After S's soccer game got cancelled when we were halfway to Athens, we turned around and started home. Since we were in a part of town that we usually don't get to very often, we chose to go on a hunt for some special extra spicy ginger ale that my uncle loves. We figured it would be a treat and help settle his stomach should he experience nausea...which we know he will eventually. One of the places we went was The Fresh Market, which carries several types. Big mistake. Three children, hungry and seeing delights that are not always available at their local grocery store and tired parents who were easily swayed: not a good combination. We came home with everything but ginger ale. They were like hungry wolves pouncing on a chicken. It was ugly. We have finally located some diet spicy ginger ale at Mast General Store and plan to procure some tomorrow. If he likes it, then we can order him a larger quantity online.
It has been a long day and I have to work tomorrow. Time to take some Mucinex and go to bed.
Night all.
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Saturday, April 30, 2016
Friday, April 29, 2016
He's in there
My uncle is in the hospital and getting settled. He had his port put in today and is receiving his first dose of chemo sometime this evening...may have had it already. It will be three days of one kind and then 7 days of another. Then they'll check his bone marrow at day 14 and see how it is reacting. They will have to do a bone marrow transplant, but I have not received that info yet. It is all going so terribly fat, but it sure sounds like time is of the essence. This demon that is attacking him is working quickly and they need to come out with guns a blazin'.
I would like to see him, but that will not happen until I am well. I mowed the lawn this evening and the hub ran the weedeater. I think I once again snorted up half the pollen in our fair city. I'm surprised yellow powder doesn't come out when I sneeze. I am currently searching for a breathe right strip so I can breathe until I go to sleep. I'm sure the "buzz saw potential" is high for sleep tonight.
Keep those prayers coming for my uncle. If you don't pray, positive thoughts and energy. We want to keep his spirits up!
Thanks so much, my three faithful followers.
Night all.
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I would like to see him, but that will not happen until I am well. I mowed the lawn this evening and the hub ran the weedeater. I think I once again snorted up half the pollen in our fair city. I'm surprised yellow powder doesn't come out when I sneeze. I am currently searching for a breathe right strip so I can breathe until I go to sleep. I'm sure the "buzz saw potential" is high for sleep tonight.
Keep those prayers coming for my uncle. If you don't pray, positive thoughts and energy. We want to keep his spirits up!
Thanks so much, my three faithful followers.
Night all.
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Thursday, April 28, 2016
Warriors unite
Tonight I come to you with an anxious heart and mind. My uncle D will enter the hospital tomorrow for a 3-4 week stay. Wednesday he received a diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia and they wanted him to go into the hospital today. Feeling the need to get his affairs in order, etc, he opted to wait until tomorrow. So he will go in and start receiving chemotherapy treatment. He is a fighter and a good man and I pray for his doctors to have the wisdom needed to get him through this. I covet your prayers not only for him, but for my aunt and cousins and their families. This is very hard on them to not be with him and not be able to make things better quickly. Also, pray for his sisters. They are caregivers at heart and will want to help and care for everyone and will worry about their baby brother also.
These are times where we find what makes us stronger and show what we are made of...we're going to get him through this with love and prayers.
Night all.
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These are times where we find what makes us stronger and show what we are made of...we're going to get him through this with love and prayers.
Night all.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Fun evening
The children's music program at church has come and gone this evening. I believe it was a roaring success. My child was funny as a beach surfer dude and got lots of laughs...which he loved! The kids all worked so hard, from the tiniest on up. I loved every second of it.
I'm asking for serious prayer for my relative. They are finding things out about their health and major prayer is needed. As I know more, I will share as they feel comfortable. Please pray.
Night all.
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I'm asking for serious prayer for my relative. They are finding things out about their health and major prayer is needed. As I know more, I will share as they feel comfortable. Please pray.
Night all.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2016
I have a problem
I am late to the game on a show, but I am addicted now. An intervention may be needed. The show "Fixer Upper" is my new obsession. I want to be friends with Chip and Jo and be on their Magnolia crew. They are so entertaining and I love their style. I don't know how I missed out on the show before now, but Netflix has allowed me to catch up as I fold laundry or cook. So good, So good.
