We went to go break the crazy dog out of the kennel today. There was much excitement at the ranch as the children had never been without her for quite so long. She received high praise from the kennel owners and she seemed to be none the worse for wear...until she started wagging that whip of a tail and smacking blood on everything. We think maybe she was stress chewing on her tail, because it was a bloody mess. But once we took her to the dog wash and cleaned her off, it didn't look nearly as bad as we thought. Whew! She was so overwhelmed to be home after a stay at the kennel, a bath, 3 children screaming over her and a huge bowl of water, that she promptly barfed all over the place. Welcome home, Copper.
Night all.
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Sunday, July 31, 2016
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Such a treat
We went to the beach last week and it was lovely. Let me say, that my family(growing up)was not really a beach family. We had a few years where we went to the beach in our pop up camper or went when my dad had a conference near a beach. We are all fair, for the most part, and going to the beach is not the most fun when you basically walk out and start to sizzle like bacon in a skillet. Guilt got the best of us and we realized that we could not hold out any longer. The last time we were at the beach, I took and pregnancy test and found out that a third little bundle was on the way, so the boy had never seen the ocean in person. The girls didn't really remember it too much at all. So we returned to the same beach where the hub grew up going during his youth. It was nice and not too crowded. We stayed in a beautiful house with family and had a lovely, relaxing time. No one got too burnt although 4 of the 5 of us got stung by jellyfish. We didn't spend as much time in the ocean as we had hoped since the jellyfish arrived early and in full force. But we explored, swam, worked a lot of puzzles and relaxed. I am so grateful for the time.
Night all.

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Night all.

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Friday, July 29, 2016
Last night
We've had a great time this week and I will elaborate more in the days to come. We leave tomorrow and I pray that all is well upon our return. Family time is precious...especially when we all can be together for more than just turkey at Thanksgiving. We are blessed beyond measure and I pray our last few days before school starts will be pleasant and carefree. I am so very thankful...and a little sad that things are coming to an end.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Thursday, July 28, 2016
Burger tummy
It has been blazing hot today and I've been drinking like an idiot trying to rehydrate. We did some exploring and had a few treats and shopped a little bit. Afterwards, we had a late lunch at the hub's favorite burger cafe. The people at the next table over were quite loud in their conversation. A family consisting of an 18 year old grandson and his grandparents. At first, it was quite annoying since the grandson spoke at stadium level volume and used lots of colorful language. His therapist called during the meal, which he loudly declined. "She didn't answer my call because she was at a wedding...whatever. I'm in a restaurant." There was a lot of hushed angry talk about crazy people and "How can you all take their side?" and bitter sentiments. Believe me, I was truly not trying to eavesdrop. He was so loud, his whisper was clear as day in a busy cafe. A few minutes later, he walked outside to take a call and his grandparents started talking. Grandma: "You know she won't take him. SHe doesn't want him." Grandpa: "I'm afraid he'll go back to Jersey and have to stay with a friend. Neither of them want him and won't have him at their houses." He then returned and the grandparents got quiet. "I guess I'm going to have to check in a minute to see if my dad put any money in my account. If he didn't, he's gonna owe me big time. Can't trust him either" The grandfather kept saying, "Just don't worry about it. You don't need to worry. There are two people here you can trust." While I did not appreciate the excessive use of the f-bomb during our meal, I couldn't hardly blame the kid. How awful to know that your grow ups don't want you? How heartbreaking to be 18 and have a therapist on speed dial! SO sad.
After we ate and returned home, my tummy started rejecting the heavy meal. Burger tummy strikes again.
Night all.
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After we ate and returned home, my tummy started rejecting the heavy meal. Burger tummy strikes again.
Night all.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Putt putt hell
I think it might have been the same temperature as the surface of the sun today...just guessing. The boy begged to go play mini golf, so we indulged him after much begging and pleading. I think I swear a quart of water out of my bodily easily. Delirium must have been close, because I almost considered drinking the blue dyed water for some extra added hydration. Yuck.
