Tonight we sit with heavy hearts. Our dear friend, Erin, passed away late this morning. It all happened so one really had a chance to process what exactly was happening. As a mother, I cannot begin to imagine losing one of my children. It is a concept too painful for me to process on any level. Her parents have been so devoted to her and she to them. Church tonight was very sullen. Erin had devoted half her life at least to the children of our church and was a fixture there several days a week. She has cared for my three and have always considered her a member of our family. She loved her babies. While I am so devastated and mourning her loss, I am so grateful for a few things. I am so grateful I was able to see her yesterday, even though it was hard to see her in such pain. She still managed a wave when her mom told her I was there. I am so grateful that my children, heck and me too, were able to know Erin and learn by her example. She carried herself with grace and self confidence even though she faced cruelty every day from insensitive people. What a lesson we all learned from her. I am most grateful, even though the quickness of it all has us reeling, I'm most grateful that she did not have to suffer. Her pain didn't have to drag out for ages. She has a new heaven made body that is perfect. I find peace in that even though the pain of her loss is so great.
Please pray for her parents and her family. She was their only child and their world. I hurt so for them.
Night all.
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Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Roller coaster
I will ask everyone to continue to pray for Erin. She is such a fighter. This morning was a scary one. The family was really worried about the rough night she had experienced and were asking and praying for a miracle. Lots of tears have been shed. I went to visit her today and it broke my heart. Such pain she is kills me to see her like that. A little over a week's time has brought such horror and worry and fear. I just thank God that her parents are people of faith and she is surrounded by people all over the world holding her up in prayer. A new idea on treatment has been presented to the family this afternoon. It involves an intense 30 day regimen of chemo and intense radiation in hopes to shrink the tumor and reduce the swelling. I have to pray that this will give renewed hope to them.
We are living in a world right now that is filled with such terror and sadness. I cling to my faith, family and friends and hope that the days of hope and love outweigh the dark ones. I don't know what else to do.
Pray for Erin.
Night all.
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We are living in a world right now that is filled with such terror and sadness. I cling to my faith, family and friends and hope that the days of hope and love outweigh the dark ones. I don't know what else to do.
Pray for Erin.
Night all.
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Monday, August 29, 2016
Pray without ceasing
I usually try to eliminate names, because I want to protect people and their privacy and it just makes things more fun to try and come up with initials or nicknames. Tonight, I am asking you to pray for my friend by name. Her name is Erin and she needs a miracle. I have discussed her recent diagnosis of a cancerous brain tumor that just came out of the blue. Today we found out that her brain is swelling due to an infection that is caused by the cancer. They have her on steroids to try and reduce the swelling. If they can reduce the swelling, they will use an intense form of radiation to combat the tumor. She is very serious. She and the doctors and her parents need prayer. We just don't want her to suffer. Pray for her and add her to any prayer list you know of, please.
Thanks. Night all.
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Thanks. Night all.
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Sunday, August 28, 2016
Build a bear in my basement
This afternoon, after a stressful work morning, I decided to descend into the dungeon(basement) to cut out bears. A friend has entrusted me with two family quilts in hopes that I will make a few for her children. When the inevitable happens and the maker of said quilt goes to meet their great reward, the children will have something tangible to hold onto when they need a little extra security. I have all of them cut out but the torso on one. Then the sewing will begin. The other day, G and I were listening to a comedian talking about what a disappointment Build a Bear was to him. My kids have always enjoyed it, but it has been a tough dollar to spend when I make them myself. The comedian said he wanted to build an actual bear with black bear legs, a polar bear body, grizzly arms and a panda bear face. It was very funny and true. Even G got tickled when usually she rolls her eyes at the things I think are funny. That is a middle schooler's job. I sneak a funny in there now and again. So tomorrow will consist of torso building and then sewing up the pieces parts and stuffing them. Construction will come later.
I'm going to go watch a few minutes of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". Nothing makes me laugh harder.
Night all.
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I'm going to go watch a few minutes of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". Nothing makes me laugh harder.