This evening, I am thinking of doing a rain dance. I really need this pollen to go away. I fear that the boy's ear is on the path to reinfect any minute and our whole house sounds like a place from which people should flee. Let's just have a little rain and spray down all this crap and move on with a healthy Spring.
The music program is tomorrow and I cannot wait. It is going to be so fun! Come join us at 6:30 and feel the Spirit move through our children.
Night all.
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This evening, I am thinking of doing a rain dance. I really need this pollen to go away. I fear that the boy's ear is on the path to reinfect any minute and our whole house sounds like a place from which people should flee. Let's just have a little rain and spray down all this crap and move on with a healthy Spring.
The music program is tomorrow and I cannot wait. It is going to be so fun! Come join us at 6:30 and feel the Spirit move through our children.
Night all.
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Monday, April 25, 2016
Funny boy
The time is almost here for the Off Broadway Kids' Spring musical and, let me tell you, I am ready. If you are available, come see them perform on Wednesday at 6:30. My son is a surfer dude and he is hysterical. I may be a little biased. It is a very cute show for sure.
I guess I need to get the kids to bed soon. Tomorrow starts the most hated time of the year for parents, teachers and students alike. State testing. The boy is the exception in that he likes testing days...he enjoys the relaxed time after testing is over for the day. Whatever gets him through. For G, this is a frustrating time of the year. I have really tried to stay off my soapbox about this stuff, because I felt like I wore everyone out with my rants. I still truly believe that these tests have been designed without a single thought for children with learning differences. And, again, learning difference does not mean unintelligent. Quite the contrary. These tests are not an accurate assessment of my child's abilities, yet her worth in our school system is judged on how she scores. Criminal. Honestly, I really can't imagine that her job interviewer when she graduates college is going to pass her over because of her TN Ready scores in middle school. But yet the teachers are beaten down to get the highest scores and the kids are scared to death with what might happen if scores are high enough. I will send them to school and have them take the tests. But I know that life will go on if a child does not take the tests. Our oldest had mono and was in the hospital for a week and missed both test days and make up days. Guess what? The world did not end. She was an honor student and has done fine.
Stepping off soapbox.
Night all.
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I guess I need to get the kids to bed soon. Tomorrow starts the most hated time of the year for parents, teachers and students alike. State testing. The boy is the exception in that he likes testing days...he enjoys the relaxed time after testing is over for the day. Whatever gets him through. For G, this is a frustrating time of the year. I have really tried to stay off my soapbox about this stuff, because I felt like I wore everyone out with my rants. I still truly believe that these tests have been designed without a single thought for children with learning differences. And, again, learning difference does not mean unintelligent. Quite the contrary. These tests are not an accurate assessment of my child's abilities, yet her worth in our school system is judged on how she scores. Criminal. Honestly, I really can't imagine that her job interviewer when she graduates college is going to pass her over because of her TN Ready scores in middle school. But yet the teachers are beaten down to get the highest scores and the kids are scared to death with what might happen if scores are high enough. I will send them to school and have them take the tests. But I know that life will go on if a child does not take the tests. Our oldest had mono and was in the hospital for a week and missed both test days and make up days. Guess what? The world did not end. She was an honor student and has done fine.
Stepping off soapbox.
Night all.
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Sunday, April 24, 2016
Prayers for a baby
It was not quite the run of the mill Sunday at work today. There is always something crazy and funny and stressful going on, but that's what makes it exciting. Sometime the excitement is not what we necessarily want. A woman's water broke during service today. That in itself is exciting and stressful, but it comes with the caveat that she was 6 months along. I know children can be born very early and live fine lives, but it sure is scary. I ask you to please pray for this family and their sweet baby who was just super anxious to be in this world and see what's going on. Just so very concerning and scary.
Night all. Get a good sleep and get ready for Monday.
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Night all. Get a good sleep and get ready for Monday.
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Saturday, April 23, 2016
Super short post
I feel like hot death. The wormy trees are shouting victory as I blow my nose so hard I'm afraid I'm going to need a blood transfusion. All I want is a hot bath and some cold ice cream for my throat. That is all.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Friday, April 22, 2016
Well, they won....
I went to bed allergy aware last night and I woke up fully involved this morning. The wormy trees have won this round. I hope to fight the good fight and get this crud out of my head soon, but we'll see. I'm about ready to neti pot the tar out of my sinuses again. Let's hope I clear lots of goo out. TMI...sorry.