Please say another few prayers for my uncle. He is on vacation with his family and has gotten very weak and needs a blood transfusion. We are all on pins and needles wondering what is happening. Pray for him please.
Night all.
Please say another few prayers for my uncle. He is on vacation with his family and has gotten very weak and needs a blood transfusion. We are all on pins and needles wondering what is happening. Pray for him please.
Night all.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
We are hard at work on a 100 piece puzzle. We started one, but good grief there was too much pea soup foggy sky. I thought I might lose my mind if I had to try and fit two more white pieces of cardboard together. So we got one Coca Cola themed. Needless to say, the hub has taken this one and run with it. I think Coke Zero comprises half of what is flowing through his veins. We are true party animals. That's all I've got.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Monday, July 25, 2016
Sorry...just a little Queen reference since it is on my mind with the high school band this year. We went bike riding today and it was really more fun than I thought, but also very stressful. We had one who chose to be very fretful and couldn't enjoy the process. Hopefully tomorrow will be a different experience. I haven't been on a bike in a few years, but I pedaled my fair share of hours around the neighborhood growing up. Even had the water bottle holder and fingerless gloves to complete the picture. I did discover that I can no longer use thick creamy sunscreen on my fave as it turned me into a rashly mess in the course of 30 minutes. We did have four of the five of us get stung by jellyfish...me excluded. The creatures were quite busy.
I'm sure I will be pedaling in my sleep tonight. Poor husband of mine.
Night all.
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I'm sure I will be pedaling in my sleep tonight. Poor husband of mine.
Night all.
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Sunday, July 24, 2016
Another mini post
I am so sunburnt today...and I slathered myself with stuff. The trials and tribulations of a transparently white woman in a sea of golden tanned people. The hub is wiped out and already sawing logs. It has been a long and active day.
I am currently watching The Match Game. I love Jack McBrayer, but he looks orange on my TV. Maybe it is the TV. Either way, it is strange and I'm going to bed.
Night all.
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I am currently watching The Match Game. I love Jack McBrayer, but he looks orange on my TV. Maybe it is the TV. Either way, it is strange and I'm going to bed.
Night all.
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Saturday, July 23, 2016
My name's Blurry Face...
I have no gas left in the tank tonight and I am exhausted. Today is the hub's birthday and it has been a different one. We got to visit with his parents today, which was nice. They were pleased to be with one of their boys on their birthday. I am so blessed to have him as a husband and the father of my children. He's the tops for sure. Hopefully he can get some good sleep tonight. He deserves it for sure.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Friday, July 22, 2016
Crazy little thing called love
Today was the official end to 2016 band camp...thank the good Lord in Heaven. Those poor kids were burning up. I have been really proud of S being a section leader of the front ensemble this year. She has taken her job very seriously and their show sounded great. The kids and I went and watched them in the gym. It was wonderful! The band nerd in me just beamed!
Teenage boys still stink, but my child is the bravest kid I know. My hero for sure.
Night all.
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Teenage boys still stink, but my child is the bravest kid I know. My hero for sure.
Night all.
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Thursday, July 21, 2016
Short and sweet
I won't make this long. I'm tired and my thumb hurts and I'm kind of worried about what my dreams may be tonight. Sorry for the TMI, but last night's dream consisted of me being congested and aggressively trying to blow my nose...over and over. I don't know what Freud would say about it, but I'm sure that it is not suitable for this blog.
I'll say this and go to bed. Teenage boys stink.
Night all.
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I'll say this and go to bed. Teenage boys stink.
Night all.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Good grief
I'm so done with things. I'm at a point that I want to move far away and start fresh. Life was so much simpler when I was a kid...even though I thought it was so complicated. Social media and smart phones have made it far too easy to sneak behind backs. I don't know how to teach them to steel themselves from heartbreak. Hurt hearts just hurt. I'm just annoyed and angry and need to live on acreage and just be a hermit. I'll probably be put on a watch list. Ugh.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Tuesday, July 19, 2016
And the band played on...