Night all.
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Saturday, August 27, 2016
Soccerless Saturday
I slept in this morning and it was wonderful. We had a soccerless Saturday. I enjoyed it quite a bit...not gonna lie. We got some cleaning done and some cooking done and some napping done. The hub got some building done and the kids got some room straightening done.
My friend ME called today from the ER to tell me that her middle child had been hurt in his soccer game. In the first three minutes of play, someone tripped him and he broke the two lower bones in his leg in two different places each. They were currently attempting to set his leg as she was chatting with me. SHe was a bit annoyed at his coach, who didn't seem to feel the need to check on him as he lay in a heap in the middle of the field. His brother, dad and a fireman parent carried him off as the coach stood on the sideline doing nothing. I would not react well to that kind of business. When she texted later, he had a good bit of pain meds in him and was craving a Big Mac. There you go. Poor kid.
I'm going to go wash the day off and ready myself for work tomorrow. The last three Sundays have been too lively, so I am praying for a boring morning.
Night all.
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My friend ME called today from the ER to tell me that her middle child had been hurt in his soccer game. In the first three minutes of play, someone tripped him and he broke the two lower bones in his leg in two different places each. They were currently attempting to set his leg as she was chatting with me. SHe was a bit annoyed at his coach, who didn't seem to feel the need to check on him as he lay in a heap in the middle of the field. His brother, dad and a fireman parent carried him off as the coach stood on the sideline doing nothing. I would not react well to that kind of business. When she texted later, he had a good bit of pain meds in him and was craving a Big Mac. There you go. Poor kid.
I'm going to go wash the day off and ready myself for work tomorrow. The last three Sundays have been too lively, so I am praying for a boring morning.
Night all.
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Friday, August 26, 2016
National Dog Day
We have always had dogs in our family. Well, my brother and I got our first dog when I was maybe 6. Rosie was her name and she was a crazy beagle. We didn't have her for too many years before we had to give her to one of my dad's work friends whose brother had a farm. She got out and followed her nose away from our house one too many times. So she lived out her many years on a big farm and had many litters of puppies. It was a good decision for all of us. We had a mutt named Buffy who popped out of a box on Christmas Eve after my brother and I cam back from seeing "The Dark Crystal" at the mall. She was hit by a of the saddest times I can remember. We had various and sundry pound puppies who we wanted to come home with us but who turned out to be a little too sick or aggressive to take home. We had Wendy, a Springer Spaniel, who picked from the litter and had for 13 years. She was a great dog and raised my brother and me with great doggie authority. When she met her great reward, I had just seen her at my parents. The hub and I were getting married soon. She was lying in the grass in the sun. She looked into my eyes and licked my face a little bit and went back to sleep. Two days later mom and dad called to tell me she was gone. My dad said, "She raised you kids and when she was satisfied you were okay, she finally could let go." Stab me in the heart right now. When the hub and I had been married about a year, we picked Cosby from the litter at a week old. We obviously didn't get her that young, but we knew her from the moment we saw her. She was with us 15 years and was a wonderful lady. She took care of our three and, when she let us know it was time to go, my husband and I held her until she took her last breath. Most peaceful and heartbreaking thing I have ever experienced. Now we have Copper. Copper who makes everything interesting. We rescued her from the kennel half wild, but she has shaped into one of the best dogs I have ever had.
Why am I telling you the history of the dogs in our family? Today is National Dog Day, but very day is in our home. If you have never had a dog, I'm sorry. They love you at your worst; worry about you when no one else does; act excited whether you have been gone 20 minutes or 20 days. I am grateful God gave us dogs to love us. The world is such a better place because of them
Night all.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Open House
I had the pleasure of going to the middle school open house for my child's grade tonight. I'm ashamed to say that I have never gone to a single open house at the middle school...and I have a sophomore in high school. The hub has always been the open house/talk to the teacher guy. WIth three, we have to divide and conquer. So I got to have the "go and look for my kid's classes" experience tonight. I hated middle school when I was in it...and I really felt no different tonight. With the exception of one, I really enjoyed her teachers. I felt very bad for her science teacher who laid it out for all of us that she was very concerned about the behavior of some in her class. Luckily my child was not one of the behavior problems. I didn't think she was. It was disturbing to me that a teacher was so disturbed by classroom behavior that she was encouraging us to call the administration if our children complained. She has lost sleep and shed tears over the class. So terribly sad. And it certainly is not an environment conducive for those who want to learn to learn. It was an enlightening experience for sure.