I will say a brief word about yesterday's passing of Prince. Even though he was not my number one favorite singer, one cannot deny the influence and power he had on so many artists who came after him. A virtuoso in so many ways, his stylings will surely stand through the ages and continue to touch many for years to come. The doves were crying yesterday and I was as well. Rest in peace, Prince.
Now I'm going to go listen to "Raspberry Beret" and take some Mucinex.
Night all.
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I will say a brief word about yesterday's passing of Prince. Even though he was not my number one favorite singer, one cannot deny the influence and power he had on so many artists who came after him. A virtuoso in so many ways, his stylings will surely stand through the ages and continue to touch many for years to come. The doves were crying yesterday and I was as well. Rest in peace, Prince.
Now I'm going to go listen to "Raspberry Beret" and take some Mucinex.
Night all.
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Thursday, April 21, 2016
Attack of the wormy trees
In this corner of the world where we live, it is like the allergy epicenter. Any store or school or parking lot sounds like a flipping TB ward and my house is no exception. With two already on antibiotics for allergies gone rogue, we are a scary sounding house. I have never wanted to wear a mask on my face to work in the yard(my first experience of being in labor required me to have an oxygen mask on and I felt like it was choking me rather than helping the stressed out baby in the birth of my many weird issues). So like an idiot, I didn't wear one mowing on Monday and, when I was trying to be sneaky and blow the driveway off while spying on the Comcast guy who had disrupted online research for Sunday School. I used our blower and tried to battle the droppings from what I have termed the "wormy tree". If anyone knows what it actually is, I would love to know. This is my very pathetic depiction of what the droppings look like on our driveway:

I blew those things off the driveway and patio and I think I snorted 3/4 of the little peppery seeds up my nose. I feel the sinus crud approaching quickly, so I will soon join the mucousy hackers unless Mucinex and the neti pot and I can wage a successful war first.
We shall see, friends. We shall see.
Night all.
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I blew those things off the driveway and patio and I think I snorted 3/4 of the little peppery seeds up my nose. I feel the sinus crud approaching quickly, so I will soon join the mucousy hackers unless Mucinex and the neti pot and I can wage a successful war first.
We shall see, friends. We shall see.
Night all.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2016
I need to chill
I didn't get to watch one of my favorite shows(The Blacklist)last week and decided this morning was the time to catch up. My father had been telling me that it was intense and I needed to watch it ASAP. So whilst folding socks, I reduced myself to a pool of blubbering goo as I watched grown men and a pregnant woman and then an emergency birth and people trying to kidnap the mama and then men crying and a cute baby...all scored perfectly to the best tunes the situation would demand. I didn't just cry. I wept hard, like I had lost my puppy or something. Good grief. I need to get a grip, but I'm afraid I can't, because tomorrow's episode is supposed to be worse. Maybe I shouldn't watch it, but Iknow better than that. Red and a grieving Tom with baby Agnes will be too enthralling to skip.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Long day, not much to say
I have a lot on my mind, but won't throw it all out there. It will be too boring for all the readers. My heart and mind are heavy and tired. Lots of big decisions coming up and lots of things to consider. I feel very overwhelmed as many people do towards the end of the school year. Please pray for me as I learn to compartmentalize all that is rolling around up there in my brain. It is quite a burden right now.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Monday, April 18, 2016
Fire in the parking lot
The boy had scouts tonight. As part of achieving their rank, they have to do some different camping things and learn to cook things over a fire. Luckily, he has a dad who is a master at such things, so he has already gotten to do this several times. His den cooked out over a fire pit in the back parking lot of the church this evening. At 6:30pm, it was 83 degrees. Fire pit, boys with sharp sticks roasting everything from pigs in blankets to chunks of fruit, lettuce and other salad makings. It was rather nerve destroying and HOT. My son became a master of the full meal kebab in a blanket. This is composed of the following: cucumber, lettuce, tomato, little smoky sausage, honeydew melon, pineapple and marshmallow all encased in a refrigerator biscuit. Then it is slowly roasted over the fire. Yep, it's hard to believe he's still single ladies. Boy can cook.
Time to go wash the campfire smell out of my hair. Night all.
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Time to go wash the campfire smell out of my hair. Night all.
