointment tomorrow at 11am central time. I beg anyone to please say a few prayers for him and for his doctors. I am not above praying for a miracle. I know God knows what is best for him...I just selfishly want him around for a long time. I appreciate any love sent his way.
Night all.
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My uncle has his appointment tomorrow at 11am central time. I beg anyone to please say a few prayers for him and for his doctors. I am not above praying for a miracle. I know God knows what is best for him...I just selfishly want him around for a long time. I appreciate any love sent his way.
Night all.
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Saturday, December 17, 2016
Just about done
G and I went out Chirstmas shopping today. It was a much longer trip than I had planned, but we were successful. We even took a shopping break and went to the evil trap known as the Puppy Zone. This is the devil disguised as a store with baby cribs all over and cute little fuzzy puppies inside. Their prices are OUTRAGEOUS, but darn are those puppies cute. They lure you in with those chubby tummies and skunks puppy breath and make you feel you must rescue one before you leave. G got stuck on the chocolates, which is understandable since we have one. They were sleeping hard, but got feisty when they woke up. Nothing better than a sweet little puppy.
After dinner, we took the kids for ice cream and a drive to look at Christmas lights. It is a longstanding family tradition. It was a rainy night, but a fun one. One of my favorite traditions.
One of my other favorite things to do is go to sleep. I think I will do that right now.
Night all.
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After dinner, we took the kids for ice cream and a drive to look at Christmas lights. It is a longstanding family tradition. It was a rainy night, but a fun one. One of my favorite traditions.
One of my other favorite things to do is go to sleep. I think I will do that right now.
Night all.
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Friday, December 16, 2016
In Need of Prayer
I have mentioned my uncle and his battle with AML and the hard fight he has fought. Today they received some hard news that his most recent round of chemo (#9), had not worked to hold the leukemia at bay and he is in need of acceptance into a clinical trial. We have been hoping for that for a while, but nothing has come, so they have plodded along patiently. One nurse told them that it would surely be the first of the year before they had any chance of getting into one. Discouraging news for them since this disease moves and spreads so aggressively. Then they received a call that they are to be at a specific hospital on Monday to be seen for possible admittance to a clinical trial. This will mean their separation from family and friends during the Christmas holiday, but it could be the best CHristmas present they get. Please pray that they can find hope in this trial after such a depressing blow today. Pray for miracle, please.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Thursday, December 15, 2016
Another quick one
Band concert tonight. Fun to hear them play. Deep cleaning the house for Christmas. Trying to not lose my sanity with children who are ready to be done with school for the semester. Tomorrow will hold a party for a soccer team that likes to eat and party like a bunch of crazies. Lord help us all.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Wednesday, December 14, 2016
A quick sick one
The boy is still feeling poorly, although he did perk up this evening. He really wants to go to school tomorrow, so we will hope that can happen. My tooth is about to kill me...to the point that I was ready to yank it out myself. My dentist is off tomorrow, but I may have to beg at his feet on Friday for some relief. It is agonizing. Band fruit is in and about half or a little more has been delivered. The hub ate the inaugural navel orange and seemed to enjoy it, so all is well. Tomorrow we all get to get new toothbrushes since strep hit the house. Upon the medical advice of a nurse friend, our current ones have been soaking in peroxide until we are safe to get new ones. The funny things we get excited over.
I am going to go wash the stink of fruit and Lysol off my body and get ready for bed.
Night all.
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I am going to go wash the stink of fruit and Lysol off my body and get ready for bed.
Night all.
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Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Ugh...ughity ugh
So the boy went to bed last night not feeling great. His sinuses were jacked up and his ears were starting to hurt. I gave him the usual Mucinex/allergy stuff and sent him to bed. This morning when I got him up, he was burning like a furnace. He had the glazed, sick eyed look that I knew all too well. He got dressed and I told him to relax. After sisters went to school, he and I went to the urgent care clinic as our doc office didn't open for another couple of hours. I was convinced that he had a double ear infection, which he still might. BUT, knock me over with a feather, he had strep. This is his second time ever having it. I got him home and tucked him in only to receive a text from his sister and roommate saying, "My throat is killing me." I went to get her and took her to the same place. While she did not test positive, the NP said she was "well on her way" to a positive test soon enough. Her second time having strep as well. I have been Lysoling a lot and making runs for ice water and throat lozenges. They are pretty pitiful. Hopefully with a day's worth of antibiotics in them, they will wake up new children. I hope. Breaks my heart to see them sick.