This is a quick post tonight, because I am exhausted. Just got back from soccer practice and then ran to get S at band practice. With their show being a Queen themed one, they were practicing a point where the "We will we will rock you..." was being played. I will hear that in my dreams tonight as they went back and forth over that one little bit a crazy number of times. I can remember being screamed at individually and as a part of a group when I was in band. I think they must have a class in screaming for marching band directors. Sheesh. We got home and I inhaled my dinner way too late and way too fast. If I look green tomorrow, you'll know why. I'll be up all night with heartburn and reflux. Sigh.
Have a great evening...time to wash this day off.
Night all.
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Have a great evening...time to wash this day off.
Night all.
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Monday, July 18, 2016
Hotter than Hades
Today felt like one of those days where it felt like our city was placed directly on the surface of the sun. I tried to get as much of our running done as early as possible. But then I had the bright idea to mow the lawn. I had gone almost a month without mowing, but, to be fair, the lawn had not grown much in that month due to the heat and limited rainfall. It didn't look great, but it didn't look like an abandoned crime scene either. But, I mowed and just about croaked from the heat and dehydration. Dumb move on my part.
Oh well. It is what it is.
Going to go comfort a kid now. Got left out of a fun trip with friends who decided to discuss all the details of their time together in front of her at practice tonight. Just really kind of sucks. Really bad. She's a good kid and doesn't deserve that treatment.
Night all.
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Oh well. It is what it is.
Going to go comfort a kid now. Got left out of a fun trip with friends who decided to discuss all the details of their time together in front of her at practice tonight. Just really kind of sucks. Really bad. She's a good kid and doesn't deserve that treatment.
Night all.
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Sunday, July 17, 2016
Creepy crapper
We are in the market for new phones here at the ranch. Are they something that we can not survive life without? Of course not, but they sure do make life a lot easier when you have three children in three different schools and multiple activities and a job and all that stuff. We have grown less and less impressed with our cellular provider and their less than reasonable rates, so the time has arrived to look at other possibilities. The hub tried to reason with our current company and they responded by basically telling him to have a nice life and disconnected. That didn't sit well, so he made a visit to a competitor. Today we went as a family to visit the provider and hear all of our options. If you have been in a cell phone store recently, you know that the average visit is no less than what seems like three hours of sheer hell. WIth three kids accompanying us on this trip, it is inevitable that someone will have to go to the bathroom. We were no exception and the poor boy had to go empty his bladder. The gentleman running the store warned us that there was a companion in the bathroom that needed to be ignored. I wasn't really paying attention and sent the boy on his way with his dad. That was the fastest trip ever taken to the bathroom. He came back and hugged me tight. "That bathroom freaked me out! Did you know there was a mannequin in there? She kept staring at me...kind of hurt my concentration. I don't like that bathroom.' Sorry, buddy. I won't make that mistake again,
Night all.
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Night all.
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Saturday, July 16, 2016
Work it out in therapy...
Faer a rousing day of shopping for a birthday present and some other things, the family went to my little cousin's birthday party. She was dressed as Elsa from Frozen and was hyped and ready for her party. Afterwards, the hub and I dropped off kids and went to run a few errands and stop for a beverage. Nothing fancy, just visit with some people and play cards or whatever. WHen we got home, I realized G's birthday balloons were more than dead and decided to dispose of them. The Mylar balloon was holding on for dear life and so I took advantage and sucked some of the helium out of it. Yes, I am 12. I started saying the oldest's name, which creeped her out to such an extent that the door was slammed in my face. Didn't realize that a helium end voice like that came after her in a nightmare and hurt her, so now she will probably need therapy four or five time a week to recover from the mental damage I have inflicted. I'm hanging my head in parental shame and hoping for redemption some day.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Friday, July 15, 2016
Peachy day
After getting some children delivered to activities and running the hub to get a haircut, I settled down in the kitchen to start baking. My aunt brought me some peaches that needed to be dealt with and I needed to make a dessert for an event. So two chocolate pies and 16 peachy hand pies later, I was done and sick of being in the kitchen. I am one of those food picture posters to social media. I cna't help myself when something actually turns out better than I imagined. At least looks better than I imagined. I took the pies to the band directors for an end of week one of band camp treat. Hopefully they tasted okay. They were fun to make. Now I'm ready to go to bed and not bake for a little while.