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Sunday, April 17, 2016
Big day for sure!
I don't have much energy left today, so this will be short and sweet. G was confirmed today with her sister and brother confirmands at church. It was a lovely er ice and it truly took my breath away to see how all these kids had grown up into great young men and women. I am so proud of them and the choices they have made:

I never could get squarely in front of them, but what a fine looking group they are!
Please say a prayer for my uncle D. He is currently in the hospital after having a rough and unusual morning that resulted in hospitalization until they figure out his mysterious health problem. He's my mom's baby brother and such a wonderful man. Just praying for the best of results.
G's soccer game turned out fine although she and the other team's keeper collided, causing her to land and slam her head. She's okay, but I do think I wet myself a bit waiting to find that fact out.
I am a blessed and tired woman who is now going to bed.
Night all.
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I never could get squarely in front of them, but what a fine looking group they are!
Please say a prayer for my uncle D. He is currently in the hospital after having a rough and unusual morning that resulted in hospitalization until they figure out his mysterious health problem. He's my mom's baby brother and such a wonderful man. Just praying for the best of results.
G's soccer game turned out fine although she and the other team's keeper collided, causing her to land and slam her head. She's okay, but I do think I wet myself a bit waiting to find that fact out.
I am a blessed and tired woman who is now going to bed.
Night all.
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Saturday, April 16, 2016
What a day...
The day started off innocently enough. The girls and Nana and I went to the mall for a quick trip to try and find some Spring clothes. The girls are sprouting faster than the clothes can keep up with, so we had to go searching. We had a modicum of success and returned to eat lunch and go our separate ways for soccer games. The poor boy played back to back games and was spent by the end of the afternoon. We all caravaned back towards home with Sarah and me in the front car. We were stopped in traffic waiting for the string of cars to go when BAM we were knocked silly. We were in the front of a three car crunch. Two trucks rear ended us to make for a loud crash, a huge crunch and a big mess. While my car looked the least outwardly damaged, there is more to the back door and underneath then is visible I'm afraid. S was naturally freaked out and scared. I was also. I've never had an accident with one of the kids in the car. It was scarier than I thought it would be. I am sore, but thank God for seatbelts.
Tomorrow is a big day for G, so I am hitting the hay and going to bed. I'm exhausted.
Night all.
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Tomorrow is a big day for G, so I am hitting the hay and going to bed. I'm exhausted.
Night all.
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Friday, April 15, 2016
Calm before the whirlwind
It has been a long day of cleaning and cooking and walkathons with my boy. I am so very glad that I have the ability to go to school and participate in the different little activities they have there. It was a beautiful day to walk and the perfect temperature. My parents arrived safely and we have had a nice few hours with them before bedtime. Tomorrow brings with it a quick shopping trip and three soccer games. It will be crazy and exhausting followed by an equally crazy and exhausting Sunday. But all is well and good and we are so very fortunate.
Night all.

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Night all.

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Thursday, April 14, 2016
Busy weekend ahead
I am taking a small break from cleaning and vacuuming to watch the tribal council portion of last night's Survivor. We are about to enter a busy weekend and I need to get on the cleaning. We have lots of soccer this weekend, but more importantly, we have G's confirmation on Sunday. She and her friends in the class will be confirmed at a big combined service. They have worked hard this semester to study and learn and grow and prepare for this day. I can remember my time of study when I was her age. It was a deep and exciting time and I am so proud of G and all of her friends who have worked hard to get to this point. My parents are coming for the first time since Thanksgiving. We are so excited, but we also hope that Mom will not overdo it and hurt her neck. SHe's a trooper and still more active than I am, even injured, so I don't know why I'm worried. Anyhoo, I want a good clean house for their arrival, so here I scrub.
I'm about to conk out. Gonna scrub the tub and then go to bed.
Night all.
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I'm about to conk out. Gonna scrub the tub and then go to bed.
Night all.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Is snortiness contagious?
You don't have to answer that question. I think snortiness can be contagious. The boy currently is on day 1.5 of antibiotics for a sinus and ear infection. Bless his heart. Last weekend's soccer in the cold and blustery wind did not suit him well. I think the blooming beauty all around did not help either, because I know it is not helping me. The snorts and the sneezes and the sore teeth and cheeks and ears are painful. Tonight's menu includes mommy crawling into a big cup of Mucinex night time and praying for sleep.