Now I am watching my new favorite show, "Better Late Than Never". I haven't laughter that hard in a while.
Night all.
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Now I am watching my new favorite show, "Better Late Than Never". I haven't laughter that hard in a while.
Night all.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Attitude is everything
Perspective can sure knock you in the teeth when you need it the most. I moped around all day, burdened with the information I had received about my friend and uncle. Grumped and cried and stress baked some muffins. I was sitting on the couch, eating my lunch and watching "Hitchcock/Truffaut"(excellent by the way), when I got a call. My friend who had just received devastating news yesterday. She was calling to let me know she would be going home tomorrow and that she missed her babies. "I'm sorry I won't be there for my shift on Sunday. I hate to inconvenience you." I told her it was really okay and we would find someone, but would miss her. "I have a long road ahead of me, but I figure it'll be about 6 months and I'll be back to hold my babies." Kick me in the rear end and shame on me. She has her future planned and has a goal to meet. God bless her for that. And God bless her for giving me some perspective.
Night all.
Night all.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Our friend at church who found out Sunday that she had a mass on her brain received the results of her biopsy today. Grade 3 brain cancer. This is really not what anyone expected, but then nobody really expects a cancer diagnosis. I am activating all my prayer warriors near and far to pray for E and her doctors. Grade three is not grade four, so there is still a battle to fight and win. Pray also for her parents who are devastated but ready to get educated and help her fight the battle the best way she can.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Monday, August 22, 2016
Cubs will be Cubs
I took the boy to his Cub Scout den meeting tonight while the hub went to a meeting to hear about a band trip that we will never be able to afford to send our oldest on and still feed and clothe our family. The boys had obviously not gotten enough exercise today. It was pure insanity. One boy sniffed every five seconds without fail. And when I say sniff, I do not mean a little sniff to catch a runny nose. It was the kind of sniff you imagine would have been heard during some of the scenes in "Scarface". Whether he was sniffing or not, he was also doing a slow, low moan and chewing his fingers until they were bloody. While he was doing this, one child wrapped his arms around my son's neck and wouldn't let go...for anything. When F finally broke the boy's hold, he said, "What? Are you too good for hugs?" Another discussed the merits of "poop pizza" for the entirety of the meeting while another talked about what different blades on his knife would do when stabbed into his fellow scouts' bellies. My boy sat there looking shell shocked; he was scared to death that I would throttle him if he acted like the others. All the other parents had stepped down the hall for child personal safety training. Since I had already had it, I was charged with staying in the room with the leader. No words do I have. By the conclusion of the meeting, the bloody finger nailed-sniffing-moaning boy was wiping blood on the table top while the others were singing "Do You Know the Muffin Man" as part of their camp songs requirements. Ever seen "Easy Rider " and at the end you feel like ou might have understood it so much better had you been under the influence of something but you didn't want to be a drug taker? Yeah, this was the same feeling.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Sunday, August 21, 2016
Heavy Heart
Today has been a day filled with bad news. It is so very difficult to know how to respond or help people who are hurting so very deeply. A girl I work with found out in the night that she has a mass on her brain. She has a medical condition that may be causing this mass. Just praying so hard that it is not cancer and can be removed and give her some relief. She has endured so much in her life. My uncle with cancer was sent home from the hospital today. There was absolutely no reason for him to go home. He is currently suffering with pneumonia and a septic blood infection. What those medical personnel were thinking is beyond me...I know I will be hard pressed to ever recommend them to anyone. I am livid. A friend just texted that she had a petscan and something lit up on her liver. It hasn't even been a year since she completed chemo for her second bout of breast cancer. I feel completely helpless as to know how to help. I do have prayer and I will pray as much as I can and I ask you to include all of these people on your prayer list as well. I believe in its power.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Saturday, August 20, 2016
Beautiful Game
It was yet another soccer Saturday for our family. This time, G had a jamboree to start out the middle school team season. They played some interesting teams and played awfully hard. Most of the time these days, G is in goal. Some because they don't really have others with the training she has had, but some because she is really good at it. With one team, her coach(the hub)let her out in the field to play. She was so excited, she couldn't stand it. This time, it paid off for her. She got two goals and the team won. I was pretty proud, not gonna lie. There may be a day here soon where she doesn't want to play anymore and I will be fine with that. But boy do I love to watch her play. She is pretty fun to watch.