Just pray we don't get it. Too many things going on. Way too many.
Night all.
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Just pray we don't get it. Too many things going on. Way too many.
Night all.
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Ugh...ughity ugh
So the boy went to bed last night not feeling great. His sinuses were jacked up and his ears were starting to hurt. I gave him the usual Mucinex/allergy stuff and sent him to bed. This morning when I got him up, he was burning like a furnace. He had the glazed, sick eyed look that I knew all too well. He got dressed and I told him to relax. After sisters went to school, he and I went to the urgent care clinic as our doc office didn't open for another couple of hours. I was convinced that he had a double ear infection, which he still might. BUT, knock me over with a feather, he had strep. This is his second time ever having it. I got him home and tucked him in only to receive a text from his sister and roommate saying, "My throat is killing me." I went to get her and took her to the same place. While she did not test positive, the NP said she was "well on her way" to a positive test soon enough. Her second time having strep as well. I have been Lysoling a lot and making runs for ice water and throat lozenges. They are pretty pitiful. Hopefully with a day's worth of antibiotics in them, they will wake up new children. I hope. Breaks my heart to see them sick.
Just pray we don't get it. Too many things going on. Way too many.
Night all.
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Just pray we don't get it. Too many things going on. Way too many.
Night all.
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Monday, December 12, 2016
Night #2
Our second night of the choir program has come and gone. Not going to lie, I am glad it is over. It is fun to participate in, but is a commitment...not as much as the choir members with all that they sing and do. The boy has a super painful ear, so he and the hub ducked out right after his singing obligation. I ducked out after my bell choir part to go sit in the nursery. One of the staffers had a horrible migraine. She was a trooper and came in, but we sent her home. I'm so thankful for a friend and her daughter who stepped in to help out our other staff member. They were a cute little trio of children tonight, so it is always fun to be with them.
Now that the program is over, time to prepare for a band program and trying to get gifts purchased and wrapped. I'm ready to do some relaxing...maybe a little.
Night all.
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Now that the program is over, time to prepare for a band program and trying to get gifts purchased and wrapped. I'm ready to do some relaxing...maybe a little.
Night all.
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Sunday, December 11, 2016
Funny people
Another Sunday, another busy time. As Christmas draws near, things get busier and stressful. Lots of activities get stuffed into one small period of time. So anything that can relieve some of that stress is more than welcome. Today in our combined Sunday school class(3's, 4's and K), they were volunteering to pray before snack. One little boy volunteered his services. This was the epic beginning of his 3+ minute prayer: "Dear Lord, Thank you for our bodies. Thank you for our bones, because without our bones, we would just be piles of skin in the floor." And it went on from there. I hope he wasn't praying with his eyes open, because I almost lost it. It was so funny and genuine and excellent. How could you not have a good day when it starts with a prayer like that?
I'm tired and have to go downstairs and cut up a cake.
Night all.
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I'm tired and have to go downstairs and cut up a cake.
Night all.
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Saturday, December 10, 2016
Crazy Cookie Lady
So I had a whole blog post written and my oldest asked a question that I didn't know about Princess Grace. I was always a fan of hers and knew a fair amount, so I was impressed she asked a stumper. When I got off the blogging app for a minute and searched Grace Kelly, which led to a quick look at her children which led to Princess Diana(because we started talked princesses perishing in car accidents), the blogging app rejected what I had written and deleted it. I was not pleased, so I have written this quick post. After way too many dozen cookies baked and shopping for Christmas and a choir concert outfit for a child and a handbell practice, I just couldn't bear to try and rewrite the other post. So you are getting the abbreviated version.
I'm going to go crash.
Night all.
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I'm going to go crash.
Night all.
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Friday, December 9, 2016
Good Time
My child is having a Christmas party here tonight. Let me just say that I would rather take a beating than entertain, but moms do things out of their comfort zone since they kind of love their children. We have seven kids over here hopped up on super duper hot chocolate and all kinds of yummy food. I'm glad that they have special, long standing relationships with both boys and girls. Everyone can use some extra brothers and sisters to help them through the day. I feel like I could fall over from exhaustion right now, but I made the mistake of having a fancy glass of chocolate myself. Yeah...they might have to pull me off the ceiling fan before the night is over. I don't handle my caffeine well...there's one at every party. Instead of drunk girl, I'm "'Ffeined up girl".

I'm going to run a few laps in the yard and burn the chocolate off. God help us all.