On a completely different note, my friend and I have a dilemma. How do you keep shoes tied? My friend A and I are trying to decide how to get our children to keep their shoes tied, especially when we know they can tie them. She sent me a picture from earlier:

I love it. They are a funny duo for sure! But seriously, if anyone has a sure fire trick for keeping these pesky laces tied, we are all ears!
It's Mucinex time! Night all.
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On a completely different note, my friend and I have a dilemma. How do you keep shoes tied? My friend A and I are trying to decide how to get our children to keep their shoes tied, especially when we know they can tie them. She sent me a picture from earlier:

I love it. They are a funny duo for sure! But seriously, if anyone has a sure fire trick for keeping these pesky laces tied, we are all ears!
It's Mucinex time! Night all.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Compound time
Every so often, the kids come home with heartaches and woes that make us as parents want to leave the city, build a compound and live off the land. Today was one of those days. With one sick and one who missed an opportunity by two points and then got humiliated in front of the class by a boy with cruel comments, I am ready for the summer to come and school to end for the year. They need to be away from each other. Life happens and these bumps in the road will only serve to enrich their overall story in the long run. I understand, but it sucks to have to parent to that. Hopefully this lesson, in a long line of other lessons, will be the fire in the belly that motivates for the better. I will say that with one of my children, I admire the heck out her(I admire all of them don't get me wrong)and the fact that she steps into a classroom, works as hard a she does, accomplishes as much as she does with the differences in learning that she has. She has not one teacher who understands how she learns or attempts to gain understanding and yet she walks in there every day with her head held high and works with materials and surroundings that are not even close to a fair equivalent. She is wicked smart and is destroyed when opportunities are snatched from her grasp and the end result is that peers deem her not smart enough. Fires me up. I'm going to go punch the punching bag for a while.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Monday, April 11, 2016
Special Soccer Surprise
It's a Monday. It turned into a gray and then misty/rainy Monday evening. Not so fun. S was not feeling the best and not really wanting to go to soccer practice. The hub called and said that even with the rain practice was still on for this evening. Bad attitudes were on both of us. I didn't want her to be out in the rain and get sick just in time to take her AP exam or all the other countless school obligations she has coming up...BUT we went. The coach had told the hub they were going to have some speakers come. Okay. We got to the fields and sat in the car for a bit. Then several cars with out of state plates parked in front of us. Out of these cars came beautiful, toned, similarly dressed ladies. They brought with them cones and pennies and collapsible goals. I kept thinking a couple of them looked familiar. Next thing we know, S and her coach's two team are practicing with the Lady Vol's soccer team. Pretty cool. S's group got to work with Hannah Wilkinson, Olympian and World Cup player from New Zealand. All of that made a dreary Monday evening practice worth it after all. Thank goodness for surprises.
Night all.

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Night all.

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Sunday, April 10, 2016
Oh to be like him...
I know people are going to get tired of me talking about our weekend experience with Roy Buchanan, but I have to say that I respectfully do not care too much. I've gotten to meet a lot of people in the mission field and those who devote their lives to the purpose of helping others and I consider that a great privilege. Ray Buchanan is truly one of the kindest, most humble men I have ever met. He is someone who takes his charge to feed the hungry and end world hunger in his lifetime is real and I believe he can do it. From my husband on down to the boy, we have all decided that we would like him to be our next door neighbor. The first Stop Hunger event inspired us so that we all wanted to quit our jobs and go share the story and inspire and teach others about feeding the hungry. The fact that there is such a chain of positive events that are set off when children know they can rely on a meal and some quiet in their bellies is inspiring and heartbreaking all at once. I just can't get it out of my mind. Haunting and uplifting all at once. If you ever have a chance to hear his story, any of them, please treat yourself.
Night all.
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Night all.