Now I am going to go find the strongest pain meds we have in the house and pray I can fight off my sinus pain and earache. Ugh....
Night all.
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Now I am going to go find the strongest pain meds we have in the house and pray I can fight off my sinus pain and earache. Ugh....
Night all.
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Friday, August 19, 2016
New life
As much as I'd like to post a picture, I won't. I have a new GREAT niece as of this evenng. All my nieces are great, this is my second great niece which is kind of weird to think. I'm way too young, right? She had an exciting entry into this wonderful world of in the car. How's that for an appearance? Everyone is doing fine and I'm sure mom is happy to have her sweet bundle on the outside. We learned all of the exciting details while sitting at the first high school football game. It was away at our dear friend's school he "principals" at and so we decided to go and watch the band. They did a nice job, I think, even though they were playing to the opposite side of the field. We left shortly after as the psycho with a cow bell was banging it right by my child's ear. I needed Christopher Walken to turn the cowbell down.
I am going to rest my ears now. Jeepers!
Night all.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Come on and rain
I love soccer. I do, but there comes a time when I just need to snuggle up with my family and hibernate rainy day style. G's practice was cancelled and I will not complain one bit. The hub didn't either since he was going to have to run the practice. He wanted to go to open house at the high school and the rain made that possible. The kids and I enjoyed a dinner prepared by G and then have gone over a study guide and have watched some track and field events. Of course, G and I are enjoying the heck out of the shot put right now. She is taking every second of it in and taking notes for Spring. I can't wait!
Night all.
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Night all.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Hoppin' Night
Our church had a sock hop tonight to kick off our Wednesday night programming. It is always a whole lot of fun and we have a good group of all ages. As with last year, we had some seniors who have a group who dance period dances in period outfits. They never disappoint. The cutest things you ever did see. The children had a great time as well. I started off serving sliders, hot dogs and fries and then graduated to soda jerk. I think I still have lots of ice cream on me from making sundaes and floats. It was a blast! The boy decided to get some gel and slick back his hair. I had to send him back to fix it as he did not achieve greaser, but rather:

Little old man combover guy. It got fixed really fast. That kid.
I'm gonna scoop myself up and go to bed.
Night all.
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Little old man combover guy. It got fixed really fast. That kid.
I'm gonna scoop myself up and go to bed.
Night all.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2016
So funky...
This afternoon has consisted of excessive carline sitting, soccer practice squatting and carpenter's helper ping the hub out in the garage. I am a sweaty mass of yuck and nasty. As Peter Venkman said in Ghostbusters, "I feel so funky."

Thank goodness for Dial soap and Norwex Body cloths. That slime comes right off. Who you gonna call? Dial and Norwex. has been a long day for all of us.
Night all.
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Thank goodness for Dial soap and Norwex Body cloths. That slime comes right off. Who you gonna call? Dial and Norwex. has been a long day for all of us.
Night all.