Night all.

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Night all.

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Thursday, July 14, 2016
A new world...wow
So, I downloaded Pokemon Go on Monday. I had heard lots of buzz, but didn't really see the big deal about it. I made sure to download it on my phone and none of the kids have it...by my design. I've heard too many stories about people walking in front of cars and going on private property, so I didn't want the kids to be in any kind of bad situation. My friend in Maryland gave me a few pointers as she has two older boys who are much more quickly schooled on things like this. So once I got the hang of looking for things, it got a little interesting. The boy and I were at the church playground today when we discovered that the church steeple was a "Pokestop". Who knew? S has. Talked about how the whole drumline is obsessed with this app and they end up going to different areas of town every night after band camp. So, when I figured a few things out this afternoon, we decided to take a drive. We took S out for some ice cream and then for a drive. When we got close to church and the local park, my phone went bonkers. "Oh my gosh, Mom! There are four of my friends right there in the park. Can we stop and go in the park?". Ok sure, but she doesn't even have the app. But I wasn't going to argue. We walked into the park and, my gosh, it was like we had walked into another world. We found her friends and we're talking to them about the different creatures when a random guy came up, "Uh, have you all gotten a Friglyhigomon yet?"(totally made that name up). S's friend, T, said, "Uh, yeah dude. There's one over there by the blue slide." It was getting dark, so I know she missed some people, but S counted at least 60 people with phones out looking for creatures. More were entering as we were leaving. More were around the duck pond close by. It was like we had entered a new world. I don't know what to think. The few people actually out to walk regarded the rest of us with much disgust. It was crazy.
I'm going to get a bath and read up more on what I just witnessed this evening.
Night all.
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I'm going to get a bath and read up more on what I just witnessed this evening.
Night all.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2016
A true hero
Zaevion Dobson was honored tonight with the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the Espy's. His mother and brother accepted on his behalf. Put aside whatever you think about gun violence for a second, because that is not what I want to say. What a bittersweet story of truly laying down one's life for another human being. He threw himself on top of two friends to shield them from gunfire and lost his life in the process. Courage that most grown people would not exhibit. Knoxville and the world lost a hero on December 17. I am so in awe of his mother's poise and strength during this whole ordeal. She looked beautiful and strong and ready to fight tonight when she accepted the award. I bawled the whole time.
Now back to the gun issue. We are owners of guns, but have them properly stored and out of the reach of our children. While I am not anti-gun, I am anti senseless death. The question is still out there hanging in the atmosphere: What are we going to do about this gun situation? It's just enough...whether it is a 15 year old boy or police officers patrolling innocently. Enough already. Uncle.
Night all.
PS...Happy Birthday to my sweet G. She is 12 and as crazy as always...love her so very much!
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Now back to the gun issue. We are owners of guns, but have them properly stored and out of the reach of our children. While I am not anti-gun, I am anti senseless death. The question is still out there hanging in the atmosphere: What are we going to do about this gun situation? It's just enough...whether it is a 15 year old boy or police officers patrolling innocently. Enough already. Uncle.
Night all.
PS...Happy Birthday to my sweet G. She is 12 and as crazy as always...love her so very much!
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Tuesday, July 12, 2016
The eve of 12
My sweet G is an 11 year old for only a short time longer. Although a little girl in the nursery asked her the other day if she was 16(much to my chagrin and her delight), she is only about to hit an even dozen. But what a wonderful dozen those years have been. I'm so very grateful for her sunny disposition and beautiful soul. SHe and I lock horns on a consistent basis, but I wouldn't have her any other way. I am so very blessed to have her as my daughter. What a joy she is!
Night all.
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Night all.
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Monday, July 11, 2016
My brain is gone
It has been a long Monday of cleaning a room, yes one room, in a super anal way. It began when I pulled up a cushion to straighten it and it stuck to the base. Then upon further investigation, it had a mysterious yellow tinge at one point. I really hoped that it could be removed and that it wasn't bleached. That was the point where my head popped off. I vacuumed and scrubbed and straightened and vacuumed some more. I'm quite proud of it now. Looks pretty swanky.