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Saturday, April 9, 2016
What a wonderful day
Today has been quite a full, but exciting day and my feet are feeling it. This morning, our church packed 40,000+ meals to be sent to around the world to feed starving children. Ray Buchanan, the founder of Stop Hunger Now, spoke to us this morning before each session and inspired us to work to stop hunger in our lifetime. He said that in our world right now, there is enough food to feed each person on the planet approximately 4lbs of food each day. Instead, 20,000 of our brothers and sisters die each day. While not all of it is from poverty, it is from preventable situations. We were all convicted to work and continue the ministry of Stop hunger Now and Society for St. Andrew(another one of his organizations he created with friends). So we packed and hit the gong and sang and dance and dumped rice and soy and dried veggies and packets and took a swing at knocking out hunger.
Later, I went to the closing service to wrap up the lock-in weekend for the confirmands at our church. The boy and the hub travelled to Cookeville for a soccer tourney and then were en route back. While G and her friends will be confirmed next Sunday, they spent the weekend together learning and joking and serving and worshipping. It ended with some words from their confirmation mentors and seventh grade peers and then a foot watching ceremony. Now, I will be quite honest. I have been involved in a foot washing ceremony and it has always made me uncomfortable...but then I think it is supposed to in a way. The disciples sure felt uncomfortable when Jesus wanted to wash their feet. But to watch these young ladies and men go up and have their mentors wash their feet and care for them and let them know they are loved, well, I was searching for my purse size pack of Kleenex. I am grateful for the time spent with not only my child, but all the children. I am excited for next weekend and for the journey she and her friends start in finding out what God has planned for their lives.
My heart is full and my legs are tired.
Night all.
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Later, I went to the closing service to wrap up the lock-in weekend for the confirmands at our church. The boy and the hub travelled to Cookeville for a soccer tourney and then were en route back. While G and her friends will be confirmed next Sunday, they spent the weekend together learning and joking and serving and worshipping. It ended with some words from their confirmation mentors and seventh grade peers and then a foot watching ceremony. Now, I will be quite honest. I have been involved in a foot washing ceremony and it has always made me uncomfortable...but then I think it is supposed to in a way. The disciples sure felt uncomfortable when Jesus wanted to wash their feet. But to watch these young ladies and men go up and have their mentors wash their feet and care for them and let them know they are loved, well, I was searching for my purse size pack of Kleenex. I am grateful for the time spent with not only my child, but all the children. I am excited for next weekend and for the journey she and her friends start in finding out what God has planned for their lives.
My heart is full and my legs are tired.
Night all.
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Friday, April 8, 2016
Kicking off missions
Tonight we kicked off our Mission's Weekend with a tasty meal and some wonderful speakers. A friend and I came in this morning to help make lasagna and butter the garlic bread to get things prepared early. It was kind of funny, because neither of us eat cheese and we were covered in the cheese goo and shredded mozzarella. We powered through.
I was really exited tonight to get to meet Ray Buchanan, the founder of Stop Hunger Now. Tomorrow will be out third year doing a SHN packing event and it is quite an honor to have him with us for the event. His vision to end world hunger is one I admire and agree is possible. To have the hunger issue be something my grandchildren only know about by reading it in a history book would be a fantastic thing. Tomorrow, our church will help take a swipe at poverty and bag 40,000 meals. I can't wait.
I'll recap the event tomorrow. Going to try and fight insomnia tonight.
Night all.
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I was really exited tonight to get to meet Ray Buchanan, the founder of Stop Hunger Now. Tomorrow will be out third year doing a SHN packing event and it is quite an honor to have him with us for the event. His vision to end world hunger is one I admire and agree is possible. To have the hunger issue be something my grandchildren only know about by reading it in a history book would be a fantastic thing. Tomorrow, our church will help take a swipe at poverty and bag 40,000 meals. I can't wait.
I'll recap the event tomorrow. Going to try and fight insomnia tonight.
Night all.
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Thursday, April 7, 2016
Track meeting in the wind
Jeepers was it windy today! The wind chimes were going crazy outside and my lunch, dining in front of the television, was peppered with the sounds of twigs and branches hitting the roof and windows. A few sounded large enough that I thought about going outside, but I stayed inside...more because I didn't want to get hit by something bigger than what I heard. The boy and I went exploring after we got home from school and found a yard full of twigs. We'll be having a stick picking party before I can mow again. It's like a mine field out there. G had a track meet today in the windy world and it got weird. I felt so sorry for the runners out there who were running against the wind. Ha. If only Bob Seger had been there to sing for them. Even the discus throwers had an interesting time. If the wind blew their way, it was great. We left before any placements were announced, so I hope she finds something out tomorrow. Her longest throw today was 60'6". Not her longest, but a pretty good throw for a windy type of day.