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Monday, August 15, 2016
Wacky for Webelos
Cub Scouts started back for the year tonight and the boy could not be happier. I went this morning to the scout office to get his new neckerchief and slide and handbook. I pulled them out for him to see as soon as he got home from school. Scouts started at 6:30. He was in full uniform with his handbook, sitting on the chair near the back door ready to go by 4:04. "Uh, son? You have some time. Do you have any homework to get done or could you read a book or something?". "Isn't it time already? Come on!". I'm glad he's ready to continue on his scouting journey. Apparently his Webelos partners in crime were just as excited. They were all bouncing around their room like jumping beans soaked in 5 Hour Energy. They were a funny bunch of people. I hope they never lose their excitement for scouting.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Sunday, August 14, 2016
Hanger Hunt
It is that time again in our house: consignment sale time. I seem to have a lot of pants this year to sell, so I have been hanger hunting shorts handlers and wire hangers(I'm looking all around for Joan Crawford)to pin these clothes to and get this mess done. The boy and I went on a hanger hunt all over the blazing heat. The third or fourth store finally had some fairly cheap pants hangers and we stocked up. Tomorrow morning will be super blitz time to get all the clothes prepared and start the entering process. I need to get motivated and ready. The extra money is nice, but it sure is a pain to prepare. But it will feel great to pop out some cash from the sale to go take the whole family to the movies with all the treats.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Saturday, August 13, 2016
Quick post
I have been on the soccer field all day and have not had dinner yet. It is almost 11 at night. I am starving. I just want to say that G is my hero. She did the best job keeping in her game. It turned out bad I. The end, but it was a great game. I love that kid.
Night all.
Night all.
Friday, August 12, 2016
Sick tummies
The boy ended up coming home early today. Sick tummy. Get it over at the beginning of the year...that'll be fine. He is not one to want to miss school, so when the hub took his lunchbox into school this morning and they called the green boy up to the office...we knew he needed to come home. He must feel ill, because he has rested most of the day. That is not like him either. He has taken advantage of the oyster crackers, ginger ale and chicken broth that come with sick tummies in our house. He has also watched lots of Olympic events today. Thankfully, the result of the USW soccer game against Sweden did not make him acually throw up. Ugh.
Pray for a better tummy tomorrow.
Night all.
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Pray for a better tummy tomorrow.
Night all.
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Thursday, August 11, 2016
Sunshiny soccer
So G had her first scrimmage tonight and the sunshine about killed us all. I'm not complaining, but I think it burnt my retinas out. When you are trying to stare at your child playing and that is also in the same place the sun is shining, yeah, blindness occurs. They did a pretty good job...I was proud of them. I get so nervous when they play. Just kind of my quirk.
I have nothing of substance to say this evening...the same as every other evening. I hope to get back to my early blog writing strength. Now I'm just trying to not fall asleep while I write it. Sorry.
Night all.
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I have nothing of substance to say this evening...the same as every other evening. I hope to get back to my early blog writing strength. Now I'm just trying to not fall asleep while I write it. Sorry.
Night all.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2016
So tired there are tears
I have been fairly productive today, believe it or not. While I didn't get any laundry done, I got bathrooms cleaned and rooms straightened and vacuumed. It was a nice sense of accomplishment.
Tonight our church had a back to school event for the youth. Inflatables and bubble balls and dodgeball and pizza and friends. The evening was hot and fun, but tiring. My girls were exhausted with school already and then this activity put them over the sleepy top. I had two angry girls by the time I in tears. Relearning the school schedule and the work schedule and the relationships with friends you saw less frequently over the summer all hit at once and she just kind of hit her limit. I get it. I'm not in school, but the new routine is killing me. She was also just so emotional and grateful for her her best buddy...he's like a brother to her. They have been two peas in a pod since they were in diapers. It is funny what makes us cry.
Night all.
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Tonight our church had a back to school event for the youth. Inflatables and bubble balls and dodgeball and pizza and friends. The evening was hot and fun, but tiring. My girls were exhausted with school already and then this activity put them over the sleepy top. I had two angry girls by the time I in tears. Relearning the school schedule and the work schedule and the relationships with friends you saw less frequently over the summer all hit at once and she just kind of hit her limit. I get it. I'm not in school, but the new routine is killing me. She was also just so emotional and grateful for her her best buddy...he's like a brother to her. They have been two peas in a pod since they were in diapers. It is funny what makes us cry.