Then we had middle school soccer practice and then my daughter got super surprised early for her birthday by some friends. She had a wonderful evening. Oh to be a middle schooler again. She is one blessed gal. Now I may have to pass out.
Night all.
Night all!
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Then we had middle school soccer practice and then my daughter got super surprised early for her birthday by some friends. She had a wonderful evening. Oh to be a middle schooler again. She is one blessed gal. Now I may have to pass out.
Night all.
Night all!
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Sunday, July 10, 2016
It's all fun and games...
Well, it has been an interesting evening. Let me back up for a second. I took the oldest and the youngest to the store to birthday shop for their sister. After finishing up at the bullseye store, I offered to get them popcorn and a drink. They both took advantage of that offer and snacked away as we headed home. The boy had a strawberry kiwi Snapple. For dinner, we had a dip that had salsa, meat and Velveeta plus he had corn chips to go with it. He wanted milk to drink, but I insisted on water. Swirl that around a little bit. Immediately after dinner, he asked his sister to go out and play with him in the heat. Sources tell me, after the fact, that he was running around the yard like a maniac, dropped to his knees and puked. Just as we are entering a super busy next few weeks. I am praying that running on a stomach full of wicked mix is what caused this to happen and not a late summer stomach bug. Please, Lord, no.
Gonna go batten down the barfy hatches.
Night all.
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Gonna go batten down the barfy hatches.
Night all.
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Saturday, July 9, 2016
My Mom is Tired
Hi, this is G. I am writing the blog today, because my mom is super tired.
Yesterday I left to go to Carowinds with my church. My dad went on the trip as a chaperone. We woke up at 5:15 and had to leave the house at 5:45. We were on the bus by 6:00. We got to Carowinds about noon. I thought I wasn't going to ride a lot of rides. So I stayed with my friend. We went on water rides, a sky tower, kiddie rides, and a SUPER spinning ride. So we were in the sky tower and I saw a ride that was not bad at all. It only had curves and no drops. And of course no loops. I rode it with two of my closes guy friends. They love roller coasters and since I made them do that one they made me do one of their favorite rides. The one we went on was called NightHawk. We were walking to go wait and they were standing behind me so I wouldn't run off and sit out. I asked one of the guys to hold my hand because I was so scared. I saw a loop and I said that is a loop I am not going on this. So my guy friend said it was a inversion.They strapped us in the ride of one of workers could tell I was freaking out so he asked me if I wanted the bar tighter. And of course I said yes. Then the scariest part was when they laid us back like a recliner. So I grabbed my friend's hand. You were laying back like you were superman. Then when we got on the ride he said oh and G that is a loop. It was the best ride I have been on in my life. Even though I closed my eyes the whole time it was great. Once we were done I was breathing super hard. We were going to go get dinner then come back to the park and ride more. But....it started raining and lightening. And they were closing the super big one so I couldn't go on the NightHawk again. I was really sad. So we went back to the cabins and played games, watched movies, and had really funny conversations. We came home today and I was super sad to leave. I want to go back really badly. Maybe next summer....I hope! Goodnight Everyone!
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Friday, July 8, 2016
Mother-Son Day
The hub and the girls are currently at Carowinds riding roller coasters or watching people ride coasters. The boy had to stay at home with his mother, wah wah waaaah, so he got to have some treats today. We first had to do work and go for a play date and berry picking session for church. My boss, the boy and I were the only ones to show up, so that was kind of a bummer. We still picked berries and I took some to my cousin's family and we have some chilling to be eaten as fuel during a 3v3 soccer tourney tomorrow. The thunder is rolling and the boy is watching all his favorite shows while I try to get a handle on the laundry situation. He also helped shop for G's birthday presents...can't believe she will be 12 on Wednesday. He got a new book, dinner out and lemon cookies from Ham 'n Goody's. All in all a successful day for a 9 year old I should say.
Time to curl up and watch a movie with my boy.