Tomorrow I will be helping with the dinner that kicks off our Missions weekend at church. Saturday we will be packaging 40,000 meals with Stop Hunger Now. I am very excited about it. It is always a nerve wracking process leading up to it to see if we have enough funds and enough people to work each shift. My brother is a very patient man to be the contact man and organizer for it each year. I know he will be relieved to have it done. Ray Buchanan, the founder of SHN, will be speaking to our church and participating in our packaging event. G will also be participating in her confirmation lock in this weekend. Next Sunday, she will be confirmed. This is a big time in her life and the lives of her friends. I am so very excited for them.
I am going to snuggle up to my warm, non-windburned husband and watch The Blacklist. Night all.
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Tomorrow I will be helping with the dinner that kicks off our Missions weekend at church. Saturday we will be packaging 40,000 meals with Stop Hunger Now. I am very excited about it. It is always a nerve wracking process leading up to it to see if we have enough funds and enough people to work each shift. My brother is a very patient man to be the contact man and organizer for it each year. I know he will be relieved to have it done. Ray Buchanan, the founder of SHN, will be speaking to our church and participating in our packaging event. G will also be participating in her confirmation lock in this weekend. Next Sunday, she will be confirmed. This is a big time in her life and the lives of her friends. I am so very excited for them.
I am going to snuggle up to my warm, non-windburned husband and watch The Blacklist. Night all.
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Wednesday, April 6, 2016
I conquered a mountain today
I don't know why, but Wednesday seems to be my catch up on laundry day. Since the weekend and the start of the week were so very busy, I hadn't even looked at the washer since maybe Friday. With three children in soccer, one in track and two in wellness at school, they can burn through some duds. If I stacked things strategically, it probably would have reached the ceiling easily...twice. I completed every bit of it today, well, except for a pair of red tie-dyed soccer socks that must be washed by themselves. Mt. Laundry has been conquered. Until tomorrow.
No we have to put it all away. Ugh.
Night all.
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No we have to put it all away. Ugh.
Night all.
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Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Good grief, lady!
Work day today. I'm not sure what this says, but the heat was messed up in the room where we have staff meeting. Everybody was burning up and about to die. It felt wonderful to me. I'm usually an ice cube in there, so I was happy as a clam. When I left, I decided to go to a new branch of a restaurant that has opened close to us. They have tasty burgers and shakes and I was looking forward to my Tuesday lunch out after work. I pulled up the driveway and started towards the drive through when all of a sudden my car jerked and I heard an awful noise. I put the car in park and got out to see what had happened. A lady in a van had backed into me in her rush to get out of her parking spot. She got out of her van, gave me a dirty look and walked away. I went back to get my license and insurance and walked back out. "Are you okay? I am and I don't have time to sit in this parking lot and wait for someone. I have to get to work. My husband can buff the little mark out of. My bumper." I went to look at my car's damage. Lots of scrapes but not dents. "I'm okay. This is the damage to my car here." "Well if you are okay..." She got into her car and left. So that's that. I debated about whether or not to tell the hub and bother him with it. I wasn't trying to keep it from him, well, maybe I was. It is a 12-13 year old vehicle. The more I ran through the incident, the more I got angry for being made to feel like it was my fault. It was not. I told him and he wasn't angry. I knew he wouldn't be. I'm just a weirdo like that.
After that and a crazy day, I am going to watch a show and go to bed...before I get in another mess.
Night all.
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After that and a crazy day, I am going to watch a show and go to bed...before I get in another mess.
Night all.
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Monday, April 4, 2016
I need to chill out
The boy had his track meet today with elementary school. He is sack racing super kid. Unfortunately for him, he got a great lead and then fell. But he got back up, passed three or four other people and placed in the top six. I was sick for him, but so proud that he got back up and kept going. His gym teacher was pleased as well. He is so hard on himself that it may take a while for him to let it go, but hopefully he will soon. His buddy B placed fourth, so he was happy for him. Later on at scouts, they had to build a tool box from a kit. The kit was chintzy and cheaply made. My hat is off to Home Depot, because their kits are always well made with good quality wood. My poor boy, who has built about 50 of those kits, struggled to assemble this one. Shame on you, BSA, for you cheaply made and overpriced kits. By the end of the meeting and build, I needed a special additive to my caffeine free Diet Coke and something to take my temper down a notch. The boy was trying to build his, alongside boys who sat while their dads put their s together. Arrrgghhh. I just wanted something to go well for him this afternoon. He is so positive, though, even in his disappointment. I am truly a blessed mom. He is the tops.