Night all.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Calm down man
Just got home from G's soccer practice. Jeepers is all I have to say. Someone took a big pit stop in her coach's wheaties this morning, friends, because he was brutal with those girls. While the man knows his game and how to teach skills, he does not know HOW TO TALK TO GIRLS!!!! And he has a couple of his own. You can challenge a teenage boy's manhood and he will, for the most part, work extra hard just to prove you wrong. You try the same technique on girls and it doesn't have the same effect. While I know he meant his methods as a teaching tool, he chopped those girls down to nothing. Towards the end of practice, he moved on to the boys and they rallied together to boost each other back up. They are strong together and will improve just to spite him. Love those girls.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Monday, August 8, 2016
First Day Funnies
The first day of school was today and, thankfully, it was a half day. The boy didn't need me to walk him to his class today. "Let the worried moms and dads have that space in the hallway...I'll be fine." I love that boy. The girls had decent days, I think. They are not quite as forthcoming with information, but that is to be somewhat expected from this age.
Me: Do you have friends in your classes with you?
G: Yes, Mom.
Me: Well, who?
G: Mom. You know. "John" and "Sandy" and "Joe"
(Names have been changed to protect the innocent...ha.)
Me: "Joe"? I don't know him. Who is he? What does he look like.
G: Oh, Mom. You know...he was my friend last year.
Me: I don't recognize the name. What does he look like?
G: You know. He has blonde hair...and...and a face...and legs...okay?
Me: Yeah. Thanks for that accurate description. The police would have no problem finding the perpetrator with a sketch made from your description:

Come on, kid.
They are growing up too sat and I cannot believe time has flown as fast as it has. The hub and I will just hold on enjoy their wild and crazy ride.
Night all.

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Me: Do you have friends in your classes with you?
G: Yes, Mom.
Me: Well, who?
G: Mom. You know. "John" and "Sandy" and "Joe"
(Names have been changed to protect the innocent...ha.)
Me: "Joe"? I don't know him. Who is he? What does he look like.
G: Oh, Mom. You know...he was my friend last year.
Me: I don't recognize the name. What does he look like?
G: You know. He has blonde hair...and...and a face...and legs...okay?
Me: Yeah. Thanks for that accurate description. The police would have no problem finding the perpetrator with a sketch made from your description:

Come on, kid.
They are growing up too sat and I cannot believe time has flown as fast as it has. The hub and I will just hold on enjoy their wild and crazy ride.
Night all.

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Sunday, August 7, 2016
Calgon? Calgon? Hello?
Just the fact that autocorrect switched "Calgon" to "calf on" proves that I need some really bad. It has been one hell of a day. And tomorrow, the first day of school, is not one I am looking forward to at all. The kids are all pretty excited, which is great. It will get better when we get into a routine. I'm just not embracing this new season of life.
I think I may eat some Sunday night ice cream and watch some Match Game reruns. I need completely mindless and scoop of Alec Baldwin's sarcasm.
Night all.
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I think I may eat some Sunday night ice cream and watch some Match Game reruns. I need completely mindless and scoop of Alec Baldwin's sarcasm.
Night all.
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Saturday, August 6, 2016
First soccer Saturday of Fall
The start of the fall soccer season started today...could it have been any hotter? Well, yes, it could have for sure. G and the boy each had two games; each had a win and a loss. Both of them looked like limp rags by the time it was all over. They played hard and fought hard. The parents had a good time visiting and laughing and talking about starting our own food truck with specialty beverages to take to the field. We talked about special tents and stadium seating we could pull in via trailer to make us all more comfy. We're big idea people when sitting on the sidelines roasting for our children.
The men of the family are watching the Olympics and the girls are watching "Stranger Things" for me. They are enjoying it. Makes a momma proud.