Night all.
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I'm going to run a few laps in the yard and burn the chocolate off. God help us all.
Night all.
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Thursday, December 8, 2016
Worn out
Wet leaves stink, my friends. After the drought, followed by the monsoons that we had, the leaves have come down in full force. I had to get them off the lawn. It was more than covered and I wanted to see some green. Two and a half hours later, I had most of the lawn uncovered. I feel like accomplished a lot, but now I feel like I could fall over. But a good kind of fall over. This evening we went to see the high school band concert. It was a nice evening. Any time I can hear "Sleigh Ride" is a good time. I love it so much. It made my evening.
I have finished making sausage balls and dill dip. I'm done and ready for bed.
Night all.
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I have finished making sausage balls and dill dip. I'm done and ready for bed.
Night all.
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Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Take Three
So the living room has been in a complete state of disarray after the tree falling incidents of Monday night and wee hours of Tuesday morning. The shards of glass and pottery were cleaned up and the broken remnants of Christmas Disaster '16 have been placed in a jar for us to have to remember. Tonight, we put the dried tree skirts back on; the wooden cranberries and rag garland were carefully placed on the branches; the surviving ornaments, some missing feet or ears, were placed on the worn out branches. Charlie Brown would be proud.
Tomorrow is a busy one with work at my job and work in the yard trying desperately to find our grass beneath all the gajillion leaves that have come down in the crazy storms we've had. But job will come first. Then S has her band concert. I love Christmas concerts, so I am excited for tomorrow.
Time for bed. Night all.
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Tomorrow is a busy one with work at my job and work in the yard trying desperately to find our grass beneath all the gajillion leaves that have come down in the crazy storms we've had. But job will come first. Then S has her band concert. I love Christmas concerts, so I am excited for tomorrow.
Time for bed. Night all.
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Tuesday, December 6, 2016
The hub and I have been married a lot of years. We are in our 21st to be exact. We've had a lot of experiences and a lot of things happen, good and bad. We are creatures of habit and have done things the same way for a long time. One of those things is that we always buy a Frasier Fir tree for our Chirstmas tree every year. I love the smell and enjoy the way the branches are nice for hanging ornaments. We all decorated our 2016 tree on Sunday and had a great time reminiscing about all the ornaments and where they came from. Last night, I was upstairs playing a game when I hard a rather loud noise and the tinkling of breaking glass. When I asked the hub what it was, he said, "The tree just fell over!". I ran downstairs to see the mess. Broken ornaments and tree needles and water everywhere. We got the tree back up, cleaned up all the little shards, vacuumed and put the ornaments back on. I had a few tears over the lost ornaments. We got up this morning and told the two youngest what happened. G ran downstairs to see the tree. Not sure what she was looking for, because we cleaned it up. She came up and said, "I don't meant to be rude, but I guess I would have thought you would have cleaned up the mess and all the water." "Honey, I did clean it up...your daddy and I both did." "Well, the tree is still down. It's a mess down there." I ran down to look. My poor husband, unaware and fixing his coffee, walked in to see what the commotion was. More ornaments broken. More tears. People have lost their homes to fire. People are struggling with cancer. People have lost children. Ornaments are no big deal. But I have mourned the loss today. The kids' handmade ornaments; the hand picked ones we got on our very first trip to Disneyworld; the "Baby's First Ornament" with their little pictures in them...shattered. I took my father's advice and took the big chunks of ornaments and put them in a jar. "That way you can have a new Christmas memory from the pieces of the old ones." A new tree stand has been purchased and the tree is getting used to its new home. Ornaments will not be placed back on until we know it will stand up for longer than a day.

Night all.
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Night all.
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Monday, December 5, 2016
I am trying to get a little more hip and with it when it comes to decorating. Not just for Christmas, but in general. I did go looking for some holiday items today, but I felt like I didn't completely want to Santa-Ize the place and make sure there was a good portion of Jesus in there as well. All of these lovely reclaimed wood signs with all the cute sayings are so pretty, but I can't find many non-elf or Santa ones other than "Joy to the World". That's a good one, but I think I'm going to have to make some myself. Just for the record, I am in no way anti-Santa. As a person who works with children, I believe that Santa is an okay guy and that kids are okay to have fantasy and magic in their lives. I have a mantle filled with a Santa collection that has grown each year . Nick and I are tight. But even Santa knows what this time of year is all about. And I want to make sure my children, even at 9, 12 and 15, know that the baby in the manger is way more important than the reindeer with a shiny nose.