Night all.
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Time to curl up and watch a movie with my boy.
Night all.
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Thursday, July 7, 2016
Here we go again
Well, my poor uncle has been admitted to the hospital again. His blood pressure will not cooperate and he can't stand up without wanting to pass out. We hope they can solve the mystery soon so he can get some relief. This whole situation has been a tough learning experience for us all. We heard from a friend who said that when someone in your family gets cancer, everybody gets cancer. And it really is proving to be true. It may not be the actual cancer cells in our bodies, but its poison touches every member, big and small, both physically and emotionally. It lays the ground for fear and worry and anger and stress to throw havoc all over, making it hard for people to be the caregivers they need to be. I believe our family has done a pretty good job of keeping that at bay, but the roller coaster of not knowing how to help and not knowing how to make it all better is exhausting for every last person...from the patient on down to the littlest ones who don't understand everything that is happening. We just pray that the Sherlock Holmes of doctors can come in and discover what the other issue is and fix it so the cancer battle can continue uninterrupted. Your prayers are appreciated.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Stormy storms
We are coming off of a stormy evening here in Knoxville. The youth group was planning to have a Hunger Games type activity, sans the death and weapons, in the city park. They got about 5 minutes in and then the monsoons came. We were at home watching the boy play Xbox when the room got super dark. The sky was black outside and the wind was crazy. Luckily the umbrella on the patio table stayed put and didn't fly away. This is an obvious indicator as to the excitement level of my day if I'm talking about the weather. Jeepers.
I ask for continued prayers for my Uncle. He had a procedure where they injected the actual chemo right Ito his spinal column. That is crazy to me. He has felt pretty rough today. I just pray that all of this struggle will kill off the cancer and make Uncle D healthy again. Pray hard.
Night all.
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I ask for continued prayers for my Uncle. He had a procedure where they injected the actual chemo right Ito his spinal column. That is crazy to me. He has felt pretty rough today. I just pray that all of this struggle will kill off the cancer and make Uncle D healthy again. Pray hard.
Night all.
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Tuesday, July 5, 2016
I have found the realm of social media to be an interesting and entertaining one at times and a divisive and drama producing one at other times. I gave up Facebook probably 4-5 years ago out of a need to refocus my energies away from what everyone else was doing and focus more on what my children were doing right in front of me. I kept Twitter since it really didn't suck my time and attention away. It was more to follow celebrities and fan girl a little bit from time to time. A couple of years ago, our church had an Advent Instagram challenge to put a picture up that represented the Advent word of the day so to speak. So I got an Instagram account to participate in that...and kept it. It has been fun and not so fun at times. You get to see all that others are doing, but then you get to see all that is being done without you or your children and that hurts, not gonna lie. But, I'm a big girl and I can opt out of Instagram at any time, so that's that. What I have found most disturbing lately is the ignorance posted on said social media here lately and by youngsters who really have no idea what they are saying or the weight their words carry. A student colleague of one of my children posted a HIGHLY anti-Semitic picture on Instagram to the point it took my breath away. What shocked me even more was how many people liked the post, people who go to churches and are nice kids. As a mother, as a wife of a man who has Jewish relatives who I Iove and my children love and love my family, as just a plain old human on this planet, um, what do I do? I don't know some of these kids other than their name and they know mine. Do I comment on their post and call them out? I read an article today about the danger of remaining silent in these situations and what that teaches those around us. I have felt guilty all evening not commenting, but I just don't know exactly what to say. I talked to the kids tonight at dinner. One said that even Jewish friends make the jokes about Jews and they found that very confusing. After this weekend's death of Elie Weisel, I felt the need to teach to this. Maybe it is just me, but after you hear a Holocaust survivor speak and hear of their experience and liberation story, you will never forget it. Never. I am not trying to be holier than thou in any way. I just haven't been that moved by a speaker in my life. Ultimately, I guess the only thing I can do is equip my children to be compassionate people to all they come in contact with and to stand up for what is right.
On that note, I'm going to bed.
Night all.
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On that note, I'm going to bed.
Night all.