I'm going to go give him a hug and kiss and thank him for the gift he is...and then take a chill pill.
Night all.
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I'm going to go give him a hug and kiss and thank him for the gift he is...and then take a chill pill.
Night all.
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Sunday, April 3, 2016
Mean mom on a Sunday
I win the mean mom award. I really win it every day, but I certainly did today. The poor kids were exhausted from yesterday's games and activity, so I imagine they were looking for some lazy time this afternoon after they got home from church. Instead, I made them clean their rooms and other areas to prepare for a busy next two weeks. That went over like a...fill in the blank. It looks much nicer and cleaner, I'll have to say. I hope one day they will appreciate this, but they certainly don't now. Can't blame them.
The hub did a lovely job of grilling this evening. I don't know where the children have gotten this love from, but they LOVE wings. Neither my husband or I can take wings. I love chicken, but I do not want to contend with a bunch of tendons and fat and stuff. Those kids will strip those bones clean. I don't get it. I have lots of friends who love them with a passion. I will gladly give my share away. Anyway, the hub grilled wings for them tonight and they were a hit. He grilled London Broil for us. It was a hit. We dined outside which was a hit. faer we cleaned up from dinner, we forgot a visit from a runaway dog, Sophie, who had escaped to our house before. We took a family trip a street over to return her to her owner. The owner had absolutely no idea she was gone. Sure glad we recognized her!
I'm going to get my teeth brushed and hunker down in bed. I am frozen. My condolences to those who watch The Walking Dead as I have heard that it is going to be a rough season finale. I don't watch it, so I will be watching a movie for about 30 seconds before I conk out.
Night all.
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The hub did a lovely job of grilling this evening. I don't know where the children have gotten this love from, but they LOVE wings. Neither my husband or I can take wings. I love chicken, but I do not want to contend with a bunch of tendons and fat and stuff. Those kids will strip those bones clean. I don't get it. I have lots of friends who love them with a passion. I will gladly give my share away. Anyway, the hub grilled wings for them tonight and they were a hit. He grilled London Broil for us. It was a hit. We dined outside which was a hit. faer we cleaned up from dinner, we forgot a visit from a runaway dog, Sophie, who had escaped to our house before. We took a family trip a street over to return her to her owner. The owner had absolutely no idea she was gone. Sure glad we recognized her!
I'm going to get my teeth brushed and hunker down in bed. I am frozen. My condolences to those who watch The Walking Dead as I have heard that it is going to be a rough season finale. I don't watch it, so I will be watching a movie for about 30 seconds before I conk out.
Night all.
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Saturday, April 2, 2016
Blown away
I am exhausted and ready for bed for sure. We were at the soccer fields from 8am until 6:15pm. Then we went to a post Easter egg hunt. The kids and the hub and I are toasted...just like the s'mores that we ate. We all have red faces, but not because of the sun...the blasted wind. Brutal. So we are the Chapped family.
We had a great day, but I have no words left.
Night all.
We had a great day, but I have no words left.
Night all.
Friday, April 1, 2016
Prison Drama
After the business of yesterday and the busy soccer day coming tomorrow, I was a bit on the lazy side today. I still got things washed and prepared and done, but I made a big mistake. Huge. I started watching the series "60 Days In". Has anyone seen this? One almost needs a Xanax drip to watch it. Seven people from varying backgrounds have been chosen and given training to pose an inmates in a correctional facility(jail) and give feedback to the new sheriff who is trying to expose corruption within the prison guard population and gain insight as to the drug epidemic among inmates. These people have been put in different blocks and are in for 60 days unless they are pulled due to safety reasons. It was so very uncomfortable, but I could not look away. I cannot wait for the next episode...if I can handle watching it.
But for now, I'm going to watch something funny.
Night all.
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But for now, I'm going to watch something funny.
Night all.
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