Enough of my soapbox. I couldn't sleep last night and watched the latest episode of The Walking Dead. Sheesh. I find the whole show fascinating. I really do think I'm going to have to go to McKay's and look for some used collections of the graphic novels to read. I am fascinated.
Oh. And I saw a mouse running across the 2x4 over our garage door a I was returning home from church tonight. Ugh.
Night all.
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Enough of my soapbox. I couldn't sleep last night and watched the latest episode of The Walking Dead. Sheesh. I find the whole show fascinating. I really do think I'm going to have to go to McKay's and look for some used collections of the graphic novels to read. I am fascinated.
Oh. And I saw a mouse running across the 2x4 over our garage door a I was returning home from church tonight. Ugh.
Night all.
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Sunday, December 4, 2016
There you go
It has been a very busy day as work days always are. The day was topped off with an evening meeting, so that made it a little extra long. The children were awfully cute and a little wild today since it was raining. It just makes it that much more lively.
Tonight we decorated the Christmas tree. It is always a fun time and the kids laugh and joke and get along with each other. It is so nice. I love Christmas and all that comes with it, but totally understand that this is a terribly sad and difficult time for so many. I pray that the hope of Christmas will bring peace to those hurting.
Night all.
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Tonight we decorated the Christmas tree. It is always a fun time and the kids laugh and joke and get along with each other. It is so nice. I love Christmas and all that comes with it, but totally understand that this is a terribly sad and difficult time for so many. I pray that the hope of Christmas will bring peace to those hurting.
Night all.
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Saturday, December 3, 2016
Quick Recap
It has been a very busy day here in Tennessee. First, we participated in our little part of town's Christmas parade. S was in the band and the kids and I handed out candy canes with our church's group. The hub had the hardest job to get the band girl where she needed to be. I even got a picture with the jolly old elf himself:

The boy and his friends had some strange poses in the holding area before the parade. After it ended, S rushed off with the band to the state championship football game. The family and I joined them soon after. G stayed home and had a special time with her aunt and uncle. It was very chilly at the game, but it didn't dampen the boy's spirits...even if we did lose:

We are proud of the team and their hard work this year.
Now we are all home and in various states of thawing. The hub is watching our Hokies play CLemson for the ACC championship. I'm going to bed.
Night all!
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The boy and his friends had some strange poses in the holding area before the parade. After it ended, S rushed off with the band to the state championship football game. The family and I joined them soon after. G stayed home and had a special time with her aunt and uncle. It was very chilly at the game, but it didn't dampen the boy's spirits...even if we did lose:

We are proud of the team and their hard work this year.
Now we are all home and in various states of thawing. The hub is watching our Hokies play CLemson for the ACC championship. I'm going to bed.
Night all!
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Friday, December 2, 2016
Dinner with two
The hub and G are of to a party this evening. Well, G is at the party and my sweet husband is hanging out in his friend's tricked out man cave. So the oldest, the youngest and I had to make some plans. Not really. We went out on the town in a crazy way...we went to dinner at Waffle House and Christmas shopped at Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond. I am currently watching them play FIFA '15 and get the giggles from making fun of each other's player on screen. Whatever it takes for them to get along being six years apart. They are a funny pair.
I'm going to watch and laugh.
Night all.
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I'm going to watch and laugh.
Night all.
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Thursday, December 1, 2016
Chico and the heartburn
I have been one busy bee today. Changing sheets and cleaning closets and cleaning pantries and doing laundry and running the mom taxi service. I feel good about all that I accomplished. This evening we went to a Mexican "funeatery", as my brother would call it, to participate in a fundraiser for the boy's school. While I enjoy some good fajitas, my body does not enjoy them and their effects on its various systems. I anticipate quite a long night of Tums consumption and water drinking. But the waitress said they had a good turnout, so hopefully the school made a nice little chunk.
I am currently watching one of my favorite black and white Christmas comedies, "The Man Who Came to Dinner". If you haven't seen it, you should. It is great and the main character reminds me so much of my old friend, Don.
I'm going to bed here soon. It's going to be a busy weekend!
Night all.
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I am currently watching one of my favorite black and white Christmas comedies, "The Man Who Came to Dinner". If you haven't seen it, you should. It is great and the main character reminds me so much of my old friend, Don.
I'm going to bed here soon. It's going to be a busy weekend!
Night all.
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