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Monday, July 4, 2016
Happy 4th
We have had a fairly uneventful July 4th which is nice, I guess. We went to our friends' house for their traditional Independence Day potluck bash which is always a treat. We are currently holed up in the house praying that none of the teenage boys in this neighbor hood set our house on fire with an errant bottle rocket. It sounds like the heat of battle outside, so we are hunkered down.
I am grateful to live in a country such as ours and I am grateful to the men and women who fight to keep us free. Happy 4th everyone!
Night all.
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I am grateful to live in a country such as ours and I am grateful to the men and women who fight to keep us free. Happy 4th everyone!
Night all.
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Sunday, July 3, 2016
Muggy mug mug
The hub decided that it would be a good idea to go get some cardio in this afternoon. I agreed and we got the kids ready and the helmet and scooter and the cooler packed with waters. The girls got ear buds and their iPhones so they could run whilst listening to music. We got there, opened the door of the van and went, "Bleehhhahhhdhahsdaaaaahhh." That muggy heat just smacked you in the face. Hard. We got a few steps in and got our heart rates up a bit. But boy did the car feel awful good when the AC kicked in.
The oldest and the youngest are deep into a game of Monopoly. No iron or battleship has been thrown in the face of another, so all is currently good.
There has been a request for ice cream, so I need to go assess our supply.
Night all.
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The oldest and the youngest are deep into a game of Monopoly. No iron or battleship has been thrown in the face of another, so all is currently good.
There has been a request for ice cream, so I need to go assess our supply.
Night all.
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Saturday, July 2, 2016
Not much to say
I have no brain power today...I apologize. This has been a rather boring day in our family. Those are okay sometimes, but towards the end of it I had really about reached my limit. So after the GERvITA games was finally done after 15million penalty shots, we left to got take books back to the library and get dinner. After that we took a drive and looked at houses in neighborhoods where the kids' friends lived. We are true party animals. I can't take much more excitement really. Tomorrow I may have to watch paint dry to try and top the excitement of today. I kid. I am thankful for lazy days with my family. We don't get many of those.
Have a great evening. It is dessert night here and the children are gunning for some ice cream.
Night all.
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Have a great evening. It is dessert night here and the children are gunning for some ice cream.
Night all.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Friday, July 1, 2016
My head's gonna pop off
I have had to trudge through a swamp full of laundry today, so I made the most of my basement time by viewing some documentaries as I match socks. The first one I watched was call "The Champions". It was all about the 22 pit bulls that were not destroyed, but taken into evidence and ultimately sent to a rehabilitation facility after being taken from Michael Vick's dog fighting ring. Some of these dogs will spend the rest of their lives at the refuge, loved and cared for by the staff there. The others stayed for a while to recover from their horrific treatment and then adopted by loving families who were healed as much by the dog as the dog was healed by them. It absolutely broke my heart. Our dog is 99% lab, but more than likely she has some pit in her as well. She's a little bit crazy, but is a loving dog. The breed used to be considered the ultimate family dog years ago. What happened? It made me crazy. These dogs were subject to horrible abuses and their former owner/abuser is given the key to the city of Dallas. Arrggh.
The second documentary I watched(there is a lot of laundry) is called "The Hunting Ground" about the scourge of rampant sexual assaults on college campuses. I get it people; I know that with every documentary like this the opinions are skewed, but if an ounce of what they reported was true, shame on universities. It made me want to immediately go enter my daughters into self defense courses. There is so much to say about this film, but not enough to space or time. Watch it. It should be required viewing. It was so disturbing.
I need to go watch a sit com to calm my head down.
Night all.
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The second documentary I watched(there is a lot of laundry) is called "The Hunting Ground" about the scourge of rampant sexual assaults on college campuses. I get it people; I know that with every documentary like this the opinions are skewed, but if an ounce of what they reported was true, shame on universities. It made me want to immediately go enter my daughters into self defense courses. There is so much to say about this film, but not enough to space or time. Watch it. It should be required viewing. It was so disturbing.
I need to go watch a sit com to calm my head down.
Night all.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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