I'll be hitting the hay soon, friends, so...
Night all.
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The men of the family are watching the Olympics and the girls are watching "Stranger Things" for me. They are enjoying it. Makes a momma proud.
I'll be hitting the hay soon, friends, so...
Night all.
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Friday, August 5, 2016
Last summer hurrah
We have a busy day tomorrow, so I took the kids for a little jaunt today for a treat. Cruze Farms hot dogs and ice cream. It was a nice time to be together and enjoy each other. I'm gonna miss summer terribly, but we had a nice one.

I have also become addicted to and finished season one of Stranger Things on Netflix. It is based in the 80's and reminds me so much of the different thrillers I watched growing up. I highly recommend it.
Tomorrow is the opening of Fall soccer season. Time for bed.
Night all.
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I have also become addicted to and finished season one of Stranger Things on Netflix. It is based in the 80's and reminds me so much of the different thrillers I watched growing up. I highly recommend it.
Tomorrow is the opening of Fall soccer season. Time for bed.
Night all.
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Thursday, August 4, 2016
A quick one...
Just finished dinner on this night of insanity in our family. Thursdays have always been bad, but this school year's Thursdays are shaping up to be insane. Three kids in three different parts of the county. Two parents with heads that may pop off. Living the dream and attempting to keep my sanity. Hopefully I will sleep well tonight. Got to get the oldest to school by 7:30 to be in the pep band. SHe'll be the one tipping over from the massive bass drum. Ha.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Met the teacher
We went to the boy's school tonight so he could meet his teacher. Luckily we know her since G had her a few years ago. He is so excited because some of his very best friends are in his class this year. Last year, he was kind of on his own and had quite the lonely year. His best buddy, S, is not with him this time around. We'll make sure to have play dates to make up for it. I don't want school to be starting, but I am breathing a sigh of relief at his situation. Academics are important for sure, but the social aspect is important too and it gets really hard when your buddies are all together in class without you. S also had her little time at school today. SHe picked up her schedule, got her picture taken, found all of her classrooms and visited with friends. The school year's gonna start whether we are ready or not. Ugh.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Reality check
I feel very fortunate that I have children who really don't ask for a whole lot. They have lots of friends who are very privileged and get to go lots of fancy places and have lots of very nice things. And there is nothing wrong with that and they are great kids. I don't begrudge anyone's choices for spending their money. We are not hurting...don't get me wrong. We just do not have the means to take elaborate vacations every year plus during the holidays...and that is okay. So our vacation last week was truly a treat and a gift. During the course of the vacation the kids were talking to my parents, at seperate times, about vacations when they were young. They were kind of taken aback to find out that my parents never went on a vacation growing up. They both grew up in humble homes and every penny was saved and used in the most practical and responsible way. My mom said they would have picnics and my Granny would make breakfast for dinner on the campfire. My dad spoke of getting a backpack with sandwiches and a few other things and go into the woods with his friends for several days. The kids were really surprised and quite a bit more sad than I thought they would be. My parents did not feel cheated by their lack of travel and vacations during their youth. They are not bitter. These discussions meant a lot to the kids and really put things into perspective. It made them that much more grateful for the week. Made me more grateful too. I forget sometimes and always need a healthy reminder.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Monday, August 1, 2016
School shopping ugh
We were at the mall at exactly 9:48am to start the clothes shopping process for the first day of school. A little bit of stress. Shoes here? No, my son wears a half size too big, so we have to go to the other store. Jeans for girls are really $50? Yeah, we're going somewhere else. Will you really wear a kimono? To school? A lot? So do a lot of your friends have these shoes that are $98.50? Let me give you an extra hug for not asking for a pair of them. I love you so much for that. We got out of the mall in two hours and no one got in a fight. There were several samples of bread and olive oil consumed at Williams-Sonoma and massage chair used out of anger and spite, but other than that...we were golden.
Then we all got home and took naps. True story.
Night all.
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Then we all got home and took naps. True story.
Night all.
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